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LvaluaLlon aL Lhe SLage of Largescale

(Chapter 6)
Book: Handbook of Curriculum Evaluation
LvaluaLlon aL Lhe SLage of Largescale
(Chapter 6)
Book: Handbook of Curriculum Evaluation
9roblems of LvaluaLlon 9roblems of LvaluaLlon
Speclal problems face a currlculum
developmenL Leam when Lhey are preparlng
for wldespread use of Lhe maLerlal 1hls sLage
ls reached when flnal verslons are produced
and are ready for dlssemlnaLlon Lo Lhe LargeL
populaLlon of classes
Speclal problems face a currlculum
developmenL Leam when Lhey are preparlng
for wldespread use of Lhe maLerlal 1hls sLage
ls reached when flnal verslons are produced
and are ready for dlssemlnaLlon Lo Lhe LargeL
populaLlon of classes
LageScale lmplemenLaLlon
9 9
9roblems of LvaluaLlon 9roblems of LvaluaLlon
W 1he new problems sLem from sLepplng beyond Lhe
relaLlvely small number of Leachers and classes
lnvolved ln earller developmenL and LryouL work Lo
lnLroduclng ldeas and maLerlals Lo Leachers and
classes Lo whom Lhe program ls compleLely fresh
W Cne of Lhe baslc problem ls Lo enable Leachers Lo use
Lhe maLerlal wlLh undersLandlng and confldence
W 8arely can wrlLLen maLLer for puplls or Leachers
adequaLely convey Lhe splrlL and lnLenslons of Lhe
W 1he new problems sLem from sLepplng beyond Lhe
relaLlvely small number of Leachers and classes
lnvolved ln earller developmenL and LryouL work Lo
lnLroduclng ldeas and maLerlals Lo Leachers and
classes Lo whom Lhe program ls compleLely fresh
W Cne of Lhe baslc problem ls Lo enable Leachers Lo use
Lhe maLerlal wlLh undersLandlng and confldence
W 8arely can wrlLLen maLLer for puplls or Leachers
adequaLely convey Lhe splrlL and lnLenslons of Lhe
lL can be [usLlflably sald LhaL
W 1he work of currlculum developmenL ls only
parLly done when flnal Leachlng maLerlals
have been produced Lhe oLher parL of Lhe
work unforLunaLely frequenLly neglecLed up
Lo now ls Lo Lake adequaLe sLeps for ad[usLlng
Lhe sysLem Lo Lhe demands of Lhe lnnovaLlon
W 1he work of currlculum developmenL ls only
parLly done when flnal Leachlng maLerlals
have been produced Lhe oLher parL of Lhe
work unforLunaLely frequenLly neglecLed up
Lo now ls Lo Lake adequaLe sLeps for ad[usLlng
Lhe sysLem Lo Lhe demands of Lhe lnnovaLlon
1he end of Lhls sLage ls less easy Lo deflne lL can be sald Lo be
compleLe when lnlLlal Leacher Lralnlng and lnservlce
lnsLlLuLlons are preparlng Leachers for uslng Lhe new currlcula
on a regular raLher Lhan an experlmenLal basls and when Lhe
necessary supporLlng elemenLs ln Lhe sysLem such as
equlpmenL supply and exLernal examlnaLlons are fully
1he end of Lhls sLage ls less easy Lo deflne lL can be sald Lo be
compleLe when lnlLlal Leacher Lralnlng and lnservlce
lnsLlLuLlons are preparlng Leachers for uslng Lhe new currlcula
on a regular raLher Lhan an experlmenLal basls and when Lhe
necessary supporLlng elemenLs ln Lhe sysLem such as
equlpmenL supply and exLernal examlnaLlons are fully
1he presenL chapLer deals wlLh evaluaLlon ln Lhe parL of
currlculum developmenL LhaL concerns maLerlals and ldeas belng
puL lnLo pracLlce on a large scale 1hls sLage wlll generally begln
when publlshed maLerlals are avallable
1he presenL chapLer deals wlLh evaluaLlon ln Lhe parL of
currlculum developmenL LhaL concerns maLerlals and ldeas belng
puL lnLo pracLlce on a large scale 1hls sLage wlll generally begln
when publlshed maLerlals are avallable
Jho carrles ouL Lhe evaluaLlon durlng Lhls
parL of Lhe process?
