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SEA College of Engineering and Technology


Module II
Impact Strength & Fatigue loading

Prepared by,
Mr. Manjunath K,Associate Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
 Impact is defined as a collision of one component in motion with a second component, which may be either in
motion or at rest.
 Impact load is the load which is rapidly applied to the machine component.
 Driving a nail with a hammer or breaking a coconut are examples of impact force.
 The stress induced in the machine component due to impact load is called impact stress.
 Impact forces are observed in machine components like hoisting ropes, hammers, springs, punches and shears,
clutches and brakes.
 Consider a bar carrying a load W at a height h and falling on the collar provided at the lower end, as shown in
Let A = Cross-sectional area of the bar,
E = Young's modulus of the material of the bar,
l = Length of the bar,
δl = Deformation of the bar,
P = Force at which the deflection δl is produced,
σi = Stress induced in the bar due to the application of impact load, and
h = Height through which the load falls.
We know that energy gained by the system in the form of strain energy

and potential energy lost by the weight

Since the energy gained by the system is equal to the potential energy lost by the weight, therefore

From this quadratic equation, we find that

Problem 1. A mass of 50 kg drops through 25 mm at the centre of a 250 mm long simply supported beam. The
beam has a square cross-section. It is made of steel 30C8 (S yt = 400 N/mm2) and the factor of safety is 2. The
modulus of elasticity is 207000 N/mm2. Determine the dimension of the cross section of the beam.
Solution: Given m = 50 kg, h = 25 mm, l = 250 mm, Syt = 400 N/mm2, (fs) = 2, E = 207000 N/mm 2
Step I Impact stress
Substituting (a) and (b) in Equation

Step II Static stress

For a simply supported beam,
W = mg = 50(9.81) = 490.5 N

where a is the side of the square cross-section.


