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■Recognize the major categories

of biomolecules such as
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins,
and nucleic acids
■S10MT -IVc - d -22

■ 1. describe carbohydrates and its

classification (monosaccharides,
disaccharides and polysaccharides);
■ 2. identify foods that contains
■ 3. appreciate the importance of
carbohydrates as one of the bases of the
molecules of life.
■ Identify the gas laws involve in the following examples. ( Boyle’s Law or Charles’ Law

1. 2.


_____________________ _____________________
■ Identify the gas laws involve in the following examples. ( Boyle’s Law or Charles’ Law

3. 4.


_____________________ _____________________
■ Identify the gas laws involve in the following examples. ( Boyle’s Law or Charles’ Law

5. 6.


_____________________ _____________________
What is your favorite foods?

■ Any molecules that

produced by a living
organisms, including large
macromolecules such as
proteins , carbohydrates ,
nucleic acids or lipids
■ Carbohydrates are the major
source of energy in our body
■ These are simple sugar,
starch sugar and cellulose.
■ All carbohydrates contain
carbon hydrogen and
Classification of Carbohydrates
■ Monosaccharide,
- mono” means one and saccharides also known as carbohydrates.
- They often called simple sugar that cannot be hydrolyzed to simple
- Glucose (C6H12O6) is the most important of the monosaccharides . It is
found in the free state in the plant and animal tissue. It is the major
carbohydrates of the body and it is carried by the bloodstream to all parts
of the body. It is sometimes known as blood sugar because it is most
abundant carbohydrates in the blood found in urine of those who have
diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes).
Examples of Monosaccharide
■ honey, dried fruits such as
apples, dates and sultanas.
■ Canned fruits such as pineapple,
strawberry and plum, fresh fruits
including grapes, apples, pear,
kiwi & banana
■ The most important
monosaccharides in fruits and
vegetables are the hexoses,
glucose and fructose
Classification of Carbohydrates
■ Disaccharides
- are carbohydrates that yield
two monosaccharide molecules
upon hydrolysis
- The three disaccharides that
are separately important from
the biological point of view are
sucrose ( table sugar), lactose
(milk sugar), and maltose
( malt sugar)
Examples of Disaccharide
■ sugar cane and sugar beet, table sugar,

■ manufactured foods, such as cakes, cookies,

and dark chocolate, sweet root vegetables such
as beetroot and carrots
The Three Disaccharides
■ Sucrose (C12H12O11), glucose + fructose -commonly known as table
sugar in the free state throughout the plant kingdom. Good sources of
sucrose are sugar cane, sugar beets, maple syrup and sorghum.
■ Lactose (C12H12O11), glucose + galactose-or milk sugar is found in
nature mainly in the milk of mammals. Human milk contains about
6.7% lactose and cow’s milk contains about 4.5% of the same.
■ Maltose, glucose + glucose-is found much less commonly in nature
than either sucrose or lactose. It is found in sprouting grains.
Classification of Carbohydrates
■ Polysaccharides
-are also called complex
carbohydrates and can be
hydrolyzed into many
monosaccharide units’,
examples, vegetables, fruit, nuts,
cereal bran.
Most Important Polysaccharide
■ Starch
- a polymer of glucose.
- it is found mainly in the
seeds, roots and tubes of
- The chief sources of starch
are corn, potatoes, rice,
and cassava whose uses
are for foods
Most Important Polysaccharide
■ Cellulose,
- like starch, is also a polymer of
- It differs from starch in a way
the cyclic glucose unit are
linked together to form chains.
- It is the chief structural
components of plants and
Most Important Polysaccharide
■ Cellulose,
- Cotton fibers are almost pure
cellulose. After removal of
moisture, these fibers consist of
about 50% cellulose. It is also
used for making rayon fibers,
photographic fil and
cellophane. It is an important
source of bulk in the diet
Most Important Polysaccharide
■ Glycogen
- the reserve carbohydrates of the
animal kingdom and it is often called
animal starch.
- It is formed in the body by
polymerization of glucose and stored,
especially, in the liver and muscle
- When the body needs it, glycogen is
converted back to glucose, which is
ultimately oxidized to carbon dioxide
and water with the release of energy.
The energy is used by the body for
maintenance, growth, and other
normal functions.
■ Some health-conscious individual is very particular of what we call a
high and low carb (carbohydrate) intake.
■ Studies typically describe carbohydrate intake as a percentage of energy,
instead of an amount in grams.
■ There is no agreed definition of what constitutes low or high-carb intake
– but above 45% of total energy intake is generally considered high, and
below 26% is low (The Conversion Academic Rigor, Journalistic Flair,
September 13, 2018).
■ The low-carb group sometimes gets better results due to higher protein
intake, examples lean meat, vegetable, nuts and seeds and some fruits.
The logical conclusion from these studies is that we should think more
about overall diet rather than single macronutrients, on the other hand,
either diet can outperform the other if you eat less—groundbreaking, we
Importance of Carbohydrates
 Carbohydrates are the main energy source for human bodies. Our bodies
either use the energy from carbohydrates immediately or store the
energy for later use.

 Carbohydrates help fuel your brain, kidneys, heart muscles, and

central nervous system. For instance, fiber is a carbohydrate that
aids in digestion, helps you feel full, and keeps blood cholesterol
levels in check.

 Counting carbohydrates (carbs)is a key strategy for meeting blood

glucose levels.
Importance of Carbohydrates

A fasting blood sugar level less than 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L) is

A fasting blood sugar level from 100 to 125 mg/dL (5.6 to 6.9
mmol/L) is considered prediabetes.

If it's 126 mg/dL (7 mmol/L) or higher on two separate tests, you

have diabetes
THE GROUP? Encircle the word that does not belong to the
group. Reason out.

carbohydrates lipids proteins vitamins

glucose maltose galactose fructose

sucrose starch lactose maltose

THE GROUP? Encircle the word that does not belong to the
group. Reason out.

glycogen starch lactose cellulose

monosaccharides disaccharides polysaccharide carbohydrates

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