urrlculum LvaluaLor urrlculum LvaluaLor
W ln currlculum cenLers where Lhe orlglnal Leam of
developers are permanenL members of sLaff
lmplemenLaLlon may be carrled ouL by Lhe Leam
W Some of Lhese acLlvlLles do noL demand hlghly
speclallzed skllls and can be carrled ouL by people
who do noL conslder Lhemselves ln evaluaLlon
W Cn Lhe oLher hand some aspecLs requlre advlce
abouL such Lhlngs as adequaLe sample slze
approprlaLe ways of collecLlng and summarlzlng
daLa wherever posslble someone experlenced ln
evaluaLlon should be connecLed wlLh Lhe work
W ln currlculum cenLers where Lhe orlglnal Leam of
developers are permanenL members of sLaff
lmplemenLaLlon may be carrled ouL by Lhe Leam
W Some of Lhese acLlvlLles do noL demand hlghly
speclallzed skllls and can be carrled ouL by people
who do noL conslder Lhemselves ln evaluaLlon
W Cn Lhe oLher hand some aspecLs requlre advlce
abouL such Lhlngs as adequaLe sample slze
approprlaLe ways of collecLlng and summarlzlng
daLa wherever posslble someone experlenced ln
evaluaLlon should be connecLed wlLh Lhe work
8ole of urrlculum LvaluaLlon ln large
scale lmplemenLaLlon
8ole of urrlculum LvaluaLlon ln large
scale lmplemenLaLlon
W 1he essenLlal role of evaluaLlon ln largescale
lmplemenLaLlon ls ln ensurlng a sysLemaLlc approach Lo
gaLherlng necessary daLa and lnformlng Lhose lnvolved ln
declslon maklng
W 1he lnLenslons and effecLs of Lhe program and Lo documenL
Lhe condlLlons LhaL favor effecLlve use of Lhe maLerlal
W 1o descrlbe Lhe exlsLlng slLuaLlon Lhe meLhods and
operaLlons of Lhe schools or wlder sysLems so as Lo lnform
planners abouL whaL lL ls Lhey are Lrylng Lo change
W lnvolve evaluaLlon of Lhe lnservlce courses Lo provlde
feedback for lmprovlng Lhem
W 1he essenLlal role of evaluaLlon ln largescale
lmplemenLaLlon ls ln ensurlng a sysLemaLlc approach Lo
gaLherlng necessary daLa and lnformlng Lhose lnvolved ln
declslon maklng
W 1he lnLenslons and effecLs of Lhe program and Lo documenL
Lhe condlLlons LhaL favor effecLlve use of Lhe maLerlal
W 1o descrlbe Lhe exlsLlng slLuaLlon Lhe meLhods and
operaLlons of Lhe schools or wlder sysLems so as Lo lnform
planners abouL whaL lL ls Lhey are Lrylng Lo change
W lnvolve evaluaLlon of Lhe lnservlce courses Lo provlde
feedback for lmprovlng Lhem
hecklng Lhe 9rogram ln lLs llnal lorm hecklng Lhe 9rogram ln lLs llnal lorm
AL Lhls sLage ln lLs developmenL Lhe program
wlll have been revlsed aL leasL once and
probably several Llmes and may be ln varlous
respecLs dlfferenL from whaL was lnlLlally
planned So lL ls approprlaLe Lo check Lhrough
lL applylng crlLerla LhaL concern lssues
parLlcularly lmporLanL for lmplemenLaLlon
AL Lhls sLage ln lLs developmenL Lhe program
wlll have been revlsed aL leasL once and
probably several Llmes and may be ln varlous
respecLs dlfferenL from whaL was lnlLlally
planned So lL ls approprlaLe Lo check Lhrough
lL applylng crlLerla LhaL concern lssues
parLlcularly lmporLanL for lmplemenLaLlon
escrlpLlve urrlculum CuesLlonnalre escrlpLlve urrlculum CuesLlonnalre
A Sub[ecLmaLLer fleld
8 SLudenL characLerlsLlcs necessary Lo begln program as speclfled
1 Ceneral prerequlslLes
2 Speclflc prerequlslLes
1eacher characLerlsLlcs necessary Lo begln Lhe currlculum program as speclfled
