Interpersonal Skills - Speaking Skills-1

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Interpersona| sk|||s

Interpersona| sk|||s
1 Speaklng skllls
2 LlsLenlng skllls
3 ersuadlng skllls
4 roblng skllls
3 ConfllcL handllng skllls
Interpersona| sk|||s
1 Speak|ng sk|||s (cont'd)
W ow Lo overcome your nervousness
W SLage presence
W Speech uellvery
W Speech ConsLrucLlon
W ow Lo capLure your Audlence
W volce ModulaLlon
W ronunclaLlon
Interpersona| sk|||s
1 Speak|ng sk|||s (cont'd)
now to overcome nervousness
Confldence comes wlLh pracLlce experlence
Lo achleve lL Lhere are 3 necessary sLeps
1 reparaLlon
2 racLlce
3 Lxperlence
Interpersona| sk|||s
1 Speak|ng sk|||s (cont'd)
@here are 3 Lypes of hlndrances Lo confldenLly
1 hyslcal
2 MenLal
3 LmoLlonal
Interpersona| sk|||s
1 Speak|ng sk|||s ( cont'd)
Some useful Llps Lo nurLure beLLer speaklng
Speak loudly and clearly
Show you care
Interpersona| sk|||s
1 Speak|ng sk|||s ( cont'd)
SLage presence
1 Appearance
2 resenLaLlon
3 ConLenL reparaLlon
4 Lye conLacL
3 laclal Lxpresslon
6 osLure
7 @ermlnus
8 Avold llllers
Interpersona| sk|||s
1 Speak|ng sk|||s ( cont'd)
1 Vocabu|ary
2 D|ct|on and pronunc|at|on
Interpersona| sk|||s
1 Speak|ng sk|||s ( cont'd)
Vo|ce Modu|at|on ?
1 Intonat|on
2 |tch
3 ace
4 ause
S Art|cu|at|on
1 Speak|ng sk|||s
Vo|ce Modu|at|on (cont'd)
1 Intonat|on
Lg Come here"
1 Calllng fro help when caughL by an underLow
whlle swlmmlng
2 Lurlng your lover Lo your slde
3 8ursLlng wlLh news for a frlend
4 An army sergeanL speaklng Lo a prlvaLe
3 A parenL summonlng a mlsbehavlng chlld
Interpersona| sk|||s
1 Speak|ng sk|||s ( cont'd)
Speech De||very
8orden's Iormu|a
1nC nUM effect CeL your llsLener's aLLenLlon A) Attent|on
2Wn 8kING 1nIS U Lxpand [usLlfy 8) 8enef|t
3ICk INS1ANCL SubsLanLlaLe wlLh examples C) Credent|a|s
4 SC WnA1 ? appeal for acLlon u) D|rect|on
Interpersona| sk|||s
1 Speak|ng sk|||s ( cont'd)
1 Speaklng skllls (conL'd)
Speech consLrucLlon
2 @heme Message
3 keep a noLe book
4 8esearch
3 Audlence
6 CollecLlon
7 @lme
1 Speaklng skllls (conL'd)
Speech consLrucLlon
8 Language
9 8emember
10 8eadlng
11 reparaLlon
Some of the dos don't of a speech
Wh||e open|ng a speech
W Do's
1CapLure Lhe aLLenLlon aL Lhe sLarL ldenLlfy wlLh Lhem
2 resenL someLhlng dlfferenL someLhlng shocklng
3 8efer Lo Lhe sub[ecL aL Lhe sLarL
4 8efer Lo Lhe clrcumsLance
3 use 1 of Lhe followlng
6 a [oke a anecdoLe a personal experlence an hlsLorlcal evenL
a quesLlon a quoLaLlon a sLory sLaLlsLlcs a shocklng
Some of the dos don't of a speech
Wh||e open|ng a speech (cont'd)
W Don't
1 uon'L Lhank Lhe audlence for belng glven Lhe chance Lo speak
(lf u have Lo say lL say lL brlefly )
2 uon'L glve a warnlng of whaL of expecL
3 uon'L beg for a paLlenL ear
4 uon'L defend yourself saylng LhaL u have had no Llme Lo
3 uon'L persuade saylng u wlll Lry Lo do your besL Lhough u are
noL good
6 uon'L be apologeLlc abouL noL havlng enough knowledge on
Lhe sub[ecL
Wh||e open|ng a speech
Don't (cont'd)
7 keep Lhe openlng shorL
8 uon'L forgeL Lhe purpose
9 uon'L say l wlll relaLe a [oke or sLory [usL
relaLe lL
Some of the dos don't of a speech
Ior effect|ve c|ose
W DC's
1 8ulld up Lowards closure
2 MoLlvaLe audlence Lo acL or pursue a course
of acLlon
3 @ell Lhem how Lo do lL noL whaL Lo do
4 Clve consLrucLlve suggesLlon guldance
3 Clve one course of acLlon
6 SLop afLer Lhe cllmax
Ior effect|ve c|ose
Do's (cont'd)
7 Close wlLh emoLlonal Louch
8 LxhorL Lhem Lo Lake poslLlve acLlon
9 Summarlze
10 CuoLaLlon(lf u repeaL Lhe one glven aL Lhe
beglnnlng lL makes Lhe speech compacL)
11 Look ahead predlcL
12 8heLorlcal quesLlon/ quesLlon
Ior effect|ve c|ose
W DCN'1s
1 uon'L rush Lhrough Lhe lasL few senLences slnk ln
your chalr dlsappear
2 uon'L end mldsenLence
3 uon'L end your speech early end when you say so
4 uon'L speak as lf your speech were a Longue LwlsLer
3 uon'L be lgnoranL of how Lo end
6 uon'L end by saylng l've sald enough or by l have
noLhlng more Lo say on Lhe sub[ecL"
Ior effect|ve c|ose
Don'ts (cont'd)
7 uon'L say sorry l've Laken up your preclous
8 uon'L run away or Lhe audlence mlghL noL
hear Lhe lasL words of your speech
9 uon'L apologlze for noL havlng done your [ob
10 uon'L sLop suddenly pause Lhen conLlnue
Lhen change your mlnd walk away

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