Step III Static deflection

Problem 2. An unknown weight falls through 10 mm on a collar rigidly attached to the lower end of a vertical bar
3m long and 600 mm2 in section. If the maximum instantaneous extension is known to be 2 mm, what is the
corresponding stress and the value of unknown weight? Take E = 200 kN/mm 2.
Solution: Given: h = 10 mm; l = 3 m = 3000 mm; A = 600 mm 2; δl = 2 mm;
E = 200 kN/mm2 = 200 × 103 N/mm2
Stress in the bar
Let σ = Stress in the bar.
We know that Young's modulus,
Value of the unknown weight
Let W = Value of the unknown weight
 It has been observed that materials fail under fluctuating stresses at a stress magnitude which is lower than the
ultimate tensile strength of the material.
 Sometimes, the magnitude is even lower than the yield strength. Further, it has been found that the magnitude
of the stress causing fatigue failure decreases as the number of stress cycles increase.
 This phenomenon of decreased resistance of the materials to fluctuating stresses is the main characteristic of
fatigue failure.
 Let us examine a phenomenon we have experienced in our childhood. Suppose, there is a wire of 2 to 3 mm
diameter and we want to cut it into two pieces without any device like a hacksaw.
 One method is to shear the wire by applying equal and opposite forces P1 and P2 by left and right hands as
shown in figure.
 It is difficult to cut the wire by this method. The second method consists of alternatively bending and
unbending the wire for few cycles.
 Let us consider two diametrically opposite points A and B on the surface of the wire.
 When the wire is bent, A is subjected to tensile stress while B to compressive stress. When the wire is unbent,
there is compressive stress at A and tensile stress at B, as shown in figure.
 Therefore, there is complete reversal of stress from tensile stress to compressive stress at the point A due to
alternate bending and unbending.
 Similarly, the point B is subjected to reversal of stress from compressive stress to tensile stress during the same
 We have experienced that the wire can be cut very easily in few cycles of bending and unbending. This is a
fatigue failure and the magnitude of stress required to fracture is very low.
 In other words, there is decreased resistance of material to cyclic stresses.
 Fatigue failure is defined as time delayed fracture under cyclic loading. Examples of parts in which fatigue
failures are common are transmission shafts, connecting rods, gears, vehicle suspension springs and ball
 There is a basic difference between failure due to static load and that due to fatigue.
 The failure due to static load is illustrated by the simple tension test.
 In this case, the load is gradually applied and there is sufficient time for the elongation of fibers.
 In ductile materials, there is considerable plastic flow prior to fracture.
 This results in a silky fibrous structure due to the stretching of crystals at the fractured surface.
 On the other hand, fatigue failure begins with a crack at some point in the material.
 The crack is more likely to occur in the following regions:
(i) Regions of discontinuity, such as oil holes, keyways, screw threads, etc.
(ii) Regions of irregularities in machining operations, such as scratches on the surface, stamp mark, inspection
marks, etc.
(iii) Internal cracks due to defects in materials like blow holes
 Invariably fatigue failure begins as irregularities on the surface of metals, which act as stress raisers, and at
points of high stress or stress concentration. The basic mechanism in fatigue is slip.
 Commercial metals are composed of aggregation of small crystals with random orientations. It has been
indicated by the experiments that some crystals in a stressed-piece of metal reach their limit of elastic action
sooner than others owing to their unfavourable orientation, which permits slip to occur.
 Also distribution of stress from crystal to crystal within a piece of stressed metal is probably uniform, and when
a piece is subjected to cyclic stress variation, the constituent particles tend to move slightly with respect to one
 This movement finally weakens some minute elements to such an extent that it ruptures and microscopic cracks
or series of such cracks originate on the surface of the piece.
 In the zone of failure a stress concentration develops and with successive repetitions of stress the fracture
spreads inward from this nucleus across the entire section.
 Ultimately, the unaffected portion of the section is reduced to a small core no longer capable of sustaining the
applied load, and the specimen breaks in two parts.
 It is, therefore, evident that fatigue failure is neither sudden nor hidden. For this reason, fatigue is often referred
to as progressive fractures.
 This sequence of events makes it clear that fatigue is a result of cumulative process involving slip.
Effect of Stress Concentration of Fatigue
 Majority of the machine parts contain keyways, screw threads, holes, press fits, fillets etc.
 These geometrical irregularities act as stress raisers and reduce the fatigue strength greatly.
 Therefore, these irregularities must be reduced by careful design.
 Surface roughness also causes stress concentration.
 Another class of stress raisers, called metallurgical stress raisers, consists of inclusion, decarburisation, local
overheating due to grinding, porosity etc.
 The effect of stress raisers on fatigue is studied by preparing a specimen with a V or circular notch.
Stages of fatigue failure
 Stages of fatigue failure are:
(a) Crack nucleation.
(b) Crack growth
(c) Fracture
Crack nucleation
 Areas of localized stress concentrations such as fillets, notches, key ways, bolt holes and even scratches or tool
marks are potential zones for crack initiation.
 Crack also generally originate from a geometrical discontinuity or metallurgical stress raiser like sites of
 As a result of the local stress concentrations at these locations, the induced stress goes above the yield strength
(in normal ductile materials) and cyclic plastic straining results due to cyclic variations in the stresses.
 On a macro scale the average value of the induced stress might still be below the yield strength of the material.
 During plastic straining slip occurs and (dislocation movements) results in gliding of planes one over the other.
 During the cyclic stressing, slip saturation results which makes further plastic deformation difficult.
Crack propagation
 This further increases the stress levels and the process continues, propagating the cracks across the grains or
along the grain boundaries, slowly increasing the crack size.
 As the size of the crack increases the cross sectional area resisting the applied stress decreases and reaches a
thresh hold level at which it is insufficient to resist the applied stress.

Final fracture
 As the area becomes too insufficient to resist the induced stresses any further a sudden fracture results in the
Crack propagation
 This further increases the stress levels and the process continues, propagating the cracks across the grains or
along the grain boundaries, slowly increasing the crack size.
 As the size of the crack increases the cross sectional area resisting the applied stress decreases and reaches a
thresh hold level at which it is insufficient to resist the applied stress.

Final fracture
 As the area becomes too insufficient to resist the induced stresses any further a sudden fracture results in the
There are three different types of fatigue loading:
1. Zero-to-max-to-zero: Where a part which is carrying no load is then subjected to a load, and later, the load is
removed, so the first part goes back to no-load condition.
Example: chain used to haul lugs behind a tractor.