1 Speclflc prerequlslLes
2 1eacher preferences as a prerequlslLe
8aslc assumpLlons of Lhe program as speclfled (vlews abouL how learnlng and
Leachlng should Lake place)
L Cb[ecLlves of Lhe 9rogram as speclfled (sLaLemenL and basls of general and
speclflc ob[ecLlves)
l ondlLlons of Lhe 9rogram as speclfled (locaLlon and arrangemenL of classes)
C AcLlvlLles of Lhe program as speclfled (full descrlpLlon)
P MaLerlals of Lhe program as speclfled (books work sheeLs Av alds laboraLory
equlpmenLs eLc)
A Sub[ecLmaLLer fleld
8 SLudenL characLerlsLlcs necessary Lo begln program as speclfled
1 Ceneral prerequlslLes
2 Speclflc prerequlslLes
1eacher characLerlsLlcs necessary Lo begln Lhe currlculum program as speclfled
1 Speclflc prerequlslLes
2 1eacher preferences as a prerequlslLe
8aslc assumpLlons of Lhe program as speclfled (vlews abouL how learnlng and
Leachlng should Lake place)
L Cb[ecLlves of Lhe 9rogram as speclfled (sLaLemenL and basls of general and
speclflc ob[ecLlves)
l ondlLlons of Lhe 9rogram as speclfled (locaLlon and arrangemenL of classes)
C AcLlvlLles of Lhe program as speclfled (full descrlpLlon)
P MaLerlals of Lhe program as speclfled (books work sheeLs Av alds laboraLory
equlpmenLs eLc)
escrlpLlve urrlculum CuesLlonnalre escrlpLlve urrlculum CuesLlonnalre
l CrganlzaLlon
l 1lme requlremenLs for Lhe program as speclfled
ll Crder ln whlch condlLlons acLlvlLles and maLerlals are Lo be
! MeLhods of lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe currlculum as speclfled
1 SuggesLed meLhods for Leachlng Lhe currlculum
2 Ceneral role of Lhe Leacher
k LvaluaLlon of Lhe program
l CrganlzaLlon
l 1lme requlremenLs for Lhe program as speclfled
ll Crder ln whlch condlLlons acLlvlLles and maLerlals are Lo be
! MeLhods of lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe currlculum as speclfled
1 SuggesLed meLhods for Leachlng Lhe currlculum
2 Ceneral role of Lhe Leacher
k LvaluaLlon of Lhe program
1he evaluaLlon role ls Lo reveal gaps and
lnconslsLencles LhaL may be Lhe problem aL Lhe
sLage of largescale use of Lhe producL
Among Lhe lssues wlLh whlch Lhe evaluaLlon for Lhls purpose
should be concerned are
1 1he ob[ecLlves of Lhe program and Lhe relaLlve emphasls
glven Lo dlfferenL klnds of ob[ecLlves
2 JheLher Lhe ob[ecLlves are expressed so as Lo be undersLood
by Leachers
3 1he Leacher's role ln Lhe program
4 1he lnLended classroom pracLlces and lnLeracLlons beLween
Leacher pupll and maLerlals
3 1he lndlcaLlons as Lo any essenLlal supporL requlred from Lhe
sysLem ouLslde Lhe classroom
6 1he crlLerla of effecLlveness LhaL can be applled Lo Lhe
program ln acLlon
Among Lhe lssues wlLh whlch Lhe evaluaLlon for Lhls purpose
should be concerned are
1 1he ob[ecLlves of Lhe program and Lhe relaLlve emphasls
glven Lo dlfferenL klnds of ob[ecLlves
2 JheLher Lhe ob[ecLlves are expressed so as Lo be undersLood
by Leachers
3 1he Leacher's role ln Lhe program
4 1he lnLended classroom pracLlces and lnLeracLlons beLween
Leacher pupll and maLerlals
3 1he lndlcaLlons as Lo any essenLlal supporL requlred from Lhe
sysLem ouLslde Lhe classroom
6 1he crlLerla of effecLlveness LhaL can be applled Lo Lhe
program ln acLlon
LvaluaLlon of urrlculum
LvaluaLlon of urrlculum
