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Vijaykumar Dandwani

(M.Tech. VLSI Design)

Dept : Electrical Engineering
Semester: 2nd
Subject: DCC
Chapter : 1 Basics of Electrical
Today’s topic
Structure of Atom
Concept of Charge and Electric Current
Concept of Electromotive Force
Electric Potential
Potential Difference
Specific Resistance
Today’s topic
Conductance and Conductivity
Ohm’s law
Electrical power and Electrical Energy
Structure of Atom
Structure of Atom
Charge and Electric Current
The charge is indicated by Q
The electron has negative charge of
1.602 x 10-19 Coulomb
1 Coulomb = 6.24 x 1018 electrons
Electric current is nothing but the flow of
Charge and Electric Current
Electric current can be measured by measuring
the number of electrons passing through the
conductor per second
Electric Current : the rate of flow of charge per
unit time
Unit of the electric current is Ampere
1 Ampere = 1 Coulomb/sec
Charge and Electric Current
I =Q/t
Q = total charge transferred
t = time required to transfer the charge
I = current flowing through the material
If Q = 1 Coulomb t = 1 sec then I = 1 Ampere
Charge and Electric Current
Ampere : A current of 1 A is said to be passed
from the conductor when a charge of 1 coulomb
is transferred between given points on the
conductor in 1 second.
Electro motive Force (EMF)
Free electrons are responsible for the flow of
These free electrons are always moving in
random directions
The movement of the free electrons in a
conductor is shown in figure.
Electro motive Force (EMF)
Electro motive Force (EMF)
When the external electric effort with the help of
battery is applied to this conductor then all these
free electrons move along the conductor in one
It is shown in figure.
Electro motive Force (EMF)
Electro motive Force (EMF)
EMF : The electric effort required to drift the
free electrons in one particular direction in a
conducting material is known as EMF (Electro
motive Force)
Electric potential
When dissimilar charged particles are brought
together then they attracts each other. Same way
when the similarly charged particles are brought
together then they repel each other.
It means the charged particles have at tendency
to do the work.
Electric potential
Electric Potential: the tendency of the charged
particles to do a work is known as electric
potential. Its unit is volt.
Electric Potential = Work done / Charge
 = W/Q
W = 1 Joule and Q = 1 Coulomb then
Electric Potential = 1 Volt
Electric potential
Itmeans electric potential at a point is 1 volt if
the 1 joule of work is done in bringing a positive
charge of 1 coulomb from infinity to that point.
As we know that heat is always transfers from
the higher temperature to lower temperature, the
water is always flows from higher level to lower
level. Similarly the current always flows from
higher potential to lower potential.
Potential Difference
Potential Difference: the difference between
electric potential between any two given points
in electric circuit. Its unit is volt
Consider the two points P and Q having electric
potential V1 and V2 respectively.
Assume that electric potential at P is higher than
electric potential at Q.
Potential Difference
Potential Difference
Thus the potential difference exists between
these two points which is equal to V = V1- V2
When these two points are joined together with
a wire then the electric current will flow from
the higher potential to lower potential.
It means the potential difference must be
required to maintain the flow of current
As we know the EMF is applied to the
conductor then the free electrons flow along the
conductor in a specific direction.
This is nothing but the electric current. These
free electrons flowing in the conductor collide
with the ions. It means the ions always oppose
the flow of free electrons.
This collision of the free electrons with the ions
converts kinetic energy of the free electrons into
heat energy. This is nothing but the reduction of
the electric current.
Resistance: the property of the material to
oppose the flow of current flowing through it is
known as resistance. It is denoted by R. its unit
is ohm (Ω)
R = ρ l/a ohm
ρ = Resistivity or specific resistance
l = length of conductor
a = cross sectional area of conductor
Unit of Resistance
The unit of the resistance is ohm (Ω).
The resistance of any conducting material is said
to be one ohm if it allows the current of 1 A to
flow from it when a potential difference of 1 V
is applied across its terminals.
Different units of ohm are given in table.
Unit of Resistance
Conductor, Insulator, Semiconductor
Conductors: the material in which number of
free electrons are very large are classified as
conductors. The conductors offer the less
opposition to the flow of the current. It means
they pass the electric current from them very
Example: Silver, copper, aluminum etc.
Conductor, Insulator, Semiconductor
Insulators: the materials in which the number of
free electrons are very less are classified as
insulators. The insulators offer the very high
opposition to the flow of the current. It means
they do not pass the electric current from them.
Example: Rubber, Glass, Paper, Wood
Conductor, Insulator, Semiconductor
Semiconductor: the materials who resistivity lie
between conductors and insulators are known as
semiconductor. It means the semiconductors do
not pass the current from them very easily like
conductors and they do not oppose the current
like insulators.
Example: Silicon, Germanium
Factors effecting the Resistance
Length of conductor (l): the resistance of the
conductor is directly proportional to its length.
