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Boy Jesus

In the
Luke 2:41-52
The Boyhood of Jesus
 The story of Jesus in the Temple at the age of 12 (Luke 2:41-52)is unique to Luke, suggesting that Luke had
his own source (L) which was not known to other Gospel writers and that he had a unique message that he
sought to convey to his audience.
 Each Gospel writer selected and included different events and teachings of Jesus that they deemed
significant for their respective audiences and the overall message they intended to convey.
 Jesus and his parents went up to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the Passover, but Luke emphasised the
family’s attendance of the feast when Jesus was 12.
 In Jewish customs, the age of 12 is considered significant as it marks the transition from childhood to
adulthood, particularly for boys.
 At this age, a boy becomes a "bar mitzvah," which means "son of the Law/ Commandment" .
 A bar mitzvah is recognized as a responsible member of the Jewish community who is now obligated to
observe the commandments of the Torah and participate fully in religious life.
 When a Jewish boy becomes a mitzvah, he is considered accountable for his actions and responsible for
fulfilling the religious commandments. He is expected to participate in public prayers, read from the Torah,
and observe religious rituals.
What does this passage reveal about the person and future work of Jesus
and his relationship with God?
 The story of the boy Jesus in the temple foreshadows Jesus' future mission and ministry with special emphasis
on his unique relationship with God as the Son and his commitment to fulfilling God's purposes.
 Revelations about the person and future work of Jesus and his relationship with God include:
 Jesus being "lost" and found after three days can be seen as foreshadowing his death and subsequent resurrection after 3
days which is also echoed in Jonah’s stay in the belly of a fish for 3 days.
 Jesus’ profound understanding of Scripture and religious matters demonstrates divine wisdom suggesting that Jesus is a
divine being. (Jesus was found sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking questions: and all who heard
him were amazed at his understanding and his answers v 46-47)
 Jesus recognise God as his Father and that he was sent to earth on a mission which involved being in the temple . This
suggest Jesus 'unique relationship with God as his Son (‘Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house”
 Jesus' obedience and submission to his earthly parents reflects his ultimate obedience to the divine plan and his role
as the obedient Son of God. ( And he went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them; v51)
 Jesus is revealed as having experienced a natural process of growth and maturation as a human being, while still
maintaining his divine nature, suggesting that Jesus was truly human and truly divine. (And Jesus increased in wisdom
and stature, and in favor with God and man v 52). This suggests that Jesus, though he was divine, like any other human
he had to conform to the natural principle of growth wherein he needed to be fully developed intellectually, physically,
and spiritually, in preparation for his future ministry. Jesus’s public Ministry commenced at age 30, 18 years after the
incident of being lost in the temple, suggesting that his public ministry required 18 years of growth.
Baptism and Temptation Of Jesus

Luke 4:1–15
Baptism of Jesus Matthew 3:13–17.
What does this passage reveal about God and the person and work of Jesus
 The baptism of Jesus is recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke; however, the focus is on the
passage from the Gospel of Matthew 3:13-17
 In the passage the following is revealed:
 God reveals and confirms Jesus as his Son affirming Jesus’s divine identity in the voice from heaven which
said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him, I am well pleased,”
 Jesus is anointed by the Holy Spirit so that he is fully equipped to face the temptations and be ready for the
public ministry he was about to undertake.
 This act of Jesus’ baptism demonstrates his obedience to God’s redemptive plan through him and his
willingness to identify with humanity in their need for repentance and forgiveness even though he himself
had no sin.
 Jesus’ baptism served as a public declaration and inauguration of his role as the Messiah and the chosen one
sent by God. It sets the stage for his subsequent teaching, miracles, and ultimately, his sacrificial death and
resurrection for the salvation of humanity
The Temptations of Jesus Luke 4:1-15: What do the temptations
reveal about Jesus ?

Devine Human

 Jesus’ ability to resist and overcome  Jesus’ experience of weakness and hunger after
temptations demonstrates his divine authority fasting for forty days and nights shows His genuine
and power over Satan human experience
 Jesus’s ability to use scripture in response to  The very act of Jesus being tempted indicates His
each temptation demonstrates his divine wisdom human nature. Humans are prone to temptations
and insight. and giving in to temptations

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