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What is Leadership?
✶The ability to influence, motivate, and
enable others to contribute to the
effectiveness and success of the
organizations of which they are members.
• Robert House (2004)

✶The ability to influence a group toward the

achievement of a vision or set of goals.
• Robbins & Judge (2008)

Management V/s Leadership

Purpose of leadership

✶Vision and Direction

✶Motivation and Inspiration
✶Decision Making
✶Change Management
✶Resource Allocation
✶Team Building:
✶Problem Solving
Leadership roles in Business

✶Worker’s Representatives

Qualities of good leader

✶ Visionary
✶ Integrity
✶ Effective Communication
✶ Empathy
✶ Decisiveness
✶ Accountability
✶ Adaptability
✶ Inspiration
Theories of Leadership

Great Man Theory
The key ideas are:
• The ability to lead is inherent and cannot be taught.
• Leaders are just born with the right traits and abilities for
leading: charisma, intellect, confidence, communication
skills and social skills.
• Leaders are viewed as heroic, intelligent and destined to
rise to leadership when the situation arises.
• The term ‘great man’ was originally used because
leadership was reserved for males, particularly interms of
military leadership. In recent years, the term ‘great person’
has become more appropriate. 8
Trait Theories Today

This is similar to the great person theory. It believes

that people are either born with the personality
characteristics (or traits) required for leadership, or
they are not.
Some of the most common leadership traits
identified by researchers are:
✶determination and energy
✶good judgement and decision-making skills
Behavioural theory

✶ It assumes that capable leaders can learn

the skills needed rather than having inherent
✶ This theory looks at what leaders actually
do by studying their behaviour in response to
different situations.
✶ The best leaders are those who can change their
behaviour by choosing the most suitable style for
each situation.
Behavioural theory

Behavioural theory suggests that a leader uses

three sets of skills to lead their followers:
✶technical skills (knowledge of the business
process or technique)
✶human skills (ability to interact with people)
✶conceptual skills (ability to create new ideas
to solve problems).

Contingency theory

This theory suggests that the most successful leaders

adapt their leadership style to different situations. Just
because one leadership style has worked well before, does
not mean that it will be effective in a different situation.
Changing situations that can create a need for a different
approach to leadership include
✶Levels of experience and maturity of the subordinates
✶The relationship between leader and followers
✶Amount of time needed to complete the task
✶The level of power of the leader’s position
Power and influence theories

The best-known research on power as an

influence on subordinates and leadership style
was conducted by social psychologists John R.
P. French and Bertram Raven. Their theory
suggests that there are two sources of personal
✶Expert knowledge of the leader
✶Charm of the leader
Power and influence theories

Another approach to power and influence is called

transactional leadership. This assumes that
employees will only undertake tasks in exchange
for reward
This style is about developing tasks and creating
reward systems for those who complete the tasks
satisfactorily. On the other
hand, if they do not achieve their targets and are
underperforming, they get punished as a result.
Transformational leadership

Transformational leadership is most

effective during periods of significant change
for the business.
Transformational leaders attempt to change
or transform the culture of the organisation to
achieve improved performance.

Emotional Intelligence - Daniel
✶ Ability to detect, express, and manage emotion in oneself
and others.
Self Other
(Personal (Social
Competence) Competence)
Recognitio Self Awareness Social Awareness
n (Empathy)
of emotions
of Self-Management Relationship Management

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