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Literary Texts – Drama script


1. Street art;
2. writing or drawings scribbled,
3. scratched, or sprayed on a wall
or other surface in a public
place without permission
In Grade 9, you would have acted or been involved in the performance of
plays. What do you remember about:

a. Your role in the play

b. The script and the theme of the play.
Let's Try!
In this lesson we are going to look at a scene from a play. It is set
in a Grade 9 Art class.
The class discusses different opinions about graffiti and whether it
can be considered as art.
However, the mood of the scene shifts suddenly when one student
volunteers his personal experiences. Look for how the mood
changes as we read through the script together.
1.controversial (an issue that divides
Let's Try! opinions and can make people angry)
2.perspectives (opinions; points of view)
3.rebellion (going against the way things
are; revolution)
WORDS TO 4.defiance (being rebellious against
REMEMBER!!! someone in authority – similar to
5.vandalism (destroying or defacing
• S (Grade 9 Art
Ms. Rodriguez
• Alex (Student)
• Maya (Student)
• Jamal (Student)
• Lily (Student)
• Ethan (Student)
• Ava (Student)
• Mark (Student)

Question 1: What do Alex and Maya think is important about

Question 2: What points does Lily make against graffiti?
Question 3: How is Ethan’s opinion different from the others?

Question 4: How does the mood of the scene change when Mark talks about his
brother’s graffiti?
Question 5: What is your opinion of the graffiti wall photo? Do you agree with Mark
that it is Art? Give a
reason for your answer.
Question 6. What do you think would happen next? How will the lesson end? What
will Mrs. Rodriguez say?
English 9-Lesson 6
consolidation Camp
Literary Texts –
Deliberate Practice
Question 1: You may not know that there were some Filipinos who fought in the American
Civil War in
the 1860s. With a partner, make notes on what you know about the American Civil War.

Question 2: The novel deals with the experiences and feelings of a young soldier in his first
battle. What
sort of things are you expecting to read about?

Question 3: In what ways will this Literary text be different from a history text about the
“The Red Badge of Courage”
It is from the
United States of America.
It is an extract from a famous novel by
Stephen Crane about the American Civil
War, ‘The Red Badge of Courage.’ It was
published in 1895.
1. private (the lowest rank of an
ordinary soldier)
2.trance (like a dream or in a spell)
3. crimson blotches (blood stains)
4. to enlist (to join the army)
WORDS TO 5.sieges (where an army surrounds a
REMEMBER!!! fortified city and waits for it to
6. lurid (bright colored, colorful)
7. the impending battle (the coming
battle; coming soon) avail (no use).
Informational / Expository Texts – Factual

nonfiction writing, written with the intention of

informing the reader about a specific topic. It is typically
found in magazines, science or history books,
autobiographies and instruction manuals.
1. inhaling and exhaling (breathing in
and breathing out)
Let's Try! 2.a summary of research findings (the
main results of a lot of different
studies by scientists)
3. addiction (where someone becomes
WORDS TO ‘hooked’ on something and cannot
REMEMBER!!! give it up – usually alcohol or drugs)
4.socially acceptable (something seen as
normal in the community)
5. demographic (section of the
population – e.g. young people,
children, adults.
Informational / Expository Texts – Journalism 1
Journalism is a form of writing that tells people about things that
really happened, but that they might not have known about
People who write journalism are called "journalists." They might
work at newspapers, magazines, websites or for TV or radio
The most important characteristic shared by good journalists is
curiosity. Good journalists love to read and want to find out as
much as they can about the world around them.
1.preview (a short list of things that will be explored
in more depth in the rest of the story)
2.descending order of importance (the most important
things are at the top and the less important are
presented after that)
3.readability (how easy a text is to understand)
WORDS TO 4.editorials (opinion pieces in newspapers
REMEMBER!!! representing the views of the papers)
5.attribution (acknowledging g the source of the
6. transparency (clarity)
7.credibility (whether something can be believed as
1. seismic activity (an earthquake or tremor)
2. shockwaves (the energy released by an
earthquake that shakes whatever is nearest to it)
3. tremors (shaking of the earth)
4. refuge ( a place of safety)
5. disruptions (things that disturb the normal way
things work)
6. transportation (means of travel like cars, planes,
and trucks)
7. on standby (having everything needed ready,
waiting in case they are needed).

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