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The first
programming language
1883: Analytical Engine invented by Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace
The Analytical Engine is considered to be the first programming language created by Ada
Lovelace with Charles Babbage to compute Bernoulli's numbers.
was to be a general-purpose, fully program-controlled, automatic mechanical digital
computer. It would be able to perform any calculation set before it. Which was a design
for a simpler mechanical calculator.
Charles Babbage
:an english mathematician and inventor is
known as the "father of the computer"
because he was the first to invent the
Analytical Engine, which led to the
invention of the modern-day computer.
Ada Lovelace
:an English mathematician and writer, is
often referred to as “the first
programmer” because she helped
revolutionize the trajectory of the
computer industry.
Short History;
#Charles Babbage started work on his Analytical Engine in the mid-1830s, with the idea
of creating a new calculating machine that could “eat its own tail”, by which he meant that
it could modify its calculation while it was running.
#According to Babbage’s own account, it was while looking over a table of logarithms he
knew “to be full of mistakes” that the idea of a machine to “recalculate numerical tables
without error” came to him.Infatuated with the idea, he drew up plans for what would
become known as his “Difference Engine No. 1,” the function of which would be to
tabulate polynomials easily and error-free.
It four Components :
*a control unit (punched card control),
memory (the store),
*a processor (the mill),
*an input device (card reader), and
*an output device (a printer).

# the Analytical Engine is a room-sized

machine with 7 meters of length and 3
meters of height just to perform
mathematical calculations.
Key Features of Analytical Engine:
1. The Engine had a 'Store' where numbers and intermediate results could be held, and a
separate 'Mill' where the arithmetic processing was performed.

2. It had an internal repertoire of the four arithmetical functions and could perform direct
multiplication and division.