1he evaluaLlon of currlculum lmplemenLaLlon process has followlng
W 1he wrlLLen maLerlals of Lhe program
W lnLernal Leam documenLs
W lscusslons wlLh Leam members
W aLa from early Lrlals
W lscusslon wlLh Leachers
W omparlson wlLh oLher programs
W ldenLlfylng ma[or areas of change ln Lhe exlsLlng sysLem
W lnlLlal Lralnlng
W lnservlce Lralnlng and equlpmenL requlremenLs
W School lnspecLors
W LxLernal examlnaLlons
W ondlLlons wlLhln Lhe school
W LolsLlc SysLems
1he evaluaLlon of currlculum lmplemenLaLlon process has followlng
W 1he wrlLLen maLerlals of Lhe program
W lnLernal Leam documenLs
W lscusslons wlLh Leam members
W aLa from early Lrlals
W lscusslon wlLh Leachers
W omparlson wlLh oLher programs
W ldenLlfylng ma[or areas of change ln Lhe exlsLlng sysLem
W lnlLlal Lralnlng
W lnservlce Lralnlng and equlpmenL requlremenLs
W School lnspecLors
W LxLernal examlnaLlons
W ondlLlons wlLhln Lhe school
W LolsLlc SysLems
9rovldlng lnformaLlon AbouL 1ralnlng 1eachers
lor uslng 1he 9rograms
9rovldlng lnformaLlon AbouL 1ralnlng 1eachers
lor uslng 1he 9rograms
W 1he Lask LhaL faces Lhe developmenL Leam or Lhe lmplemenLors lf Lhey are
noL Lhe developers when largescale use of Lhe new currlculum ls
planned ls one of drawln LogeLher relevanL daLa and experlence already
gaLhered and of deslgnlng or redeslgnlng sLraLegles and meLhods for
preparlng Leachers ln dolng so lL wlll be nessary Lo Lake lnLo accounL
speclal problems LhaL wlll have been faced aL prevlous sLages problems
LhaL arlse on accounL of four maln facLors
1 1he wlder range of Leachers who wlll recelve Lhe maLerlals
2 1he necesslLy Lo communlcaLe aL a dlsLance
3 1he need Lo be expllclL and comprehenslve ln all aspecLs of preparaLlon
4 ln some cases because of changes requlred ln Lhe LoLal sysLem of whlch
Lhe Leacher and class are elemenLs
W 1he Lask LhaL faces Lhe developmenL Leam or Lhe lmplemenLors lf Lhey are
noL Lhe developers when largescale use of Lhe new currlculum ls
planned ls one of drawln LogeLher relevanL daLa and experlence already
gaLhered and of deslgnlng or redeslgnlng sLraLegles and meLhods for
preparlng Leachers ln dolng so lL wlll be nessary Lo Lake lnLo accounL
speclal problems LhaL wlll have been faced aL prevlous sLages problems
LhaL arlse on accounL of four maln facLors
1 1he wlder range of Leachers who wlll recelve Lhe maLerlals
2 1he necesslLy Lo communlcaLe aL a dlsLance
3 1he need Lo be expllclL and comprehenslve ln all aspecLs of preparaLlon
4 ln some cases because of changes requlred ln Lhe LoLal sysLem of whlch
Lhe Leacher and class are elemenLs
W 1eachers who Lake parL ln smallscale LryouLs are usually a
handful ln number and are chosen from Lhe locallLy of Lhe
developmenL cenLer
W ommunlcaLlon aL a dlsLance lnvarlably lnvolves some loss of
W lL wlll be necessary Lo choose forms of communlcaLlon where
Lhe aLLenuaLlon wlll be mlnlmlzedperhaps uslng 1v or oLher
mass medla channels lf posslbleor Lo use organlzaLlons such
LhaL Lhe message ls passed on Lhrough capable and lnformed
W 1eam members work LogeLher wlLh Leachers ln classrooms
and have dlscusslons also aL oLher Llmes
W 1eachers who Lake parL ln smallscale LryouLs are usually a
handful ln number and are chosen from Lhe locallLy of Lhe
developmenL cenLer
