Gender and Human Sexuality

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Adolescence is a period when a person undergoes a
lot of changes. Primarily, teenagers experience physical
changes that are observable. Some physiological changes
may also be observed such as onset of menstruation for
females and development of a bold voice for males.
Human Sexuality
It may be defined as the measure of maleness and
femaleness in one’s individuality and physical make-up.
The way you behave, how you express yourself, and how
you react and interact with all the things around you
including your own body are determined and affected by
your sexuality.
Activity: Thumbs up or Thumbs Down
Sex Sexuality Gender
Refers to the Refers to people’s It is a term that
biological sexual interest in and refers to social or
characteristics of attraction to others, cultural distinctions
being a male and as well as their associated with
female as evidenced capacity to have being male,
by external and erotic experiences female, or intersex
internal reproductive and responses
Activity: Identification
Sexuality is an important component of your personality.

According to the American Psychological Association,

personality refers to individual differences in characteristic
patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. It is how the
various parts of a person come together as a whole. Human
Sexuality is part of our overall personality. It is something
that is natural and biological that develops into personality
when growing up
Sexuality is an important component
of your personality because:

It determines or defines who you are.

It allows you to easily list down your choices.
It affects what you want to be in the future.
It is a big factor that influences you in making your
decisions in life.
Dimensions of human Sexuality

Biological Dimension

Psychological Dimension

Sociocultural Dimension
Dimensions of human Sexuality

Biological Dimension

(Physical Appearance) involves our physical appearance,

especially the development of physical sexual
characteristics; our responses to sexual stimulation; our
ability to reproduce or control fertility; and our growth
and development in general.
Dimensions of human Sexuality

Psychological Dimension

(Attitudes and Feelings)

involves our sense of being and a learned aspect of
sexuality. It is our attitudes and feelings towards us and
other people.
Dimensions of human Sexuality
Sociocultural Dimension

(Values and Skills)

is the sum of the cultural and social influences that affect
our thoughts and actions. Sexual identities and
experiences are acquired from, influenced and modified
by an ever-changing social environment. People acquire
and assemble meanings, skills and values from the
people around them
Activity: YOUnique
Factors that Affect One’s Attitudes and
Practices Related to Sexuality and Sexual
F a m i l y

They become aware of their being by the manner their family treats them in term of clothing, toys, games,
and hobbies. Gender is strengthened by teaching children how they should behave. Males are taught to be strong
and brave. Females are trained to act and speak in feminine ways.
There are families who are liberated and parents are open in answering all the questions of their children
about human reproductive parts and sexual activity. On the contrary there are families whose parents are very
conservative with sex education. Even mentioning the terms and words associated with sex or reproductive parts
are avoided in the family.
“Sexual awareness of most people begins at home with the love and affection given by the parents and
siblings. Conservative attitude of some people in talking about sex and reproduction can also be rooted on their
Factors that Affect One’s Attitudes and
Practices Related to Sexuality and Sexual

Rel i g i o n

People differ in their strand on morality for they are differently bound by their religious
and spiritual beliefs. Others would disagree on premarital sex and extramarital sex.
Certain religions have strong conviction on the sanctity of marriage and so they reject
divorce as an option of marital problems. Others find the use of contraceptive methods as
sexually immoral.
Factors that Affect One’s Attitudes and
Practices Related to Sexuality and Sexual

tu r a l is m
l tic u l

Cultures in different countries differ in their views of sexuality. A person’s

ethnic background is usually determined by birth and is related to country of
origin, native language, race and religion. Example, in some western countries
abortion and same sex marriage is legal but it is considered illegal in our
Factors that Affect One’s Attitudes and
Practices Related to Sexuality and Sexual

con omic
S oc io e

People differ in their strand on morality for they are differently bound by their
religious and spiritual beliefs. Others would disagree on premarital sex and
extramarital sex.
Certain religions have strong conviction on the sanctity of marriage and so they
reject divorce as an option of marital problems. Others find the use of contraceptive
methods as sexually immoral.
Factors that Affect One’s Attitudes and
Practices Related to Sexuality and Sexual

Pe e r s
It is very common among teenagers to gather together and have their “girls talk” and
“boys talk” thing. Adolescent period is very difficult for parents because it is the time when
peers and friends would have a lot of influence to their teenage children. With the influence that
the adolescents get from their peers, there is a tendency to disregard the teaching and pieces of
advice of their family just to be accepted by their peers and to be independent. Peer pressure
sets a dilemma to young people. It is a matter of being accepted or being rejected by the group.
To be accepted in the group, teenagers observe their peers’ behaviors and attitude and their
manner of dressing up and try to imitate them. The others which are different from the ways of
the group may be rejected.
Factors that Affect One’s Attitudes and
Practices Related to Sexuality and Sexual

Media includes televesion, radio, movies, and printed advertisement and the widely-used World Wide Web or
the Internet. These form of media are not only means for public service but are also sources of information for
sexual awareness.
Media can influence a person’s sexual behavior and practices depending on type of information or program
being presented. The effect on the viewer or listener may be positive or negative.
Most program involving sexuality of sexual activity especially in television are regulated by a government
agency like the MTRCB. Rating of a television program such as Parental Guidance (PG) or Strict Parental Guidance
(SPG) is present before the start of program. These warnings may lead to a positive result. This warns the viewer of
the sexual nature of the program and encourage them to be responsible.
Activity: Within my Circle
Thank You

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