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System Security
• Security of a computer system is a crucial task. It is a process of ensuring
confidentiality and integrity of the OS.
• A system is said to be secure if its resources are used and accessed as intended
under all the circumstances, but no system can guarantee absolute security from
several of the various malicious threats and unauthorized access.
• System Security is concerned with three main areas:
a. Confidentiality: Only authorized users can access the data resources and
b. Integrity: Only authorized users should be able to modify the data when
c. Availability: All the resources of the system must be accessible to all the
authorized users.
System Security
• There are many kinds of attacks available to the dedicated hacker. These are
among the most famous and frequent types of attacks.
a. Denial of service
b. Malware attack
c. Man in the middle
d. Phishing
e. Eavesdropping
f. Password attack
g. SQL injection
System Security
• How Do You Secure Your Computer?
a. Secure passwords: Create strong passwords so that no one will be able to
hack or guess your password.
b. Regular updates: Always keep your system and all its software updated.
Many updates contain additional defenses against cyber attacks.
c. Antivirus: Antivirus is a computer program used to prevent, detect, and
remove malware. Examples of antivirus include Norton, Quickheal, and
d. Firewall: A personal firewall is an application which controls network traffic
to and from a computer, permitting or denying communications based on a
security policy.
e. Anti-phishing tactics: When you get an email that looks suspicious then do
not click on the link in the mail or do not open the attached file(s).
System Security
f. Backup: This is done by saving a copy of your existing data on an external
hard-disk so that if your device is stolen or compromised, your backup data
would be a savior.
g. Protecting Wireless Network: Make sure that your wireless network is
secured. Use a strong password for better security.
h. Don’t disclose your personal information: Don’t hand it out to just anyone.
Your Social Security number, credit card numbers, and bank and utility
account numbers can be used to steal your money.
i. Change passwords regularly: Periodically change your passwords.
j. Give Personal Information over Encrypted Websites Only: If you’re
shopping or banking online, stick to sites that use encryption to protect your
information. To determine if a website is encrypted, look for https at the
beginning of the web address.

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