2. Varying loads superimposed on a constant load: The suspension wires in a railroad bridge are an example of
this type.
Example: The wires have a constant static tensile load from the weight of the bridge, and an additional tensile load
when a train is on the bridge.
3. Fully-reversing load: Once cycle of this type of loading occurs when a tensile stress of some value is applied to
an unloaded part and then released, then a compressive stress of the same value is applied and released.
Example: A rotating shaft with a bending load applied to it is a good example of fully reversing load.
 The S–N curve is the graphical representation of stress amplitude (Sf ) versus the number of stress cycles (N)
before the fatigue failure on a log-log graph paper.
 The S–N diagram is also called Wöhler diagram, after August Wöhler, a German engineer who published his
fatigue research in 1870.
 The S–N curve for steels is shown in figure.
 The S–N curve for steels is shown in figure.
 Each test on the fatigue testing machine gives one failure point on the S–N diagram.
 In practice, the points are scattered in the figure and an average curve is drawn through them.
 The S–N diagram is a standard method of presenting fatigue data.

 For ferrous materials like steels, the S–N curve becomes asymptotic at 10 6 cycles, which indicates the stress

amplitude corresponding to infinite number of stress cycles.

 The magnitude of this stress amplitude at 106 cycles represents the endurance limit of the material.

 The S–N curve shown in figure is valid only for ferrous metals.

 For nonferrous metals like aluminum alloys, the S–N curve slopes gradually even after 10 6 cycles.

 These materials do not exhibit a distinct value of the endurance limit in a true sense.

 For these materials, endurance limit stress is sometimes expressed as a function of the number of stress cycles.
 There are two regions of S-N curve namely, low-cycle fatigue and high-cycle fatigue.
 The difference between these two fatigue failures is as follows:
(i) Any fatigue failure when the number of stress cycles are less than 1000, is called low-cycle fatigue. Any fatigue
failure when the number of stress cycles are more than 1000, is called high-cycle fatigue.
(ii) Failure of studs on truck wheels, failure of setscrews for locating gears on shafts or failures of short-lived
devices such as missiles are the examples of low-cycle fatigue. The failure of machine components such as springs,
ball bearings or gears that are subjected to fluctuating stresses, are the examples of high-cycle fatigue.
(iii) The low-cycle fatigue involves plastic yielding at localized areas of the components. There are some theories
of low-cycle fatigue. However, in many applications, the designers simply ignore the fatigue effect when the
number of stress cycles are less than 1000. A greater factor of safety is used to account for this effect. Such
components are designed on the basis of ultimate tensile strength or yield strength with a suitable factor of safety.
(iv) Components subjected to high-cycle fatigue are designed on the basis of endurance limit stress. S–N curves,
Soderberg lines, Gerber lines or Goodman diagrams are used in the design of such components.
 The dimensions of the standard test specimen (in mm) are shown in figure.
 The specimen is carefully machined and polished. The final polishing is done in axial direction in order to
avoid circumferential scratches.
 In the laboratory, the endurance limit is determined by means of a rotating beam machine developed by R R

 The fatigue or endurance limit of a material is defined as the maximum amplitude of completely reversed stress

that the standard specimen can sustain for an unlimited number of cycles without fatigue failure.

 Since the fatigue test cannot be conducted for unlimited or infinite number of cycles, 10 6 cycles is considered as

a sufficient number of cycles to define the endurance limit.

 There is another term called fatigue life, which is frequently used with endurance limit.

 The fatigue life is defined as the number of stress cycles that the standard specimen can complete during the

test before the appearance of the first fatigue crack.

 The principle of a rotating beam is illustrated in figure. A beam of circular cross-section is subjected to bending
moment Mb.
 Under the action of bending moment, tensile stresses are induced in the upper half of the beam and compressive
stresses in the lower half.
 The maximum tensile stress in the uppermost fibre is equal to the maximum compressive stress in the
lowermost fibre.
 There is zero stress at all fibres in the central horizontal plane passing through the axis of the beam.
 Let us consider a point A on the surface of the beam and let us try to find out stresses at this point when the
shaft is rotated through one revolution.
 Initially, the point A occupies position A1 in the central horizontal plane with zero stress.

