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RA No. 10627 or DO No.

55, s.2013
Presenter: Sharifa Jerna L. Caluang

MEDM 206: School Community Relation Course Professor: Norina V. Orañola, Ed.D
Republic Act No. 10627, also known as the
"Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 " is a Philippine law aimed at
addressing bullying incidents in schools. It mandates all elementary
and secondary schools, both public and private, to adopt policies to
prevent and address acts of bullying among students.

Republic Act No. 10627 | DepEd Order 55, s. 2013

The law defines bullying as any severe or repeated use of
physical or verbal behavior, including electronic forms,
which results in physical or psychological harm to a
student. It covers acts such as physical violence, teasing,
social exclusion, and cyberbullying.


The law mandates that all schools must adopt and implement
policies and procedures to prevent and address bullying
incidents. These policies should include mechanisms for
reporting bullying, conducting investigations, and imposing
disciplinary actions on offenders.

Responsibilities of School

Schools are required to establish clear procedures and policies

to handle bullying incidents. They must provide mechanisms
for reporting bullying, conduct investigations promptly, and
impose appropriate disciplinary actions on perpetrators.

Responsibilities of DepEd

The Department of Education (DepEd) is tasked with

developing programs and policies for the prevention of
bullying in schools. It includes providing training for teachers
and staff on how to handle and prevent bullying effectively.

The law holds school officials accountable for their actions
or inactions regarding bullying incidents. Schools that fail
to comply with the provisions of RA 10627 may face
penalties, including warnings, fines, or even closure in
severe cases of negligence.

RA 10627 emphasizes the protection and support of victims
of bullying. Schools are required to provide appropriate
psychological and counseling services to victims and their
families. They must also ensure that victims are not
subjected to further harassment or retaliation.

The Importance of Implementing Rules and
Regulations of RA No. 10627
1. Protecting Students’ Well Being
2. Promoting a Positive School Culture
3. Empowering Schools and Educators
4. Supporting Victims of Bullying
5. Legal Framework and Accountability
6. Addressing Modern Challenges

RA No. 1627 | DepEd Order 55, s. 2013

In Summary..
RA 10627 aims to create a safe and conducive learning
environment for all students by addressing the prevalence and
impact of bullying in schools. It underscores the importance of
proactive measures, proper reporting systems, and accountability
among school officials to prevent and manage bullying effectively.

Republic Act No. 10627 | DepEd Order 55, s. 2013

Presenter: Sharifa Jerna L. Caluang

MEDM 206: School Community Relation Course Professor: Norina V. Orañola, Ed.D

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