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About this Resource

This resource has been created by Safeguarding Network to support DSLs to train teachers to

tackle public sexual harassment, as part of a partnership with Our Streets Now.

Safeguarding Network aims to increase the confidence of professionals who deal with safeguarding

issues daily. They provide training resources and other materials.

Our Streets Now is a national campaign to end public sexual harassment. They provide resources

for teachers, including lesson plans, and workshop opportunities for pupils.
Public sexual harassment
safeguarding children refresher
what is public sexual
What is Public Sexual Harassment?

Public Sexual Harassment (PSH for short) is part of gender-based

violence. It comprises unwelcomed and unwanted attention, sexual
advances and intimidating behaviour that occurs in public spaces,
both in person and online. It is usually directed towards girls, women
and often oppressed groups within society. However, it can be
experienced by all.

Our Streets Now

What might public sexual harassment look like?

• Sexual comments
• Being groped, grabbed or flashed at in public
• Sexual jokes or taunting
• Online harassment
• Upskirting

“ Consent is about having the freedom and

capacity to choose.

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Public sexual harassment
what to look for…
How public sexual harassment affects learners
The impact of PSH

• Changes to self-esteem and view of world

• Experiencing a range of emotions
• Developing avoidance and self protection techniques
• Having to overcome barriers to reporting
Who experiences PSH?
• Boys can be targeted
• more likely that girls will be victims of PSH
• children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
(SEND) are more vulnerable
• children who are LGBTQ+ or who are perceived to be.
What should be done?
what do we need to do as an organisation?
• model healthy and respectful relationships
• challenge inappropriate behaviour and language
• child protection procedures are the same
• don’t dismiss it
• PSH may have a long term impact so it may need long term
Responding to a report …
• Even if “It’s probably nothing…”, it could be something.
• Do not assume someone else is dealing with the matter.
• Follow safeguarding procedures.
• Reassure victims.
• Do not promise confidentiality.
Priorities for change
• Listen to girls
• Girls need the right to report and support
• Local services
• Boys and men can generate change if shown how to
• Dedicated time and capacity in both education and youth settings
• Gender equality
• Build a picture of what is happening in your school/college/area
Discourse of those in authority

the girl has to walk all the way around,

change how she dresses…but it’s never
like, ‘boys, let’s have a discussion about
how not to harass women’.

Further Resources
Our Streets Now offers lesson plans and resources on public sexual
harassment which can be downloaded for free :

Safeguarding Network also offers free materials on public sexual

harassment and with further resources on safeguarding topics available
for members.
keep learning
for more information visit

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