 When the shaft is rotated through 90°, it occupies the position A2. It is subjected to maximum tensile stress in
this position.
 When the shaft is further rotated through 90°, the point A will occupy the position A3 in the central horizontal
plane with zero stress.
 A further rotation of 90° will bring the point A to the position A4. It is subjected to maximum compressive stress
in this position.
 It is observed that the beam is subjected to completely reversed stresses with tensile stress in the first half and
compressive stress in the second half.
 The distribution is sinusoidal and one stress cycle is completed in one revolution. The amplitude of this cycle is
given by

 The amplitude can be increased or decreased by increasing or decreasing the bending moment respectively.
 To determine the endurance limit of a material, a number of tests are to be carried out.
 The endurance limit discussed so far has been the test value either obtained directly from rotating beam tests or
estimated as such from the tensile strength of the material.
 This value of endurance limit is in almost every instance higher than that of an actual part due to a number of
factors not included in the beam test conducted under ideal standard conditions.
 This is represented analytically by multiplying the rotating beam endurance limit by a number of k factors to
give the endurance limit of the part.
 To begin with a rotating beam specimen is polished longitudinally to reduce any surface imperfection that
might initiate a crack.
 The rougher condition of processed real part surfaces will always reduce the value of the endurance limit.
 Other factors include the size of the part, the type of loading it is subjected to, the temperature at which it
operates and other miscellaneous conditions including stress concentration factors due to changes in geometry.
 When a machine member is subjected to variable loads, the endurance limit of the material for that member
depends upon the surface conditions.
 Figure shows the values of surface finish factor for the various surface conditions and ultimate tensile strength.
 When the surface finish factor is known, then the endurance limit for the material of the machine member may
be obtained by multiplying the endurance limit and the surface finish factor.
 We see that for a mirror polished material, the surface finish factor is unity.
 In other words, the endurance limit for mirror polished material is maximum and it goes on reducing due to
surface condition.
Let Ksur = Surface finish factor.
Endurance limit,
σe1 = σeb.Ksur= σe.Kb.Ksur = σe.Ksur (For reversed bending load)

= σea.Ksur = σe.Ka.Ksur (For reversed axial load)

= τe.Ksur = σe.Ks.Ksur (For reversed torsional or shear load)

 The surface finish factor for non-ferrous metals may be taken as unity.
 A little consideration will show that if the size of the standard specimen as shown in figure is increased, then
the endurance limit of the material will decrease.
 This is due to the fact that a longer specimen will have more defects than a smaller one.
Let Ksz = Size factor.

Endurance limit, σe2 = σe1 × Ksz (Considering surface finish factor also)

= σeb.Ksur.Ksz = σe.Kb.Ksur.Ksz = σe.Ksur.Ksz

= σea.Ksur.Ksz = σe.Ka.Ksur.Ksz (For reversed axial load)

= τe.Ksur.Ksz = σe.Ks.Ksur.Ksz (For reversed torsional or shear load)

 The value of size factor is taken as unity for the standard specimen having nominal diameter of 7.657 mm.
 When the nominal diameter of the specimen is more than 7.657 mm but less than 50 mm, the value of size
factor may be taken as 0.85.
 When the nominal diameter of the specimen is more than 50 mm, then the value of size factor may be taken as
 It is observed that the actual reduction in the endurance limit of a material due to stress concentration is less
than the amount indicated by the theoretical stress concentration factor Kt.
 Therefore, two separate notations, Kt and Kf, are used for stress concentration factors.
 Kt is the theoretical stress concentration factor which is applicable to ideal materials that are homogeneous,
isotropic and elastic.
 Kf is the fatigue stress concentration factor, which is defined as follows:

 This factor Kf is applicable to actual materials and depends upon the grain size of the material.
 It is observed that there is a greater reduction in the endurance limit of fine-grained materials as compared to
coarse-grained materials, due to stress concentration.
 Notch sensitivity is defined as the susceptibility of a material to succumb to the damaging effects of stress
raising notches in fatigue loading.
 The notch sensitivity factor q is defined as

