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Day 1
Noting Details
Rap it up!
We will rap today to remember
question words. The questions may be
about everyday things, experiences, or
events. I will choose 3 pairs, one will
ask and the other will answer. We will
do this through rapping.
Question: ♪ What do you use
when you take a bath? ♪
Suggested Answer: ♪ I use
bathing soap. ♪
Question 1: ♪ Who is your teacher?♫
Question 2: ♪ Where do you go to
Question 3: ♪ Whenever do you attend
church? ♪
Question 1: What do you call
words that ask questions?
Question 2: What are the
interrogative words in English?
In this lesson, you will be able to
follow instructions correctly,
answer questions about the story
read, and identify the
Before we discuss the lesson for
today, I want to give you the
synonym of the word related to
the story we will read later.
The helpful child helps
with household chores
even without being asked.
My little pet is
Helpful Allan
I am Allan. They call me Allan Helpful. In the morning, as soon as
I wake up, I quickly tidy up my bed and wash myself alone. While
waiting for our breakfast to cook, I help my older brother water the
plants in our garden. When I see my sister cleaning inside our
house, I assist her in wiping the tables. I also help my dad feed his
pet chickens. After we finish breakfast, I am always the one to
clean the table. After helping my family, I will go out of our small
house to play with my friends. "It's really fun on a Saturday."
Question 1: Who is the diligent child?
Question 2: Where did the story take place?
Question 3: When is the day happy for
Question 4: If you were Allan, would you
imitate him?
To better understand the story we read, you will
answer the questions.
Question 1: What did you feel about the story you
Question 2: Who did Allan help with watering the
Question 3: If Allan didn't do what he was
supposed to do, what do you think his feelings
would be?
Now, to see if you have
learned the lesson, answer
this activity.
Arrange the jumbled letters to form the correct
Question 1: This is an interrogative
word referring to things, animals, and

Question 2: WHO -- This is an
interrogative word referring to a
person's name.

Question 3: This is an interrogative
word referring to a place.

Question 4: This is an interrogative
word referring to time and period.

Question 5: This is an interrogative
word referring to the reason.

Did you like the game you played?
Question 1: What do you call the words
you arranged?
Question 2: Why is it important to know
what each interrogative word refers to?
In answering questions about stories,
conversations, news, and poems, it is
important to understand every event that
happened. It is important to know what each
interrogative word refers to. This means that
the answers depend on the questions provided
here. (Who, Where, When, How, What, and
Day 1.2
Noting Details
In this lesson, the
questions from the
poem read will be
answered correctly.
Activity: Your
Answer, Your
Let's discover the
meaning of each word
found in the poem.
Choose the correct meaning of the
word. Act out the shape containing
the correct answer.
1. Our family eats together at the
same time
Question 1: What is the
meaning of the word "family"?

Loved- classmate
ones friend
Raphael is always
waiting for his mother
to come home.
Question 2: What is the meaning of
the word "waiting"?

Loved- classmate
ones friend
The father is solving
their family's
Question 3: What is the
meaning of the word
Finding Able to
a way laugh
The money set aside is
intended for
Christian's education.
Question 4: What is the meaning
of the word "intended"?

placed closed
Our Family
Our family is always happy,
We are joyful, my older sister and brother.
We are all loved by our parents,
Do you have a family like ours?
Even in work, the body gets tired,
Father's help is always waiting.
Sister's problems are solved,
With mother's help always intended.
Mystery Box
Let's see if you understood the
poem you read. We will spin the
mystery box while singing "Itsy
Bitsy Spider," and whoever the box
stops in front of will draw and
answer the question.
Now, to see if you have learned the
lesson, answer the questions. Choose the
letter of the correct answer.
(If your answer is letter A, shake your
hands, if your answer is letter B clap
your hands, and if your answer is letter c
stomp your feet)
Question 1: What is the interrogative
word for the word "family"?
A. Where
B. Who
C. When
Question 2: What is the interrogative
word for the phrase "we are joyful,
my older sister and brother"?
A. Why
B. When
C. Where
Question 3: What is the
interrogative word for the word
A. Why
B. When
C. Where
Question 4: What is the
interrogative word referring to
A. Why
B. When
C. Where
Question 5: What is the
interrogative word referring to
A. Why
B. When
C. Where
In answering questions about stories,
conversations, news, and poems, it is important
that you understand each event that happened. It
is crucial to know what each interrogative word
refers to. This means that the answers depend on
the questions provided here. (Who, Where,
When, How, What, and Why)

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