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1.R Alya Putri Nurfajar : 2420230023

2.Azka Abrar Fediansyah : 2420230024
3.Julfikri : 2420230025
4.Rifan Suhendar : 2420230026
5.Dede Sulaeman : 2420230027
6.Rigan Lubis arafiq : 2420230028
7.Nur Aini : 2420230029

• Dua bentuk kata kerja yang di gunakan untuk menggambarkan

tindakan yang terjadi di masa lalu

• Keduanya di gunakan untuk menunjukkan urutan tindakan

dalam sebuah kalimat
Bentuk kata kerja y a n g d ig u n a k a n u ntu k
a ka n a ta u se b u a h k e ja d ia n y a n g ter ja d i
menyatak an ti nd
a k tu te r te n tu di m a sa la lu d a la m ba h a sa
sebelum sua tu w
in i d ibe n tu k d e n g a n m e n gg u n a k a n v e rb
Inggris be ntu k
leh pa st p a r ti cip le d a ri ka ta k er ja u ta m a .
“had” diik u ti o
Contoh penggunaannya

• I had finished my homework before I went to bed

• I had left before she come here
• I had been a nurse when I met him
Formula Verbal

Pernyataan Penyangkalan Pertanyaan

S + Had +Not + Had + S +

S + Had + Verb3
Verb3/Past Verb3/Past
Participle Participle?
Pernyataan ( Affirmative)
S + had + V3
“I had studied English before you came”
saya sudah belajar bahasa inggris sebelum kamu datang

“The train had just left when i arrived at the stasion”

Kereta apinya baru saja pergi saat saya tiba di stasiun
Penyangkalan (Negatif)

S + had not + V3
“I had not studied english before you came”
saya belum belajar bahasa inggris sebelum kamu datang

“The train had not just left when i arrived at the stasion”
Kereta nya belum pergi saat saya tiba di stasiun
Pertanyaan ( interrogative)
Had + S + V3 ?
“Had you studied english before i came?”
Sudahkah kamu belajar bahasa inggris sebelum aku datang?

“Had you train left when he arrived at the stasion”

Sudahkah Keretanya pergi saat dia tiba di stasiun?
Formula Nominal
pernyataan penyangkalan pertanyaan

S + had + been+ S + had + not + been + Had + S + been +

Adjective/Adverb/noun Adjective/Adverb/noun Adjective/Adverb/
pernyataan (Affirmative)
S + had + been + Adjective/Adverb/noun

“I had been here before she moved”

saya sudah disini sebelum dia pindah

“They had been there when the accident happened”

Mereka ada disana saat kecelakaan itu terjadi
penyangkalan (Negatif)
S + had not + been + “I had not been here before she moved”
Saya belum kesini sebelum dia pindah
“She had not been at house”
Dia sudah tidak berada di rumah

pertanyaan (Interrogative)
“ Had you been there before they moved”
Had + S + been + Apa kamu sudah ada disana sebelum dia pindah?
un “Had she been at house?”
Apakah dia sudah berada di rumah?
Past continuous tense

Sebuah bentuk tenses untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang sedang

terjadi di masa lampau. Bentuk tenses ini, dapat disela oleh
peristiwa lain, dan juga dapat digabungkan dengan
peristiwa lainnya di waktu yang bersamaan.
Rumus / Formula Past Continuous Tense

pola kalimat Rumus

(+) positive/positif S + be (was/were) + verb (-ing) + complement

(-) negative/negatif S + be (was/were) + not + verb (-ing) + complement

(?) interrogative/tanya be (was/were) + S + verb (-ing) + complement?

Contoh penggunaannya
+ ing
Subject Past of verb to be

I Was Walking

You Were Walking

form He/She/It Was Traveling

We Were Walking

They Were Walking

Subject Past of verb to be not + ing

I Was not dancing

Form You Were not dancing

He/She/It Was not sleeping

We Were not dancing

They Were not dancing

Past of verb to be Subject + ing

Was I swimming?

Were You swimming?
Was he/she/it buying a book?

Were we swimming?

Were they swimming?

T h a n k ’s
for a t t e nt i on

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