Chapter 1 Spx

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Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer+ (LGBTQ+). In the community profiling tool we
highlighted their experiences about discrimination from Religious group, person and/ or
organization. We want to find out the reason of discriminations toward their gender and to
those people who stand by them. And our target Audience is Grade 12 students who
recognized themselves as a member of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer+ (LGBTQ+)
Community in Cagayan De Oro City.
The data gathered from our Community profiling tool indicates
the following results, 67.3% of the participants are from
PHINMA Cagayan De Oro College. The rest are form other
schools here in Cagayan De Oro City. Majority of them age 16-
18, 19-21 in the strands of HUMSS, GAS, Arts and Designed
track students and STEM. And according to the responses that
we have gathered, many people have faced discrimination
within their religious communities.
They are often discriminated just because of their true gender identities and claiming
that being part of LGBTQ+ Community is a sin and experience discrimination from
religious person, groups and/or organization. And they have been poorly compared to
others, discriminated through verbal actions, such as threatening and criticizing them
because of the community to which they belong. What makes the situation more
difficult for the members of the LGBTQ+ community, is that they are typically treated
as their sex assigned at birth rather than their gender identity. According to the
information collected, the respondents believe it is because of their gender identity in
general, appearance, and distinct demeanour. They claim that the majority of their
religious group's members are "all closed-minded" and refuse to accept the community
to which they belong.
In addition the respondents conclude that stereotyping is likely to build up from
out minded criticism and the “conservative and religious-based” construction of
society norms. And also what makes them critical is they affect you and your
community that impacts their mental health the most and causes them is to lose
self-confidence most of them says that it causes depression to people who doesn't
have strong mentality. And also create pain, anger, and hatred of a person also
experiences with discrimination and stigmatisation can lead to a higher likelihood
of emotional distress, depression and anxiety and lose concentration.
But in order to address this problem is would fix the issue by not attacking
them; rather than repeating the pain and anguish they had endured, they
will continue to treat them with respect because that is how a human being
should be treated, equality can be achieved if individuals will not refuse to
accept members of their community. Finally, they would not allow others to
define who and what they are. The LGBTQ+ community is important, and it
deserves to be valued, embraced, and appreciated. And to address by the
implementation of comprehensive sexuality education providing positive
information and resources regarding sexual orientation and gender identity,
the possibility of gender equality we all dreamed, could be achieve.

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