Mother of All Healing

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Objective of ayurveda

स्वास्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणम् ,आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं च​||

च​. सू. १

The purpose of Ayurved is

• To maintain the health of healthy person and
• Cure the ailment of diseased
• Maintain an equilibrium of the body, mind and soul
Basic principles of Ayurveda

• Tridosha- Vata, Pitta, Kapha

• Sapta Dhatu- Rasa, rakta, Mansa, Meda, Asthi,
Majja, Shukra
• Trimala – Mutra, Purish, Sweda

• Maintaining normalcy in these attributes is the

prime aim of treatment.
Global acceptance of Ayurveda

Today modern science has helped in identification of phytochemicals in

Ayurvedic herbs and proven its efficacy in management of various diseases.

Being natural in origin, herbs are considered to be safe and without side effects.
Thank You

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