Since, = nominal stress as obtained by elementary equations

Actual stress = Kf

Theoretical stress = Kt

Increase of actual stress over nominal stress= ( K f – )

Increase of theoretical stress over nominal stress = (K t – )


The above equation can be rearranged in the following form

Kf = 1 + q(Kt – 1)
The following conclusions are drawn with the help of equation,
(i) When the material has no sensitivity to notches,
q = 0 and Kf = 1
(ii) When the material is fully sensitive to notches,
q = 1 and Kf = Kt
 When a component is subjected to fluctuating stresses, there is mean stress as well as stress amplitude.
 It has been observed that the mean stress component has an effect on fatigue failure when it is present in
combination with an alternating component.
 The fatigue diagram for this general case is shown in figure.
 In this diagram, the mean stress is plotted on the abscissa. The stress amplitude is plotted on the ordinate.
 The magnitudes of mean stress and stress amplitude depend upon the magnitudes of maximum and minimum
force acting on the component.
 When stress amplitude is zero, the load is purely static and the criterion of failure is S ut or Syt. These limits are
plotted on the abscissa.
 When the mean stress is zero, the stress is completely reversing and the criterion of failure is the endurance
limit that is plotted on the ordinate.
 When the component is subjected to both components of stress, the actual failure occurs at different scattered
points shown in the figure.
 There exists a border, which divides safe region from unsafe region for various combinations of mean stress
and stress amplitude.
 In this diagram, the mean stress is plotted on the abscissa. The stress amplitude is plotted on the ordinate.
 The magnitudes of mean stress and stress amplitude depend upon the magnitudes of maximum and minimum
force acting on the component.
 When stress amplitude is zero, the load is purely static and the criterion of failure is S ut or Syt. These limits are
plotted on the abscissa.
 When the mean stress is zero, the stress is completely reversing and the criterion of failure is the endurance
limit that is plotted on the ordinate.
 When the component is subjected to both components of stress, the actual failure occurs at different scattered
points shown in the figure.
 There exists a border, which divides safe region from unsafe region for various combinations of mean stress
and stress amplitude.
 A straight line connecting the endurance limit (σe) and the ultimate strength (σu), as shown by line AB in
figure, follows the suggestion of Goodman.
 A Goodman line is used when the design is based on ultimate strength and may be used for ductile or brittle
 In figure, line AB connecting σe and σu is called Goodman's failure stress line.
 If a suitable factor of safety (F.S.) is applied to endurance limit and ultimate strength, a safe stress line CD may
be drawn parallel to the line AB.
Let us consider a design point P on the line CD. Now from similar triangles COD and PQD,
 This expression does not include the effect of stress concentration. It may be noted that for ductile materials,
the stress concentration may be ignored under steady loads.
 Since many machine and structural parts that are subjected to fatigue loads contain regions of high stress
concentration, therefore equation must be altered to include this effect.
 In such cases, the fatigue stress concentration factor (Kf) is used to multiply the variable stress (σv). The
equation may now be written as
F.S. = Factor of safety,
σm = Mean stress,
σu = Ultimate stress,
σv = Variable stress,
σe = Endurance limit for reversed loading, and
Kf = Fatigue stress concentration factor.
 Considering the load factor, surface finish factor and size factor, the equation may be written as

Kb = Load factor for reversed bending load,

Ksur = Surface finish factor, and
Ksz = Size factor.
 A straight line connecting the endurance limit (σe) and the yield strength (σy), as shown by the line AB in figure,
follows the suggestion of Soderberg line.
 This line is used when the design is based on yield strength.
 If a suitable factor of safety (F.S.) is applied to the endurance limit and yield strength, a safe stress line CD may
be drawn parallel to the line AB.
 Let us consider a design point P on the line CD. Now from similar triangles COD and PQD,
 For machine parts subjected to fatigue loading, the fatigue stress concentration factor (Kf) should be applied to
only variable stress (σv). Thus the equations may be written as

 Considering the load factor, surface finish factor and size factor, the equation may be written as

 Since σeb = σe × Kb and Kb = 1 for reversed bending load, therefore σeb = σe may be substituted in the above
 In certain applications, the mechanical component is subjected to different stress levels for different parts of the
work cycle.
 The life of such a component is determined by Miner’s equation.
 Suppose that a component is subjected to completely reversed stresses (σ1) for (n1) cycles, (σ2) for (n2) cycles,
and so on.
 Let N1 be the number of stress cycles before fatigue failure, if only the alternating stress (σ1) is acting.