It means that if the length of the conductor is
doubled, its resistance will also be doubled.
The conductors having equal cross sectional
areas and made from same materials is shown in
Factors effecting the Resistance
Factors effecting the Resistance
The length of one conductor is l while the length
of another conductor is 2l.
Thus the resistance of conductor having the
length of 2l is double as compared to the
conductor having length of l
Factors effecting the Resistance
Cross Sectional Area: the resistance of
conductor is inversely proportional to its cross
sectional area.
It means that if the cross sectional area of the
conductor is doubled its resistance will be half.
The two conductors having same length and
made from same conducting materials are
shown in figure.
Factors effecting the Resistance
Factors effecting the Resistance
The cross sectional area of one conductor is “a”
while the cross sectional are of the second
conductor is “2a”
Thus the resistance of conductor having the
cross sectional area of “2a” is half as compared
to the conductor having cross sectional area of
Factors effecting the Resistance
 Material of Conductor : the resistance of a
conductor also depends on the types of the material.
 Therefore the resistance of two conductors made
from different material having equal length and
equal cross sectional area are different.
 The two conductors having equal cross sectional
area and equal length but made of different material
are shown in figure.
Factors effecting the Resistance
Factors effecting the Resistance
As the resistivity of copper material is less as
compared to the aluminum, the resistance of the
copper conductor is less compared to the
resistance of the aluminum conductor.
Factors effecting the Resistance
Temperature of Conductor: the resistance of a
conductor also depends on the temperature.
As the temperature increases, the resistance of a
conducting material also increases and vice-
Resistivity (Specific Resistance)
As we know
R = ρ l/a ohm
ρ = R a/l
ρ = Resistivity (Ω-m)
If the cross sectional area of the conductor a = 1
m2 and its length l = 1 m the ρ = R
Resistivity (Specific Resistance)
Resistivity : the resistance of the conducting
material having unit cross sectional area and
unit length is known as its specific resistance or
Conductance and Conductivity
Conductance: it is the reciprocal of resistance
It is denoted by G
Its unit is Siemens.
G = 1 /R = 1/ρ * a/l = σ * a/l Siemens
Conductance and Conductivity
Conductivity: the conductance of the conducting
material having unit length and unit cross
sectional area is known as the conductivity of
that material. It is denoted by σ
Its unit is Siemens / m
It is the reciprocal of resistivity
σ = G l/a Siemens / m
Conductance and Conductivity
Ifthe cross sectional area of the conductor is a =
1 m2 and its length l = 1m then
σ = G
Conductivity: the conductance of the conducting
material having unit cross sectional area and
unit length is known as its specific conductance.
Ohm’s law
The ohm’s law gives the relationship between
the voltage, current and resistance for d.c. circuit
Ohm’s law: the ratio of potential difference
between any two points of electric circuit and
the current flowing through the same circuit is
constant, assuming temperature remain constant.
This constant is known is Resistance. It is
denoted by R. its unit is ohm.
Ohm’s law
Mathematically ohm’s law can be written as
V / I = constant
V / I = R (Resistance)
As shown in figure where V is applied voltage, I
is the current flowing through the circuit in
amperes and R is the resistance of the circuit
Ohm’s law
Ohm’s law
The other form of ohm’s law is
V = IR and R = V/I
Ohm’s law: the current flowing through any
electric circuit is directly proportional to the
potential difference across the circuit assuming
the temperature remains constant.
The graph between the voltage and current is
linear which is shown in figure.
Ohm’s law
Limitations of ohm’s
The ohm’s law cannot be applicable to non
linear devices or semiconductor devices such as
diode, zener diodes, voltage regulators etc
The ohm’s law does not count the effect of
change in temperature.
Electrical Power
The rate at which the electric work is done is
known as electric power. It is also defined as the
multiplication of voltage given to the circuit and
current drawn by the circuit.
It unit is watt.
P = VI = I2R = V2/R Watt
Electrical Energy
The electric energy is defined as the total
amount of electric work to be done in the
electric circuit. Its unit is joule or Wh or KWh
E = Power x Time = P x t KWh
1 KWh = 103 Wh
1 KWh = 1 unit
 How many types of particles are there in an atom
 A : 2, B : 3, C : 4, D:5

 Electron has which type of charge

 A: positive B: Negative C: Neutral D: None of the above

 Proton has which type of charge

 A: positive B: Negative C: Neutral D: None of the above
 An electron has ___ coulomb charge
 A: 1.602x10-19 B: C: D:

 Inone coulomb there are how many electrons

 A: 6.24x1018 B: C: D:
1 ampere = _________
 A: 1 coulomb/sec B: 1 coulomb/min
 C: 1 ohm/sec D: 1 ohm/min

 Unit of Electric potential

 A: 1 ampere B: 1 volt C: 1 ohm D: none
 Electricpotential = _______
 A: work done / chargeB: work done / resistance
 B: force / charge D: force / resistance

 Unit of Resistance
 A: ohm B: volt C: ampere D: none
R = ______
 A: ρ l/a B: ρ a/l C: l ρ/a D: a ρ/l

 Which material is insulator

 A: wood B: copper C: iron D: aluminium

 Which is semiconductor material

 A: wood B: copper C: silicon D: aluminium

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