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Communication Barriers

By V P Bhagat
/est Categorization of the Barriers
1. Semantic barriers
2. Organizational barriers
3. nterpersonal barriers
4. ndividual barriers
5. Economic and geographic barriers
6. Channel and media barriers
7. Technology barriers

Slide 2
Z1 portant consequences
enith, 3/3/2003
Barriers in Communication
1. Semantic Barriers
2. Organizational Barriers
3. Barriers Relating to Superior-
4. Psychological Barriers
5. Other Barriers
1. Semantic Barriers
Semantic is the science of meaning. This barrier is
related to the process of coding and decoding the
message. Various types of semantic gaps found in
day- to- day use people are:
Words having multiple meaning
Badly expressed message
Wrong interpretation
Unclarified assumption
Specialist language
2. Organizational Barriers
Organizational culture climate
Organizational rules and regulations
Status relationships
Complexity in organizational structure
nadequate facilities and opportunity
Lack of co-operation between superior and
Barriers Reating to superiors-
Barriers emanating from superiors:
Shortage of time for empoyees
Lack of trust
Lack of consi/eration for empoyee's nee/s
Wish to capture authority
Fear of oosing power an/ contro
Information overoa/
Barriers Reating to superiors-
B Barriers emanating from subor/inates:
Lack of proper channe
o interest to communicate
Lack of co-operation
Lack of trust
Poor reationship between superior an/
Fear of penaty
Psychoogica Barriers
Selective perception
Halo effect
Status relationship
Poor retention
Undue importance of written words
ther barriers
Cutura /ifferences
Physica /istraction
Stye:- Linguistic accent, The form of expression,
The level of drama, Types of humour, The choice
of brevity, The choice discriminatory modes, and
The qualities of credibility and charisma,
nvironment:- External transreceivers, Number of
links in the chain and Circumstantial factors.
B Technica spects in
Communication Barriers
Murphy's Law on Communication Murphy's Law on Communication
Communication usuay fais: Communication usuay fais: Except by chance, it Except by chance, it
succeeds. succeeds.
If the message can be un/erstoo/ If the message can be un/erstoo/: in different ways, it will : in different ways, it will
be understood in just the way that does the most harm. be understood in just the way that does the most harm.
People receive the message in their own way. People receive the message in their own way.
Fitering: Fitering: t refers to the sender manipulating information so t refers to the sender manipulating information so
that receiver will see it more favourable. Objective information that receiver will see it more favourable. Objective information
does not reach to authority. does not reach to authority.
Meta Communication: Meta Communication: eta essage exists in people's eta essage exists in people's
mind, t is the most important thing in sweet word language. mind, t is the most important thing in sweet word language.
oise in communication process: oise in communication process: Noises are mostly due to Noises are mostly due to
mechanical distraction. mechanical distraction.
vercoming the Barriers in
The actions we can take to achieve this are:
Sen/er has to always keep in mind the words:- WH
1 Be fuy attentive to sen/er
2 Listen activey to the message being sent
sk for carification an/ repetition wherever necessary
eep checking the receipt of information with the sen/er
1 Reaize that misun/erstan/ing are boun/ to occur
2 Listen isten an/ isten again
Test one's un/erstan/ing of the message
Share opinions feeings an/ perceptions generate/ by message
Some //itiona Measures to
vercome the Barriers to
1 Coor/ination between superior an/ subor/inates
2 Fostering goo/ reationship
voi/ technica anguage
6 Carity in message
7 Communication of organizationa phiosophy
8 Fat organizationa structure
9 ivision of abour
10 rganization poicies
11 Minimize semantic probem
12 Proper communication channe
1 Right fee/back

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