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The Local Government System in

Done By –
HarisWaran (22C048)
Alwin Yabesh (22C144)
Devanth (22C147)
HariHaran (22C151)
• India is a federal republic with three types of government:
⚬central (union)
⚬ state
• The 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments give recognition and
protection to local government and in addition each state has its own
local government legislation.
• The Ministries for Urban Development, Housing and Urban Poverty
Alleviation, Panchayat Raj and Rural Development all have oversight
responsibility for local government at the national level and each state
has its own enabling legislation.
In 1989 the government of India took steps to enhance the role of rural
local governments through direct funding. The aim was to create units
responsible for economic development at the local level, and to create jobs
• Each state has its own local government legislation, known as the
state municipal/municipal corporate act for urban local government
and the panchayati raj legislation for rural local government and
there are a total 258,888 local government bodies across the country.
• Local government is a state function.
• Powers, authority and responsibility for local bodies are devolved by
the state under Articles 243(G) and 243(W) of t constitutionhe.
Ministerial duties :
• Policy Development:
Ministers are responsible for developing and implementing policies in
their respective areas, which can include areas like education, health, finance,
• Budget Management:
Ministers oversee the allocation and management of budgets within
their departments. They ensure that funds are used effectively and efficiently to
achieve departmental goals and deliver services to the public
• Interdepartmental Coordination:
Ministers collaborate with other government departments and agencies
to address cross-cutting issues and ensure a coordinated approach to
governance. This involves regular communication, coordination of efforts, and
alignment of policies.
urban administration :
• An urban administration is much different from rural administration.
• The reason being, a city is much bigger in terms of size and therefore, every
administrative operation differs from that of the rural city.
• From the electricity, water, lamp posts and every other setting, there are different
forms of administration and governing bodies.
• Political Science Chapter 7 provides an elaborate discussion on the chain of
departments and workers associated with urban administration in India
local elections :
• Voting system :
⚬All councillors are directly elected by the first-past-the-post
system. In accordance with the 74th Constitutional Amendment
Act, one-third of all seats are reserved for women, which is being
extended to 50% in some states. There are further reserved places
for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, determined by their
proportional representation within the local population.
• The places reserved for scheduled castes and tribes must also adhere
to the one-third allocation to women. Mayors are elected directly or
indirectly, depending on the state.
• Councillors are elected for a five-year term of office, mayors for
either one or five years. The position of mayor/chairperson is also
assigned through reservation to scheduled tribes and castes, women
and minorities on a rotating basis.
Education :
• Funding:
Local governments may allocate funds for public schools within their jurisdiction. This
funding can come from various sources including property taxes, state aid, and local budgets.
• Overseeing Public Schools:
Local governments oversee the operation of public schools within their boundaries. This
involves ensuring schools comply with regulations, maintaining facilities, and hiring staff.
• Establishing School Districts:
Local governments may establish school districts, which are administrative units
responsible for managing groups of schools within a defined geographic area. These districts
often have their own governing bodies and administrative staff.
• Providing Educational Programs and Services:
Local governments may provide additional educational programs and services to
supplement those offered by schools. This could include after-school programs, tutoring services,
and extracurricular activities

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