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TechnoIogy enabIed Business

By V P Bhagat
Communication Networks
Networks enable us to access work,
resources and opportunities.
They also create sense of community and
rapport and allow us sharing experiences.
n an organization networking increase the
area of communication for an individual.
t could be of two types:
2 nternet

Slide 2
Z1 portant consequences
enith, 3/3/2003
t is a private computer net work laid down
by the organization to securely share its
information or operations with its
t can be understood as "a private version of
the internet. ( LAN )
t supports communication and fosters a
sense of community.
55Iication of ntranet
PubIishing a55Iications-are essentially one- to-
many communications: Teams, departments, or
entire corporation can set up page where they post
information reducing bulky outdated paper based
Transaction a55Iications: are two way interactions,
such as downloading software or checking benefits
Community 55Iications: are many- to- many
interactions. They include newsgroups that facilitate
direct exchanges of information between members
of a group, making information available to others
with in the group.
dvantages of the ntranet
Workforce 5roductivity: t can heI5 em5Ioyees to quickIy
find and view information and a55Iications reIevant to
their roIes and res5onsibiIities
Time: With intranet em5Ioyees can Iink to reIevant
information at a time which suits them
Communication: it can serve as 5owerfuI tooI of
communication with in an organization
Web 5ubIishing: The use of internet 5ermits information
to be 5ubIished
Business o5erations and management: ntranets are aIso
being used as a 5Iatform for deveIo5ing and em5Ioying
a55Iications to su55ort the business o5eration and
decisions across the internet enter5rise
isadvantages of ntranet
. Management could loose the control of the
material provided on intranet.
2. There could be security concerns about
who access the intranet and also about the
intranet users.
3. ntranets may cause "information overload,
delivering to much information to handle.
nternet is "network of networks that consists
of millions of smaller domestic, academic,
business and government networks.
Which together carry various information and
services, such as electronic mail, online chat,
file transfer, and the interlinked web pages,
and other documents of the world wide web.
t connects individuals and groups to service
and information throughout the world.
nternet 55Iication
TeIenet: This is a usefuI a55Iication used in
TechnicaIIy, the user can enter into any of the
networks at one of the terminaIs in that network
rom here the information that is avaiIabIe in that
network can be su55Iied to the user
or exam5Ie teIeneting to a certain university to
see their Iibrary's card cataIog
iIe Transfer ProtocoI: this faciIitates moving a fiIe
from one com5uter to another com5uter across the
&ses of nternet
Communication: nternet is used in various
settings such as one- to- one, one- to many, or
many- to- setting
nteraction: nternet is not onIy used for
transmission of information, for Iearning but
aIso to interact with 5eers, and friends,
nformation: nternet is used for dissemination
and retrievaI of information which deaIs the
subject matter covering a wide range of human
activities and knowIedge
dvantages of nternet
Locating Businesses, Products and Servic
Education and Research
Marketing and SaIes
Organizing events
Crisis Management
isadvantages of nternet
t provides limited access to certain kinds of t provides limited access to certain kinds of
information. information.
Rumours spread at a very fast pace. Rumours spread at a very fast pace.
False information can be disseminated. False information can be disseminated.
No control over the kinds of texts included. No control over the kinds of texts included.
The data on internet is unstable. The data on internet is unstable.
Some of the text on the internet are Some of the text on the internet are
copyright protected. copyright protected.
- mail is a store and forward method
of composing, sending, storing, and
receiving messages over electronic
communication systems.
&ses of E- MaiI
Can Send Memos, Ietters, documents, share fiIes, s5read
sheets, videos, music and anything eIse that can be
stored on the com5uter
Can go anywhere in the worId
s not time zone de5endent
Can reach grou5s as weII as individuaIs
Can use E-maiI to monitor and communicate the desired
information to a concerned 5erson
Can be sent to muIti5Ie addresses
Ends "5hone tag"
dvantages of E-MaiI
-mail is fast.
t's more conversational.
t' easier for reference.
Managing -mail is easy.
-mail is inexpensive.
-mail is easy to filter.
Transmission is secure reliable.
Needs of E-MaiI Etiquette
com5any needs to foIIow e-maiI etiquette for
the three reasons;
Protection from IiabiIity
There are many etiquette guides and many
etiquette ruIes Some ruIes differ according to
the nature of business and the cor5orate cuIture
SMS - Short Messages Services
SMS is the abiIity to send and receive text
messages to and from 5hones
The text can com5rise of words, numbers, or an
aI5hanumeric combination
Each short message canbe u5 to characters
in Iength
&ser a55Iications of SMS
Sim5Ie 5erson to 5erson messaging
2 'oice and fax maiI notification
3 &nified messaging
4 nternet E-maiI aIerts
5 nformation services
dditionaI TechnoIogy
Photocopiersduplicate original documents
Facsimile Machines (fax)Duplicate original
documents over telephone lines or through
Scannersdigitize data so a computer can
read, retrieve it.
Specialized computer programscan
compile, store and retrieve huge amounts of
'oice MaiI dvantages
nsures calls are not missed
Can forward messages
Provides ability to offer multilingual
liminates need for answering machines
liminates "phone tag when detailed
messages are used
'oice MaiI isadvantages
Listening too long messages may be
Caller may view the system as too
nability to reach a "real person may result in
poor customer relations
Tele conference is the live exchange of
information among persons and machines
remote from one another but linked by
telecommunication system.
Are voice only or include fax or on line e-mail
Require operator to connect larger number of
Can be local, national, or international
t brings people under one roof even though
they are separated by thousands of miles.
t is similar to teleconferencing except the
people now can see one another because
video cameras are used to send the live
images over telephone lines.
t uses tele- communications of audio and
video to bring people at different sites
together for a meeting.
Require special training and facilities.

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