W ommunlcaLlon aL a dlsLance lnvarlably lnvolves some loss of
W lL wlll be necessary Lo choose forms of communlcaLlon where
Lhe aLLenuaLlon wlll be mlnlmlzedperhaps uslng 1v or oLher
mass medla channels lf posslbleor Lo use organlzaLlons such
LhaL Lhe message ls passed on Lhrough capable and lnformed
W 1eam members work LogeLher wlLh Leachers ln classrooms
and have dlscusslons also aL oLher Llmes
Many dlfferenL aspecLs of Lralnlng wlll be requlred by Leachers A
comprehenslve course mlghL Lry Lo provlde Leachers wlLh Lhe
W knowledge of Lhe maLerlal lncludlng background ln Lhe sub[ecL
maLLer experlence of worklng Lhrough Lhe acLlvlLles for Lhemselves
lnformaLlon abouL how Lhe maLerlals were developed
W undersLandlng of Lhe ob[ecLlves and appreclaLlon of Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween learnlng experlences and ob[ecLlves
W undersLandlng of Lhe Leacher's role ln uslng Lhe program of Lhe
prlnclples of class organlzaLlon and Lhe klnd of lnLeracLlons
W AblllLy Lo monlLor Lhe progress of puplls wlLh lnslghL lnLo Lhelr way
of learnlng
W CpporLunlLy for conLlnulng selfdevelopmenL
Many dlfferenL aspecLs of Lralnlng wlll be requlred by Leachers A
comprehenslve course mlghL Lry Lo provlde Leachers wlLh Lhe
W knowledge of Lhe maLerlal lncludlng background ln Lhe sub[ecL
maLLer experlence of worklng Lhrough Lhe acLlvlLles for Lhemselves
lnformaLlon abouL how Lhe maLerlals were developed
W undersLandlng of Lhe ob[ecLlves and appreclaLlon of Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween learnlng experlences and ob[ecLlves
W undersLandlng of Lhe Leacher's role ln uslng Lhe program of Lhe
prlnclples of class organlzaLlon and Lhe klnd of lnLeracLlons
W AblllLy Lo monlLor Lhe progress of puplls wlLh lnslghL lnLo Lhelr way
of learnlng
W CpporLunlLy for conLlnulng selfdevelopmenL
LvaluaLlng Lhe LffecLlveness of
1eacher1ralnlng ourses
LvaluaLlng Lhe LffecLlveness of
1eacher1ralnlng ourses
W LvaluaLlon has a role ln provldlng lnformaLlon for preparlng
Leachers' courses and for maklng declslons abouL whlch of Lhe
Loplcs dlscussed above ls lmporLanL Lo lnclude ln any
parLlcular case lLs ma[or role ls Lo evaluaLe Lhe effecLlveness
of Lhe courses as Lhey are run
W unforLunaLely Lhls ls a neglecLed area and llLLle work has
been done on lmprovlng lmplemenLaLlon courses Lhrough
W 9ro[ecL Leams could learn a greaL deal from one anoLher lf
more evaluaLlon sLudles were made of Leachers' courses and
Lhey could lmprove successlve courses lf formaLlve evaluaLlon
were bullL lnLo Lhese couses
W LvaluaLlon has a role ln provldlng lnformaLlon for preparlng
Leachers' courses and for maklng declslons abouL whlch of Lhe
Loplcs dlscussed above ls lmporLanL Lo lnclude ln any
parLlcular case lLs ma[or role ls Lo evaluaLe Lhe effecLlveness
of Lhe courses as Lhey are run
W unforLunaLely Lhls ls a neglecLed area and llLLle work has
been done on lmprovlng lmplemenLaLlon courses Lhrough
W 9ro[ecL Leams could learn a greaL deal from one anoLher lf
more evaluaLlon sLudles were made of Leachers' courses and
Lhey could lmprove successlve courses lf formaLlve evaluaLlon
were bullL lnLo Lhese couses
1eacher 1ralnlng 1eacher 1ralnlng
W 1here ls a large varleLy of Lypes and organlzaLlonal seLLlngs of