 One stress cycle will consume (1/N1) of the fatigue life and since there are n1 such cycles at this stress level, the

proportionate damage of fatigue life will be [(1/N1)nl] or (nl/Nl).

 Similarly, the proportionate damage at stress level (σ2) will be (n2/N2). Adding these quantities, we get
 The following equation is known as Miner’s equation.

 Sometimes, the number of cycles n1, n2,… at stress levels σ1, σ2,… are unknown.

 Suppose that α1, α2,… are proportions of the total life that will be consumed by the stress levels σ1, σ2,… etc.
 Let N be the total life of the component. Then,

 Substituting these values in Miner’s equation,

 With the help of the above equations, the life of the component subjected to different stress levels can be
Problem 1. A grooved shaft shown in figure is subjected to rotating-bending load. The dimensions are shown in
the figure and the bending moment is 30 Nm. The shaft has a ground finish and an ultimate tensile strength of 1000
MPa. Determine the life of the shaft.
Modified endurance limit, σe′ = σe C1C2C3C4C5/ Kf

Here, the diameter lies between 7.6 mm and 50 mm : C1 = 0.85

The shaft is subjected to reversed bending load: C2 = 1

From the surface factor vs tensile strength plot in figure
For UTS = 1000 MPa and ground surface: C3 = 0.91

Since T≤ 450o C, C4 = 1
For high reliability, C5 = 0.702.
From the notch sensitivity plots in figure, for r=0.4 mm and UTS = 1000 MPa, q = 0.78
From stress concentration plots in figure, for r/d = 0.04 and D/d = 1.2, K t = 1.9.

This gives Kf = 1+q (Kt -1) = 1.702.

Then, σe′ = σe x 0.89 x 1x 0.91 x 1x 0.702/1.702 = 0.319 σe

For steel, we may take σe = 0.5 σUTS = 500 MPa and then we have σe′ = 159.5 MPa.
32 𝑀
𝜎 =
Bending stress at the outermost fiber, 𝑏 𝜋 𝑑 3

For the smaller diameter, d=0.01 mm, σb = 305 MPa

For high cycle fatigue with finite life, log S = b log N +1C
− 𝑐/ 𝑏 /𝑏
𝑁 =10 𝑆
Therefore, finite life N can be given by
Since the reversed bending stress is 306 MPa, N = 2.98x10 9 cycles.
Multiple Choice
1. Stress concentration in cyclic loading is more serious in
(a) ductile materials (b) brittle materials (c) equally serious in both cases (d) depends on other factors (e)

2. Endurance limit or fatigue limit is the maximum stress that a member can withstand for an infinite number of
load applications without failure when subjected to
(a) dynamic loading (b) static loading (c) combined static and dynamic loading (d) completely reversed loading
(e) all of the above.

3. Pick up wrong statement. Fatigue strength can be increased by

(a) cold working (b)shot peening (c)grinding and lapping surface (d) hot working (e) using gradual changes of

4. Which of the following is not correct procedure to increase the fatigue limit
(a) cold working (b) shot peening (c) surface decarburization (d) under-stressing (e) all of the above
Multiple Choice
5. Coaxing is the procedure of increasing
(a) metal strength by cycling (b) metal hardness by surface treatment (c) metal resistance to corrosion by coating
(d) fatigue limit by overstressing the metal by successively increasing loadings (e) none of the above.

6. Which is correct statement? Stress concentration in static loading is

(a) very serious in brittle materials and less serious in ductile materials (b) very serious in ductile materials and
less serious in brittle materials (c) equally serious in both types of materials (d) seriousness would depend on
other factors (e) none of the above.

7. The notch angle of the Izod impact test specimen is

(a) 10° (b) 20° (c) 30° (d) 45° (e) 60°.

