1. Monday 29 Jan 2024 Ch 12 Intro and Rectilinear Motion With Problems

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Engineering Mechanics Dynamics

In engineering mechanics Statics, you studied static equilibrium, of a real-
world system like a SUV, Crane, to make sure it will not tip over.
Dynamics is study of bodies in motion as applied to engineering systems
and structures.
There are many examples of dynamic systems and structures that we
encounter in everyday life. (Suspension system of Vehicle’s wheel,
Pendulum system of wall clock etc.) You'll even learn what it's meant by
the sweet spot, so that you can hit a golf ball or a baseball further.
In this course, we'll study the motion of systems under various loading
The format of the course will be same as statics spread over a period of
sixteen weeks. There will be graded quizzes, assignments, mid semester
exam and an end semester exam.
To be successful in the course, you will need to master basic engineering
mechanics concepts.
Introduction Cont’d
 We will apply many of the engineering fundamentals
learned in statics.
 This course will change the way you look at the world
around you.
 It should spark an interest in you to explore engineering
systems that you encounter daily and look at them through
the eyes of an engineer.

 Now let's look at the specifics of what we're going to study

in the class. First, we're going to describe the relationship
of this topic of Engineering Dynamics as part of the overall
study of Engineering Mechanics. And we're going to list
the major topics in the course.
Engineering Mechanics / Engineering
Takes the fundamentals of

Math How the Physical World

Physics Works and transforms into
Basic Sciences the fields of engineering

Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Material Science
Engineering etc..
All of these are Application of science to fill a
human need
An Overview of Mechanics
Mechanics: Branch of physical sciences concerned with
the state of rest or motion of bodies subjected to the action
of forces. The study of how rigid bodies react to forces
acting on them.

Dynamics: The study of motion..

Subject of dynamics will be studied in two
Statics: focused parts:
on bodies in 1. Kinematics – Study geometrical aspects
equilibrium. Rest of motion (Relates s, v and a with t). We look at
or moves with things like position, velocity, acceleration in time.
Once we are able to describe the motion geometry
constant velocity
2. Kinetics - Study how motion is resulted
Newton’s first from external forces acting on a body. Relates force
acting on the body to the motion of the body or
law: FR = 0 motion of the body to the force

Newton’s second law: FR = ma


1. Introduction to basic concepts of Dynamics

2. Kinematics of Particles: Rectilinear Kinematics, General Curvilinear Motion,
Rectangular Components, and Motion of a Projectile, Curvilinear Motion:
cylindrical, normal and tangential components
3 Kinetics of a Particle-Force and Acceleration: Newton’s laws of motion,
Equation of motion for a system of particles, Equation of motion in rectangular,
cylindrical and tangential coordinates, Central-Force Motion and Space
4 Kinetics of a Particle-Work and Energy: Work of a force, Principle of work
and energy for a system of particles, Power and efficiency, Conservative forces
and energy. Utilize Work-Energy principles to find relationships between
velocity and position.
5 Kinetics of a Particle-Impulse and Momentum: Principle of linear impulse and
momentum for a system of particles, Conservation of linear momentum for a
system of particles, Impact, Angular momentum and angular Momentum of a
system of particles. Utilize the Impulse-Momentum principles in cases of
impact to find approximate solutions immediately after impact.
6 Kinematics of a Rigid Body: Rigid body motion, Translation and rotation about
a fixed axis, Relative motion analysis: Velocity and acceleration
7 Kinetics of a Rigid Body-Force and Acceleration: Moment of inertia, Planar kinetics
equations of motion: Translation, rotation about a fixed axis and general plane motion
As we move along with this course it might seem to you that this course covers a
lot of topics with a large number of formulas to study. It could be overwhelming.
Therefore I would like to point out to you that there are only four fundamental
formulas which definitely you should know by heart.

t=0 t t+dt

1 v = ds/dt

2 a = dv/dt s + ds

3 F = ma r
relates the length of s
4 s = rθ ɵ
an arc to its central
Most other formulas in this class can be derived from these four.
For example
1 v = ds/dt
dt = ds/v = dv/a ads = vdv
2 a = dv/dt

ads = vdv
Fds = mvdv
3 F = ma
ʃ Fds = m ʃ vdv

ʃ Fds = ½mv22 – ½mv12

Principle of work and energy
states that the work done by all forces acting on a particle
(the work of the resultant force) equals the change in the
kinetic energy of the particle
2 a = dv/dt

F= m dv/dt ʃ Fdt = m ʃ dv
3 F = ma

ʃ Fdt = mv2 – mv1

Principle of linear and impulse momentum
states that the total force acting on a particle over a time
interval is equal to its linear momentum