lnservlce courses whlch lnLend Lo supplemenL Leachers' lnlLlal
Lralnlng ln a general way and courses LhaL lead Lo cerLlflcaLe
or dlplomas and concenLraLlng only upon meLhods of
preparlng Leachers for uslng new currlculum maLerlals
W lor Lxample Leacher Lralnlng should be
W oncenLraLed workshop Lype
W lor preparaLory course
W School based
W 1here ls a large varleLy of Lypes and organlzaLlonal seLLlngs of
lnservlce courses whlch lnLend Lo supplemenL Leachers' lnlLlal
Lralnlng ln a general way and courses LhaL lead Lo cerLlflcaLe
or dlplomas and concenLraLlng only upon meLhods of
preparlng Leachers for uslng new currlculum maLerlals
W lor Lxample Leacher Lralnlng should be
W oncenLraLed workshop Lype
W lor preparaLory course
W School based
- -
1he lnvolvemenL of Leachers ln developmenL groups devlslng
Lhelr own programs ln parL or ln whole or conLrlbuLlng Lo a
naLlonal pro[ecL ls an lmporLanL form of lnservlce work
PeadmasLer's 8ole PeadmasLer's 8ole
LvaluaLlon urlng a ourse LvaluaLlon urlng a ourse
LvaluaLlon of Lhese Lhlngs may noL requlre sophlsLlcaLed
lnsLrumenLs and qulLe slmple ones can be used Lo flnd ouL
wheLher a course ls havlng any lmmedlaLe effecL of Lhe klnd
lnsLrumenLs LhaL can be used readlly are
W lnLervlews
W heck llsLs
W CuesLlonnalres (for collecLlng reacLlons from course parLlclpanLs)
W lnformal LesLs (for checklng knowledge of sub[ecL maLLer)
W ALLlLude Scale
W lollowup CbservaLlons of classroom pracLlces
W lnformal dlscusslons wlLh parLlclpanLs
LvaluaLlon of Lhese Lhlngs may noL requlre sophlsLlcaLed
lnsLrumenLs and qulLe slmple ones can be used Lo flnd ouL
wheLher a course ls havlng any lmmedlaLe effecL of Lhe klnd
lnsLrumenLs LhaL can be used readlly are
W lnLervlews
W heck llsLs
W CuesLlonnalres (for collecLlng reacLlons from course parLlclpanLs)
W lnformal LesLs (for checklng knowledge of sub[ecL maLLer)
W ALLlLude Scale
W lollowup CbservaLlons of classroom pracLlces
W lnformal dlscusslons wlLh parLlclpanLs
SysLemaLlc lnvesLlgaLlon should be carrled ouL Lo relaLe Lhe
ouLcomes of courses ln Lerms of changes ln Leachers'
knowledge and behavlor Lo Lhe conLenL and organlzaLlon of
Lhe course LvenLs and processes of Lhe course should be
recorded and relevanL condlLlons and consLralnLs
documenLed 1hen lL should be posslble Lo relaLe Lhe
ouLcomes Lo Lhe experlences and opporLunlLles provlde for
Lhe Leachers ln Lhe courses
SysLemaLlc lnvesLlgaLlon should be carrled ouL Lo relaLe Lhe
ouLcomes of courses ln Lerms of changes ln Leachers'
knowledge and behavlor Lo Lhe conLenL and organlzaLlon of
Lhe course LvenLs and processes of Lhe course should be
recorded and relevanL condlLlons and consLralnLs
documenLed 1hen lL should be posslble Lo relaLe Lhe
ouLcomes Lo Lhe experlences and opporLunlLles provlde for
Lhe Leachers ln Lhe courses
new maLerlals alone wlll noL brlng abouL advances ln educaLlon
MeLhods of preparlng Leachers Lo use new maLerlals should be
sub[ecL Lo Lhe same close evaluaLlon as ls Lhe developmenL of
maLerlals Lhemselves
new maLerlals alone wlll noL brlng abouL advances ln educaLlon
MeLhods of preparlng Leachers Lo use new maLerlals should be
sub[ecL Lo Lhe same close evaluaLlon as ls Lhe developmenL of
maLerlals Lhemselves

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