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OraI Communication

By V P Bhagat
OraI Communication
7al communication is as challenging as
w7itten communication. What makes w7itten
communication diffe7ent f7om o7al
communication is..
Both the fo7ms of communication depend on
the basic fulfillment of the facto7s conce7ning
the sende7 i.e. the p7ocess of encoding the
message the channel the 7eceive7 the
decoding and the feedback.

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Z2 portant consequences
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110ctiv0 OraI Communication
$peake7s 7oles of successful and effective
Cont0nts - ne must make su7e that all the
info7mation 7equi7ed.
udi0nc0 - %he mo7e the speake7 knows about the
daptation - %he speake7 must adapt his
communication acco7ding to the size of his audience.
CIari1ications - When in doubt the communicato7
must ask befo7e the p7esentation if he is unsu7e what
to include and how long to make it.
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Z1 portant consequences
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actors that Matt0r in OraI
. P7ojection
2. A7ticulation
3. Modulation
4. P7onunciation
5. Enunciation
6. Repetition
7. $peed
Ensu7e that you a7e hea7d even at the
end of the 7oom.
Adjust to the level of the volume
A loud voice can be misunde7stood as
'ange7 o7 '7udeness.
It m0ans sp0aking aII th0 parts o1 a
word car01uIIy Incorr0ct articuIation
occurs b0caus0 o1 car0I0ssn0ss on th0
part o1 th0 sp0ak0rs It invoIv0s:
Modulation means the rise and fall in pitch
and this patte7n of speaking makes the
voice pleasant interesting f you do not
va7y the pitch you will 7isk being labeled as
monotonous speake7.
istene7 like a cont7olled pitch
P7onunciation basically deals with
the st7ess non st7ess of consonants
and vowels
and opening and closing of the mouth.
Enunciation Means the ca7e and Enunciation Means the ca7e and
p7ecision with which you use you7 p7ecision with which you use you7
tongue jaw to p7oduce clea7 speech tongue jaw to p7oduce clea7 speech
sounds. sounds.
While consonants p7ovide sha7pness/ While consonants p7ovide sha7pness/
c7ispness to sounds vowels add c7ispness to sounds vowels add
melody and 7ichness. melody and 7ichness.
%he Key ph7ases a7e used with diffe7ent
vocal emphasis fo7 c7eating an impact on
the listene7s.
By 7epeating you help the pe7son to
assimilate the thoughts well.
%he 7ate and timing of the wo7ds when you
a7e actually speaking is called speed .
While commas a7e used in w7itten
communication we use pauses to punctuate
ou7 thoughts.
f we t7y to speak ve7y fast we tend to slu7
and this amounts to loss of info7mation.
Poo7 speake7s inadve7tently amuse people
with inco77ect p7onunciation.

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