This principle is very useful when solving problems in which

we are interested in determining the global effect of a force
acting on a particle over a time interval.
Add fourth eq, combine all of them , we can
1 v = ds/dt derive series of formulas that involves
rotational motion such as,
2 a = dv/dt Angular Velocity Angular acceleration
ω = dθ/dt = v/r α = d ω /dt = at / r

3 F = ma Angular Kinematics How moment causes

αdθ = ωd ω angular acceleration
MG = I G α
4 s = rθ
Work of Moment
UM = ʃ M dθ
Principle of angular impulse and momentum
IG ω1 + ∑ ʃ MG dt = IGω2 etc.
So as you study dynamics don’t get caught up in memorizing so many formulas that
is not the most efficient ways to learn dynamics, more importantly you need to
focus on understanding the fundamental relationships between different physical
quantities and also how to apply your mathematical skills to derive these
Kinematics of a Particle


◦Introduce the concepts of position, displacement,

velocity, and acceleration

◦Study particle motion along a straight line and

represent the motion graphically

◦Investigate particle motion along a curved path using

different coordinate systems

Road Map

Kinematics of particles

Rectilinear motion
motion Curvilinear
Curvilinear motion

x-y coord.
coord. n-t
n-t coord.
coord. r-
r- coord.
Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion

We will begin our study of dynamics by discussing

the kinematics of a particle that moves along a
rectilinear or straight line
◦Particle: has mass, but it is of negligible size and
◦The kinematics of a particle is characterize by
specifying, at any instant it’s, position, velocity and
Rectilinear means that the path of motion is a straight line.
Continuous motion means that the position as t consists only
one equation
The position function of an object is our ultimate
goal in solving kinematics problems, position is
closely related to other quantities such as velocity
and acceleration. we will make such relationships
more precise, and find that knowledge of the
velocity or acceleration of an object can help us
find its position function. Conversely, knowledge of
an object's position function is all we need to
reconstruct its velocity and acceleration functions.
We will find that position, velocity, and
acceleration are all tightly interconnected notions
and play an important role in describing the
motions of objects.
In order to describe the motion of an object we must determine
the position of the object at any point in time.

A particle travels along a straight-line path

defined by the coordinate axis s.
The position of the particle at any instant,
relative to the origin, O, is defined by the
position vector r, or the scalar s. Typical
units for r and s are meters (m) or feet
The displacement of the particle is
defined as its change in position.
Vector form:  r = r’ - r Scalar form:  s = s’ - s
Velocity is a measure of the rate of change in the position of a particle
(that is its change in position per unit time). It is a vector quantity (it has
both magnitude and direction). The magnitude of the velocity is called
speed, with units of m/s or ft/s.
The average velocity of a particle during a time
interval t is change in position over change in
time vavg = r/t

When time difference t approaches zero, average velocity

 r 
becomes, Instantaneous velocity v = dr/dt v  lim  
t 0
 t 

Speed is the magnitude of velocity: v = ds/dt

Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by elapsed time:
(vsp)avg = sT/  t, But its average velocity is vavg = -∆s/ t
The total distance traveled by the particle, sT, is a positive scalar that
represents the total length of the path over which the particle travels.

The average speed is 30 m

divided by 6 seconds, or 5 m/s.

The average velocity is 12

meters divided by 6 seconds, or
2 m/s (in a direction that's
approximately 110° from
Acceleration is the rate of change in the velocity of a particle. It is a
vector quantity. Typical unit is m/s2.
The average acceleration of a particle during a
time interval t is aavg = v/t

The instantaneous acceleration is the time

derivative of velocity.
Vector form: a = dv/dt
Scalar form: a = dv/dt = d2s/dt2

Acceleration can be positive (speed

increasing) or negative (speed decreasing).

The derivative equations for velocity and acceleration can be

manipulated to get: a ds = v dv We have produced 3 important
Kinematics eqs, last eq is not
v = ds/dt a = dv/dt independent of first two equations.
Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion
“Constant Acceleration”
If acceleration is not changing with time, i.e. when rectilinear
motion has a constant acceleration. In this case we can apply
calculus and derive 3 new equations that can be used directly to
solve problems involving rectilinear motion with constant
When an object's velocity changes, it accelerates. Acceleration
shows the change in velocity in a unit time. A change in the
direction of motion results in an acceleration even if the moving
object neither speed up nor slowed down. That's because
acceleration depends on the change in velocity and velocity is a
vector quantity -- one with both magnitude and direction

Acceleration occurs, anytime an object's speed increases,

decreases, or changes direction.
Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion
“Constant Acceleration”

Sometimes an accelerating object will change its velocity by the

same amount each second.

