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Introduction to

Statistics in IB Math
This presentation will provide an overview of key statistical concepts
relevant to the IB Math 11 curriculum. We will explore data analysis
techniques, probability distributions, and hypothesis testing, all crucial
for understanding data and drawing valid conclusions.
Types of Data: Categorical and Numerical
Categorical Data Numerical Data
ualities or attributes are described via categorical dat Measurements or quantities are represented by numeri
cal data.
t might be ordinal, meaning that categories have a n It can take on any value within a range or be continuous
ural order, or nominal, meaning that categories have , taking only whole numbers.
intrinsic order. A few examples are height, age, and the number of sibli
ir color, gender, and degree of contentment are a fe
Measures of Central Tendency: Mean,
Median, and Mode
1 Mean 2 Median
The mean is the average of a dataset, The median is the middle value in a
calculated by summing all values and sorted dataset. It is not affected by
dividing by the total number of outliers and represents the typical
values. It is sensitive to outliers. value.

3 Mode
The mode is the most frequent value in a dataset. It can be useful for identifying
common characteristics.
Measures of Spread: Range, Variance,
and Standard Deviation

Range Variance
The range is the difference between the Variance measures the average squared
highest and lowest values in a dataset. It deviation of data points from the mean. It
provides a basic idea of the data spread. indicates how spread out the data is from its

Standard Deviation
Standard deviation is the square root of variance. It provides a measure of the typical deviation of
data points from the mean.
Probability Distributions: Normal, Binomial,
and Poisson
1 Normal Distribution
The normal distribution is a bell-shaped curve used to model continuous data. Its properties include
symmetry, mean = median = mode, and 68-95-99.7 rule.

2 Binomial Distribution
The binomial distribution models the probability of a certain number of successes in a fixed number of
independent trials, each with two possible outcomes.

3 Poisson Distribution
The Poisson distribution models the probability of a certain number of events occurring in a fixed
interval of time or space, when events are independent and occur at a constant rate.
Hypothesis Testing: Concepts and Procedures

Formulate a Hypothesis
State the null and alternative hypotheses, which are competing claims about the population parameter.

Collect Data
Gather a sample from the population and collect relevant data to test the hypothesis.

Calculate Test Statistic

Calculate a test statistic that summarizes the sample data and compares it to the null hypothesis.

Determine P-Value
Calculate the p-value, which represents the probability of observing a test statistic as extreme as the one obtained,
assuming the null hypothesis is true.

Make a Decision
Correlation and Regression Analysis
Correlation Regression Analysis

Measures the strength and direction of linear relationship Finds an equation that best describes the linear
between two variables. relationship between two variables.

Uses correlation coefficient (r), ranging from -1 to 1. Uses regression line, represented by an equation of the
form y = mx + b.
Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Understanding Data Data Analysis Hypothesis Testing Regression Analysis

We explored the process of
Statistics empowers us to We learned various hypothesis testing, allowing Regression analysis
analyze and interpret data, techniques for summarizing us to draw conclusions provides a powerful tool
enabling informed and visualizing data, about populations based on for modeling and predicting
decision-making and a including measures of sample data. relationships between
deeper understanding of the central tendency, spread, variables, further enhancing
world around us. and probability our ability to understand
distributions. data.

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