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Attendance Tracking
with Face Recognition
In an era marked by technological advancements, traditional methods of attendance
tracking are being reimagined to align with the demands of efficiency, accuracy, and
security. Today, we present to you "Zenith-Facet," a cutting-edge Face Recognition
Attendance System that seeks to redefine the way we manage attendance.

by porvik .
The Zenith-Facet Workflow
Image Input (Train) Encode Face
Encode Face Match With Train Encode Data

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Store Encoded Data with respect Give the Label with respect to
to Labels encode of test to the train data
Image input from Webcam (Test)
Step 1: Finding all the
1 Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG)
The Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) is used to detect
faces in the input image.
Step 2: Posing and Projecting Faces
Trained Image Test Image

The system uses trained images to accurately detect and The test images from the webcam are then processed and
project the faces. matched against the trained data.
Step 3: Encoding Faces
Encoding Faces
The system encodes the detected faces to create a unique
representation for each individual.
Step 3: Encoding Faces
Encoding Faces
The system encodes the detected faces to create a unique
representation for each individual.
Completing the Process
Step 4: Storing The Encoded Data Step 6: Matching Encoded Data's
with Labels
The encoded data from the webcam is
The encoded face data is stored along with matched against the stored encoded data to
the corresponding labels or names. identify the individual.

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Step 5: Again Encoding for the Step 7: Display the Name(label)

images of Webcam one Webcam Image
The images from the webcam are then The identified name or label is then
encoded to match against the stored data. displayed on the webcam image.
Location-Based Face
1 Location Verification
Ensure user is within the predefined geofenced area.

2 Face Recognition
Capture and recognize the face within the allowed location.

3 Attendance Update
Combine location data and face recognition results to mark
Location-Based Face Recognition: How It
1 Location Verification
Use GPS for outdoor environments. Use Wi-Fi triangulation, Bluetooth beacons, or indoor positioning systems for
indoor environments. Ensure the system checks if the user is within the geofenced area before proceeding.
Location-Based Face Recognition:
Putting It All Together

Location Verification
Ensure user is within the predefined geofenced area.

Face Recognition
Capture and recognize the face within the allowed location.

Attendance Update
Combine location data and face recognition results to mark attendance.

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