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What is Culture?

Done by- Zayar Bhone Myat Oo, Aye Chan Myat, Aye Chan Myint, Albert Aung
• Culture is a way of living. Culture has traditional thing
that we must follow and do.

What is • Different type of country has different culture.

• Every country has a different way off
culture? wearing traditional clothes.
• Cultures are passed down from generation to

• It includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion,

rituals, art.
Myanmar Traditions
• Traditional Food/drinks- Mohinga,
Lahpet thoke, Nan gyi thoke, Mote lat

• Leisure activities – going to parks and

picnics, eating with friends in restaurants,
ride boat in inle lakes

• Holidays/celebrations -Independence day,

Union day, National day,
Thingyan, Thadingyut, Tazaungdaing
Festival, Warso full moon day.
• Music- music which is produced by a traditional Burmese
orchestra includes sets of gongs, tuned drums and an oboe-like
instrument called a nhai. Byaw, they are often played at religious
festivals and sung to the beat of a long and thin drum.

• Tradition dress- The national costume of Myanmar is the longyi,
an ankle-length wraparound skirt worn by both males and
females. It's also featuring great diversity in terms of textiles,
waves, fibers, color and materials.

• Traditional outfits for men include a turban, a silk jacket

embroidered with fur, Longyi and a cotton shirt. But nowadays
they do not wear the turban anymore.

• Traditional outfits for women wear blouses called eingyi. There

are two prevalent styles of eingyi: yinzi buttoned at the front, or
yinbon , buttoned at the side.
Do you think any of these traditions have come
from other countries?
• Absolutely not because the cultures in our country can't be found in any
other countries and our country is not known very much in some countries
which are far apart from us. But our traditions cultures can usually be found
in Thai because Thai is our neighboring country and most of our traditional
food, clothes, festival, religion and other stuff can be found easily and
nearly the same with us. Almost every Pagodas are the same with us. We
don't have a clear information that Thai copy our cultures or we copy Thai
culture but as the information on internet Thai and Myanmar are similar.
Is your life different from the lives of people in
other countries? How?
• My live is different from other people from other countries. For
example: I have Asian parents so my life is already hard
We Burmese have different type of festival.
We have different traditional food
We have different type of uniform, different time zone
• Asian parents never say sorry even if they are wrong but if we are
wrong and tried to explain its consider as "talking back" but if we don't
try to explain they get angry and consider as we don't care them.

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