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Respiratory System
Respiratory system is a
series of organs responsible
for taking in oxygen and
expelling carbon dioxide.
The main organs of the
respiratory system are the
lungs which carry out the
exchange of gases as we
Parts of the Respiratory System
Nasal Cavity
Pharynx and Larynx
Trachea, Bronchi,
Bronchioles and
Nasal Cavity
The nostrils are the
opening into the nasal
passages that are lined with
hairs. Nostrils have cilia.
The cilia filter the dust and
other particles present in
the air. They also protect
the nasal passages and
other regions of the
Pharynx and Larynx
The pharynx is also
called throat. It is the
common passageway
for both food, water,
and air. Below the
epiglottis is the larynx
or voice box.
Pharynx and Larynx
 Thelarynx contains two vocal
cords that vibrate when air
passes by them. The larynx is
the main site for sound
production. To prevent food
from entering the windpipe or
the trachea, the epiglottis
closes the larynx when
swallowing. This prevents food
and water to enter the passage.
Trachea, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Alveoli
The trachea is known as
windpipe. It is made up
of muscles and elastic
fibers with rings of
cartilage lined with
cilia. It filters the air we
inhale and branches into
the bronchi.
Trachea, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Alveoli
The bronchi are two
tubes that carry air
into the lungs.
Bronchial tubes also
branch into smaller
tubes called
Trachea, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Alveoli
Alveoli are grape-like structures
at the end of bronchioles. The
bronchioles and the alveoli
together make up the lungs. The
alveoli increase the surface of
the lungs for greater exchange
of gases to collect more oxygen.
It also protects the lungs from
bacteria and other harmful
 The lungs are in the chest cavity
surrounded by the rib cage. The lungs
are the main organ of the respiratory
system. This is where exchange of
gases occurs. This is the site where
oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide
is expelled out. Each lung is covered
with pleural membrane. This
membrane produces slippery fluid
that allows the lungs to glide freely
during breathing.
 The
diaphragm is a dome-shaped
muscle that controls breathing, which
is located at the bottom of the lungs.
During respiration, the diaphragm
flattens out and pulls forward, making
more space for the lungs. When we
inhale or breathe in, the diaphragm
contracts and pulls downward. This
movement increases the space in the
lungs, which pulls air into it. When we
exhale or breathe out, the diaphragm
Pathway of the
Pathway of the Air
Nose/Nostrils Air gets moistened,
Air enters to the filtered, and
Pharynx warmed

Larynx Trachea Bronchi Lungs

Lungs contains millions of alveoli.

Contains alveoli
Oxygen and carbon dioxide occur in
in which exchange
alveoli of the lungs.
of gases occurs.
 Direction: Identify what is being describe in the following
statements. Write your answer on a ¼ sheet of paper.
1. They are the openings into the nasal passages that are
lined with hairs
2. It filters the dust and other particles present in the air.
3. It is called the throat.
4. It contains two vocal cords that vibrate when air passes
by them
5. It is known as the windpipe.
6. These are two tubes that carry air into the lungs
7. These are smaller tubes of bronchi
8. They are grape-like structures at the end of
9. They are located in the chest cavity surrounded
by the rib cage.
10. A domed- shaped muscle that controls breathing
which is located at the bottom of the lungs.
Complete the paragraph by writing the word on
the blank that completes the sentence.

When air enters our nose, it passes through the

(1)_________________.It passes to the pharynx and then to
the (2)_________________ Then the air continues to pass
through the (3)___________________down to the lungs.
The (4) __________ contain millions of alveoli. It is also the
sites of the (5) ______ exchange between air and blood.
Circulatory System
The circulatory system is a
transport system of the body. The
system is responsible for the flow of
blood, nutrients, oxygen and other
gases, and as well as hormones to
and from cells.
Main Parts of the Circulatory System
1. Heart
2. Blood Vessels
3. Blood
The Heart
The Heart
Blood Vessels
The blood vessels are tubes that
carry the blood throughout the
body. They are connected to the
heart and comprised of three
types: arteries, veins and
Blood Vessels
The blood gives your body the oxygen and
nutrients that are needed in your body. It is
considered as the river of life which carries
all nutrients of our body, it flows like a
river. It also carries wastes to be
eliminated. Blood is compost of red blood
cells or RBCs, white blood cells or WBCs,
platelets, and plasma.
Components of Blood
Whole blood contains 4 main elements:
Red Blood Cells – carry oxygen to tissue
Platelets – used in coagulation (clotting)
Plasma – maintains blood volume and blood
pressure, and prevents excessive bleeding.
White Blood Cells – fight infection.
Activity 2
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What kind of blood vessels that carry
oxygen-rich blood away from the heart?
A. Veins
B. Arteries
C. Ventricles
D. Capillaries
Activity 2
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
2. They are thin- walled and floppy blood
vessels that carry oxygen poor blood back
to the heart
A. Ventricles B.
C. Veins D.
Activity 2
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
3. What component of blood that carries
oxygen to the tissue?
A. Platelet C.
Red blood cells
B. White Blood Cell D. Plasma
Activity 2
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
4. The function of this blood component
is to stop the blood bleeding, or it clots
the blood if it is exposed to the air
A. Platelets C.
Activity 2
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
4. It is considered as the river of
A. Blood
C. Veins
B. Lungs
Cardiorespiratory System
The cardiorespiratory system consists of the
heart and blood vessels, which work with
the respiratory system (the lungs and
airways). These body systems carry oxygen
to the muscles and organs of the body, and
remove waste products, including carbon

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