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Title Slide

• Smart Pricing Challenge

• Product Pricing Case Study: Alive Multivitamin
Gummies for Kids
• Presented by: [Student Name]
• Date: [Presentation Date]
• Objective: Develop effective pricing strategies
for Alive Multivitamin Gummies for Kids.
• Outline: We'll explore market research, pricing
strategies, simulate sales, and analyze results.
Pricing Strategies Overview
• Methods to determine the selling price:
• 1. Cost-Plus Pricing
• 2. Competitive Pricing
• 3. Value-Based Pricing
• 4. Dynamic Pricing
• 5. Penetration Pricing
• 6. Skimming Pricing
Cost-Plus Pricing
• Add a fixed margin to the cost of production.
• Visual: Chart showing cost vs. sale price for
Alive Multivitamin Gummies.
Competitive Pricing
• Set prices relative to competitors in the
children's vitamins market.
• Visual: Table comparing prices of similar
children's vitamin products.
Value-Based Pricing
• Price based on perceived benefits of the
vitamins by parents.
• Visual: Survey results on what parents value in
children's vitamins.
Dynamic Pricing
• Adjust prices based on market demand and
seasonal health trends.
• Visual: Timeline showing price adjustments
during flu season and off-season.
Penetration Pricing
• Set initial low prices to attract customers and
establish market presence.
• Visual: Sales graph showing initial pricing and
subsequent adjustments.
Skimming Pricing
• Start high during initial launch when demand
is high, then reduce prices.
• Visual: Pricing timeline showing high initial
price and gradual reductions.
Market Research
• Product: Alive Multivitamin Gummies for Kids
• Cost Analysis: Breakdown of ingredients,
manufacturing, and packaging
• Competitor Analysis: Price comparison of
children's multivitamin gummies
Consumer Survey Results
• Parents' willingness to pay for children’s
health supplements.
• Graph: Parental preferences and value
perception of ingredients and brand.
Sales Simulation
• Impact of different pricing strategies on Alive
Multivitamin Gummies sales.
• Chart: Sales performance across different
pricing scenarios.
Final Analysis
• Evaluation of the most effective pricing
strategy for the product.
• Insights: Best practices in pricing children's
health supplements.
Conclusion and Reflection
• Summary of findings and future implications
for product pricing.
• Thank You: Acknowledging support and
Questions and Feedback
• Invite questions or feedback from the

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