If an object changing its velocity by 10 m/s in each consecutive

second. This is referred to as a constant acceleration since the
velocity is changing by a constant amount each second.

An object with a constant acceleration should not be confused

with an object with a constant velocity
The three kinematic equations can be integrated for the special case
when acceleration is constant (a = ac) to obtain very useful equations.
These equations are:
Kinematic a = dv/dt
Equations v = ds/dt
a ds = v dv
Velocity as a Function of Time

Integrate ac = dv/dt, assuming that initially v = v0 when t = 0.

v t
∫ dv = ∫ ac dt Note: only v and t
V0 0 are variables, v0
v = V0 + ac t and ac are
Constant Acceleration

ds = vdt

Note: only s and t are variables, all other coefficients are constants

These equations are useful only when acceleration is constant and

when t=0, S = S0, V =V0
Signs S0, V0 and ac are determined from choosen origin and positive
direction of s axis and should be indicated by arrow written at the left
of each equation
Given: A ball was thrown straight up in the air from 1.2
meter above the ground. After 3 seconds the ball returns to
the ground. Determine the maximum height it reached.
t0 = 0 s0 = 1.2m v0 = ?
t1, s1, v1 s1
t1 = ? s1 = ? v1 = 0 ac = -9.81 m/s2

t2 = 3 s s2 = 0 v2 = ?

s = s0 + v0t +1/2act2
v = v0 +act
t0, s0, v0
v2 = v02 + 2ac (s – s0)
1.2 m
t2, s2, v2
Given: A ball was thrown straight up in the air from 1.2
meter above the ground. After 3 seconds the ball returns to
the ground. Determine the maximum height it reached.
t0 = 0 s0 = 1.2m v0 = ?
t1, s1, v1 s1
t1 = ? s1 = ? v1 = 0 ac = -9.81 m/s2

t2 = 3 s s2 = 0 v2 = ?

s2 = s0 + v0t2 +1/2act22
0 = 1.2 + v0(3) +1/2(-9.81)(3)2
v0 = 14.3 m/s
t0, s0, v0
v12 = v02 + 2ac (s1 – s0)
1.2 m
t2, s2, v2 0 = (14.3)2 + 2(-9.81)(s1 – 1.2)
s1 = 11.6 m

Given: A motorcyclist travels along a straight road at a speed

of 27 m/s. When the brakes are applied, the
motorcycle decelerates at a rate of -6t m/s2.

Find: The distance the motorcycle travels before it stops.

When motorcycle stops the velocity will be zero, if we find

velocity in terms of time we can find the time when
motorcycle stops. Integration of acceleration will get
velocity in terms of time. Using this time when motorcycle
stops we can get distance travelled when motorcycle stops by
integrating velocity to get distance in terms of time.
EXAMPLE (continued)
1) Integrate acceleration to determine the vvelocity.

a = dv / dt => dv = a dt =>  dv   (6t )dtvo o

=> v – vo = -3t2 => v = -3t2 + vo

2) We can now determine the amount of time required for
the motorcycle to stop (v = 0). Use vo = 27 m/s.
0 = -3t2 + 27 => t = 3 s
3) Now calculate the distance traveled in 3s by integrating the
velocity using so = 0: s t

v = ds / dt => ds = v dt => ds   (3t 2  v )dt o

so o
=> s – so = -t + vot

=> s – 0 = (3)3 + (27)(3) => s = 54 m

v = ds/dt a = dv/dt a ds = v dv
s = vt v = v o + a ct s = so + vot + (1/2) act2 v2 = (vo)2 + 2ac (s - so)
12-3 A baseball is thrown downward from a tower of height h with an initial
speed vo. Determine the speed at which it hits the ground and the time of travel.

Given: h = 50 m vo =6 m/s

Find: v, t


30.7 m/s

2.64 s

v = ds/dt a = dv/dt a ds = v dv
= vt Statics
v = v o + a ct s = so + vot + (1/2) act2 v2 = (vo)2 + 2acDr(sRiaz
- soMufti
v = ds/dt a = dv/dt a ds = v dv
s = vt v = v o + a ct s = so + vot + (1/2) act2 v2 = (vo)2 + 2ac (s - so)
Concerned with the geometric aspects of motion, s, v, a and t
Displacement is the change in position of the object as time
changes t=0 t t+dt

s + ds

velocity is time derivative of displacement, and

v = ds/dt
acceleration is the time derivative of velocity
a = dv/dt = d2s/dt2
Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration are all vectors here
they are shown as scalars for simplification purpose

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