3. The Analytical Engine employed three types of cards, each with its own mechanical
reader: “operation cards,” “variable cards,” and “number cards.” The first kind of card
carried the instructions; the second held the symbols of the variables in an equation (x, y,
and so on), the numerical value of the variables in that equation (1, 18, whatever), and
certain numerical constants (like ?); and the third contained entries from mathematical
tables, such as logs and trigonometric functions.
Assembly language
Assembly language is a low-level programming language that represents machine
instructions using mnemonic codes, making it easier for programmers to interact with
computer hardware. It emerged in the late 1940s and early 1950s as computers became
more complex and programmers sought more human-readable ways to write code.
Assembly language allows for direct control over hardware resources and is specific to the
architecture of the computer it's written for. Despite the rise of higher-level languages,
assembly language remains important for tasks requiring low-level optimization and
hardware interaction, such as system programming and embedded systems development.
Mnemonic Code/ Representation
1. Low-level Control: Assembly language provides programmers with direct control
over hardware resources and system operations, allowing for fine-grained
optimization and performance tuning.
2. Efficient Memory Management: Programmers can manipulate memory directly,
enabling efficient memory usage and precise data handling tailored to specific
hardware requirements.
3. Real-time Responsiveness: Assembly language's proximity to machine code
facilitates real-time processing, making it suitable for applications requiring
immediate responses, such as embedded systems and device drivers.
4. Hardware Interaction: Assembly language allows direct interaction with hardware
components, such as input/output devices and peripherals, enabling developers to
create customized solutions for specialized hardware interfaces.
5. Platform Portability: While assembly language is specific to a particular CPU
architecture, its concepts and principles can be adapted to various platforms,
providing a foundation for understanding computer architecture and facilitating
cross-platform development.
Kathleen Booth
● Kathleen Booth was a British computer
scientist known for her pioneering work in
computer programming. She is credited with
writing the first assembly language. Booth
also designed and implemented Assembly, a
system that automatically translated high-
level programming languages into machine
code. Her work laid the foundation for
modern computer programming languages
and compilers.
David J. Wheeler
● David J. Wheeler was a British computer
scientist known for his contributions to
the development of the EDSAC
computer and the use of subroutines.
Wheeler worked alongside Maurice
Wilkes at the University of Cambridge,
where they built one of the first
electronic stored-program computers, the
EDSAC. Wheeler made significant
contributions to the field of computer
programming and software development.
Maurice Wilkes
● Maurice Wilkes was a British computer scientist
known for his work in the field of computer design
and architecture. Wilkes is best known for designing
and building the EDSAC computer, one of the earliest
stored-program computers. He also pioneered the
concept of microprogramming and made significant
contributions to the development of operating systems
and programming languages. Wilkes was a key figure
in the early history of computing and played a major
role in shaping the field as we know it today.
Here are some key features of assembly language:
1. Low Level Language: Assembly language is a low-level programming language that is closely related to
machine language and provides a direct correspondence to machine code instructions.
2. 2. Mnemonic Instructions: Assembly language uses mnemonic instructions that are easier for humans to read
and understand compared to binary machine code.
3. 3. Direct access to hardware: Assembly language provides direct access to the computer's hardware
components, allowing for highly optimized code that can interact directly with the underlying hardware.
4. 4. Efficient Programming: Assembly language allows for more fine-grained control over the hardware, which
can lead to very efficient and optimized programs especially in critical applications like embedded systems,
device drivers, and real-time systems.
5. 5. Platform-dependent: Assembly language is platform-dependent, meaning that code written in assembly for
one type of processor will not work on a different processor architecture without modification.
6. 6. Limited Abstraction: Assembly language lacks high-level constructs and features found in higher-level
languages, which can make programming more complex and time-consuming.
7. 7. Not Portable: Programs written in assembly language are not easily portable between different systems or
architectures, as they are tightly coupled with the specific hardware they were designed for.
8. 8. Debugging Challenges: Debugging assembly language programs can be more challenging compared to
higher-level languages due to the direct manipulation of memory addresses and registers.
Additionally, other prominent figures in computer science during that
period who contributed to the development of assembly language
include Maurice Wilkes, David J. Wheeler, and Kathleen Booth.
These individuals were influential in shaping early computer
programming languages and laying the foundation for modern
computing practices. Assembly language was a significant
advancement in programming, as it provided a more human-readable
and understandable way to write code compared to machine
language, which is written in binary. This innovation made
programming more accessible and efficient, setting the stage for
further advancements in the field of computer science.
•Autocode is an early high-level programming language developed in the
1950s and 1960s. It aimed to simplify the process of writing code for early
computers. It served as an alternative to low-level languages like assembly,
making it more accessible and easier to understand for programmers.

•Alick Glennie develop Autocode which some some consider to be the first
compiled computer programming language. This means it could be
translated directly into machine code.
•Alick Glennie was born in 1925
(2003) and was a British computer
scientist who developed the first
autocode, or programming language,
for the Manchester Mark 1 computer
at the University of Manchester.
This was a big deal because it was
the first compiled programming
language. He also worked with Alan
Turing to create the Manchester Mark
1, which is one of the earliest
stored program computers.
•One of the oldest programming languages, the FORTRAN was
developed by a team of programmers at IBM led by John Backus,
and was first published in 1957.
FORTRAN is the first high-level language, revolutionized
programming by simplifying coding, reducing debugging time, and
improving efficiency. It aimed to be easy to learn, suitable for
various applications, machine-independent, and capable of
expressing complex mathematical expressions similarly to algebra.
Programmers experienced a 500% increase in coding speed while
maintaining execution efficiency, enabling them to focus more on
• Fortran is renowned for its efficiency in handling numerical and scientific
computing tasks. It comes with built-in support for mathematical functions and
array operations, making it well-suited for tasks such as solving equations,
simulating physical phenomena, and processing large datasets.