8. In Vicker's hardness testing, the pyramid indentor apex is

(a) 40° (b) 122° (c) 136° (d) 152° (e) 161°.
Multiple Choice
9. Which is correct statement ? Stress concentration in cyclic loading is
(a) very serious in brittle materials and less serious in ductile materials (b) very serious in ductile materials and
less serious in brittle materials(c) equally serious in both types of materials (d) seriousness would depend
on other factors (e) none of the above.

10. In testing a material for endurance strength, it is subjected to

(a) static load (b) dynamic load (c) impact load (d) static as well as dynamic load (e) completely reversed load.

11. If a material fails below its yield point, failure would be due to
(a) straining (b) fatigue (c) creep (d) sudden loading (e) impact loading.

12. The fatigue limit of a material

(a) is greatly decreased by poor surface conditions (b) remains same irrespective of surface conditions (c) depends
mainly on core composition (d) is dependent upon yield strength of material (e) none of the above.
Multiple Choice
13. Cold working
(a) increases the fatigue strength (b) decreases the fatigue strength (c) has no influence on fatigue strength (d)
alone has no influence on fatigue strength (e) none of the above.

14. Yield point in fatigue loading as compared to static loading is

(a) same (b) higher (c) lower (d) depends on other factors (e) none of the above.

15. Residual stress in materials

(a) acts when external load is applied (b) becomes zero when external load is removed (c) is independent of
external loads (d) is always harmful (e) is always beneficial.
Comprehensive Questions
Question 1. A machine component is subjected to a flexural stress which fluctuates between + 300 MN/m 2 and –
150 MN/m2. Determine the value of minimum ultimate strength according to i) Gerber relation; ii) Modified
Goodman relation; and iii) Soderberg relation. Take yield strength = 0.55 Ultimate strength; Endurance strength =
0.5 Ultimate strength; and factor of safety = 2.

Question 2. A bar of circular cross-section is subjected to alternating tensile forces varying from a minimum of
200 kN to a maximum of 500 kN. It is to be manufactured of a material with an ultimate tensile strength of 900
MPa and an endurance limit of 700 MPa. Determine the diameter of bar using safety factors of 3.5 related to
ultimate tensile strength and 4 related to endurance limit and a stress concentration factor of 1.65 for fatigue load.
Use Goodman straight line as basis for design.
University Questions
Question 1. A free end of a cantilever beam of rectangular cross section having depth 200 mm and length 1200
mm, is struck by a weight of 10 kN that falls on to it from a height of 20 mm. The maximum instantaneous is to
be limited to 120 MPa. Find suitable width of the cross section (L3).

Modified Question: A free end of a cantilever beam of rectangular cross section having depth 200 mm and
length 1200 mm, is struck by a weight of 10 kN that falls on to it from a height of 20 mm. The maximum
instantaneous is to be limited to 120 MPa. Find suitable width of the cross section. Investigate the severity of
static load of same magnitude which being applied on the cantilever beam of same cross section and compare
both (L4).
University Questions
Question 2. A connecting rod is subjected to an axial load that fluctuated from 120 kN tension to 60 kN
compression. The material has a yield stress of 360 MPa and normal endurance stress of 300 MPa. Taking factor
of safety as 2.1, find suitable diameter of the connecting rod (L3).

Modified Question: A connecting rod is subjected to an axial load that fluctuated from 120 kN tension to 60 kN
compression. The material has a yield stress of 360 MPa and normal endurance stress of 300 MPa. Taking factor
of safety as 2.1, find suitable diameter of the connecting rod. Identify the appropriate materials for the given
application by considering brittle and ductile nature (L4).




Innovative Content Link


FDP Content Link

Case Studies
 Fatigue Life Assessment for Metallic Structure: A Case Study of Shell Structure under Variable Amplitude

 Fatigue failure of the landing gear on a light aircraft that collapsed during a landing on rough terrain.

 Fatigue failure of an engine in a passenger jet aircraft, the cause of the failure having been determined to be
fatigue within a roller bearing.

 “Design of Machine Elements”, V B Bhandari, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2016.

 “Mechanical Engineering Design”, Richard G. Budynas and J. Keith Nisbett, Tata McGraw Hill,10 th Edition,


 “Design of Machine Elements”, R. S. Khurmi and J. K. Gupta, Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd, 2013.

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