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Unless you finish your homework, you won't be

allowed to go out with your friends tonight.

I won't buy that car unless the price comes
down a bit.
She won't answer your calls unless you
apologize for your behavior.
am not
If I’m not busy, I’ll pick you up.
would join If I wasn’t/weren’t busy, I’d pick you up.

will be If you fall, you’ll break your leg.

If you fell, you’d break your leg
don’t give If we don’t leave now, we’ll be late.
If we didn’t leave now, we’d be late
should make If you get the job, we’ll have a party.
If you got the job, we’d have a party.
If the questions are easy, eo will pass the test.
would go
If the questions were easy, eowould pass
the test.
3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Use between two and five words. Do not change the word given.

0 She has to do this herself because she doesn’t

have a secretary.
HAVE 4 They won’t let you into the theatre without a ticket.
She wouldn’t have to do this herself if she had a UNLESS
secretary. They won’t let you into the theatre
1 I’ll let you borrow my laptop if you promise unless you have/you’ve got/ you’ve bought
.......................................................................... a ticket.
to be careful. 5 Bring your sun cream because we may decide
LONG to go for a swim.
as long as you promise to be
You can borrow my laptop...................................... CASE
careful. in case we decide to go for a
Bring your sun cream .............................
2 I can’t help you with your homework because I’m not very swim.
good at maths.
I could help you
If I were better at m aths,...................... provided that: only if
with your homework. unless: except if:
3 If we win the elections, we will build more
provided (that) we win the
We will build more schools........................................
could have become
6 I ....................................(could / become) an accountant
was/were/have been (be) good at maths.
if I ....................................
would have got
had tried (try) harder, she...........................(get)
7 If she.....................
that promotion last year.
had come
1 If I ...... ........(come) to Athens last year, wouldn’t have got (not get) the job if
8 H e .................................
I would have visited
.....................................(visit) you.
hehad missed
........................ (miss) his interview.
had known
2 If we............ ......(know) you already had tickets,
had met
9 If I .....................(meet) you before, my life
wouldn’t have got
we.....................................(not get) any for you. would be
........................(be) different now.
hadn’t destroyed (not destroy) my
3 If you .................................
hadn’t seen
10 If he ......................(not see) that car,
wouldn’t need
computer, I ...........................(not need) a new one now! would have been
there................................(be) an accident.
hadn’t left
4 If you ......................(not leave) the party so early on
might have met (might / meet) Joe.
Saturday, you .............................
hadn’t spent
5 If you .......................(not spend) all your money,
wouldn’t be
your father......................(not be) angry now.
I had had enough money, I would have taken a taxi a "turning" can
describe a point where
I had been interested in the film, I would have gone to the cinema a road, path, or route
changes direction.
we hadn’t taken the wrong turning, we wouldn’t have arrived late

wouldn’t have committed suicide if he hadn’t thought Juliet was dead

wouldn’t have been punished if he hadn’t lied

would have gone to the wedding if I had been invited.

I hadn’t been afraid of the dark, I would have gone downstairs.

you had trained hard enough, you would have won

he had apologised she would have forgiven him.

she had had a car, she wouldn’t have had to take a taxi.
When the year rolled over to 2000, there was a concern that computer systems might misinterpret "00" as
bug: coding 1900 rather than 2000. This could potentially lead to a wide range of problems, including incorrect
error or flaw in calculations, data corruption, and system failures.
a computer
program or

"Millennium been
Bug," also
known as the would
"Y2K Bug" or
the "Year 2000 would have
Bug," was a would
computer is
programming if would
issue that arose would
as the year 2000 unless
approached. It
was a problem
related to the
way dates were
stored and
hadn’t spent

wouldn’t watch

wouldn’t do
hadn’t spoken
weren’t building/hadn’t built
could come

could go
hadn’t told
hadn’t lost
would turn up

instead: In place

we recycled/would recycle more paper

we respected/would respect the environment

he would drive more carefully I had revised for it

he had let someone else drive I had worked harder
a row: can
mean a I hadn’t been so rude to her I’d got to the bus stop five minutes earlier
noisy or I hadn’t lost my temper I hadn’t forgotten to set the alarm
argument they played/would play fewer computer games they used/would use their bikes instead
or dispute. they watched/would watch less TV they used/would use their cars less often
I wish/If only he would turn the tap off

I wish/If only he would calm down

I wish/If only people would stop hunting animals for sport

I wish/If only the people next door would turn their TV down.

I wish/If only my friend would stop complaining (about everything all the time)

I wish/If only my team would win/had won

I wish/If only people would recycle more.

I wish/If only it rained/would rain more.

I had saved the goal

you would be more careful/

she would dance/ drive more carefully
she was/were dancing with me

I’d brought my swimming

she wasn’t/weren’t leaving trunks

I had studied/worked harder

she had marrried/was marrying me
chill out: to relax completely, or not allow things to upset you:
be keen on: to have a strong interest in or enthusiasm for somethi





A poll /pəʊl/is a method of collecting information or data from a group of people to gather their opinions, preferences, or
feedback on a particular topic or question.
literate: adjective UK /ˈlɪt.ər.ət/ US /ˈlɪt̬ .ɚ.ət/able to
read and write:
semi- literate: someone who has limited or partial
literacy skills.
Dana sub below zero
ex- former wife
de to sell a business or
industry so that it is no
longer owned by the state
micro a very small living
semi- one of two sports games whose winner thing/organism
then compete agaisnt each other to de (train) go off the tracks
decide who wins the whole competition mini short skirt
ex- former patner sub the layer of soil that is
under the surface leverl
sub not as good as the average, and not acceptable
micro a very small chip
multi- having or involving people from several countries
de discover the meaning of a
sub a part of a section message written in a code
mini a small bus semi half a circle
de without caffeine
de get or make sth warmer until it is not frozen
or until the ice melts
multi with lots of colours
de to remove rules and controls from sth




bug: To Install a Defect or Error /ˈstɪn.dʒi/unwilling to spend money(NOT GENEROUS):



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