• Fortran programs are highly portable, meaning they can run on different
platforms and architectures without much modification. This is possible
because compilers (the software that translates Fortran code into machine-
readable instructions) are available for various operating systems and
hardware configurations
•John Warner Backus (born Dec. 3, 1924,
Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.—died March 17,
2007, Ashland, Ore.) American computer
scientist and mathematician who led the
team that designed FORTRAN (formula
translation), the first important algorithmic
language for computers.


History of Algol

The history of ALGOL (Algorithmic Language) dates back to the late 1950s
when a committee of computer scientists from several European countries
gathered to design a new programming language specifically for scientific and
mathematical computations. This effort led to the creation of ALGOL 58, the
first version of ALGOL, which was designed to be more expressive and efficient
than existing programming languages of the time.
In 1960, ALGOL 60 was introduced, which became the most influential version
of ALGOL. ALGOL 60 introduced many innovative features, including block
structures, recursive function definitions, and a clear and concise syntax. It also
played a significant role in the development of formal methods for describing the
syntax of programming languages, leading to the creation of Backus-Naur Form
(BNF) notation.
ALGOL 60 influenced the design of subsequent programming languages, including
Pascal, Simula, and C. Despite its impact on the field of computer science, ALGOL
never gained widespread adoption due to its complexity and the emergence of other
programming languages like Fortran and COBOL.
Over the years, several variants and extensions of ALGOL were developed, including
ALGOL W, ALGOL 68, and ALGOL 68-R. These variants introduced additional features
and improvements, but none achieved the same level of success as ALGOL 60.
While ALGOL is no longer in widespread use today, its legacy lives on in the form of its
influence on modern programming languages and its contributions to the development
of programming language theory and formal methods.
ALGOL (Algorithmic Language) introduced several key features that influenced the development of
programming languages. Some of its notable features include:
1. Clear syntax: ALGOL aimed to have a clear and concise syntax, making it easier for programmers
to express algorithms in a readable and understandable way.
2. Structured programming: It introduced the concept of structured programming, emphasizing the use
of structured control flow constructs like loops, conditionals, and subroutines to improve code clarity
and maintainability.
3. Block structures: ALGOL introduced block structures, allowing for the grouping of statements into
logical blocks. This helped in organizing code and controlling variable scope.
4. Parameter passing: ALGOL introduced various parameter passing mechanisms, including call-by-
value and call-by-name, allowing for flexible and efficient passing of data to functions and
5. Recursive functions: ALGOL supported recursive function definitions, enabling the
implementation of algorithms that involve repetitive tasks or self-referential computations.
6. Portability: ALGOL was designed to be portable across different computer architectures,
allowing the same code to be run on different types of hardware with minimal modifications.
7. Dynamic arrays: It introduced dynamic arrays, which could resize themselves automatically
based on the data they contain, providing flexibility in memory management.
8. BNF notation: ALGOL contributed to the development of Backus-Naur Form (BNF) notation,
a formal method for describing the syntax of programming languages, which became widely
used in specifying the syntax of programming languages.
These features made ALGOL a significant milestone in the evolution of programming languages
and laid the foundation for many modern programming languages.
1. Alan J. Perlis:
An American computer scientist known for
his pioneering work in programming
languages, most notably as a member of the
team that developed the ALGOL
programming language. He was the first
recipient of the prestigious ACM Turing
Award.( born in April 1, 1922, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, United States and died in
February 7, 1990 (age 67 years), New
Haven, Connecticut, United States).
2. John Backus:
A computer scientist at IBM,
Backus played a significant role in
the development of ALGOL 58.
He contributed to the design of the
language's formal syntax notation,
known as Backus-Naur Form
3. Peter Naur:
A Danish computer scientist, Naur
also contributed to the development of
ALGOL 58. He worked on the formal
syntax notation and participated in the
ALGOL committee responsible for
standardizing the language.
4. Friedrich L. Bauer:
A German computer scientist, Bauer
was involved in the development of
ALGOL 58 and ALGOL 60. He
contributed to the design of the
language's syntax and semantics, as
well as its formal definition.
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icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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