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Electronic Examination Of GNSS Rtk

Survey Record.

• Despite the introduction of computer systems and databases
• The Zimbabwean cadastral system is based on convectional paper
• Designing an electronic examining system for the GNSS RTK Survey

• Create a cluster of GNSS RTK survey record format

• Develop an uploading platform for the survey record
• Provide a communication platform to help and assist Land
Surveyors track their uploaded records (status).
• Develop an automated coordinate comparison
• Develop a client server based system for the examination of GNSS
RTK survey records
Problem Statement
• The current situation concerning the lodgment and examination of
GNSS RTK survey records is not pellucid.
• The lack of a standard presentation of a GNSS RTK survey record has
seen many surveyors lodging different formats of the survey record.
• This poses a problem for the DSG department on how to examine the
various presentations.
• Lack of a computerized environment designed to reduce the manual
activities of marking the records.
• Slow communication of the current activities of the examination
Three tier architecture
The admin users the same login portal as
the user to login.
The admin has a full view of the of all sent data and the email
address that sent.
• This system serves as solution to existing challenges faced by both
workers at DSG and surveyors at large.
• The system minimizes travelling expenses and time spent during
the examination period.
• Adoption of the convectional format for RTK survey record
minimizes inconsistences.
• Future adoption of AI in the department of surveyor general
• Allow for full automation of the system instead of semi automated

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