06ventillation & air movement

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3 distinct functions:

Supply of fresh air

Convective cooling
Physiological cooling
Requirements of fresh air supply are governed by:

1) Type of occupancy
2) No. and activity of the occupants
3) Nature of the process carried out in the space.


Permanent ventilators:
Openings which cannot be closed.
E.g.: grilles, air bricks built into walls.

Openable windows:
Size is related to floor area or volume of the room.
Cooling by exchange of indoor air with fresh outdoor air, when the outdoor temperature is
lower than indoor temperature.

Effective in:

Moderate /cold climate.

Sometimes in warm climate: when solar heat gain increases internal temperature higher
than outdoor temperature.

Ventillation involves air movement at a slow rate.

Motive force is thermal force set up by density difference caused due to
temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air. .
Stack ventilation is where air is driven through the building by vertical pressure
differences developed by thermal buoyancy.

 The warm air inside the building is less
dense than cooler air outside, and thus will try
to escape from openings high up in the building
envelope; cooler denser air will enter openings
lower down.
Ventilating shafts:
Higher the shaft, larger the cross sectional area, greater temperature difference,greater
the motive force.

Motive force:
Stack pressure X cross sectional area.
Ps= .042xhxΔT

Ps= Stack pressure in N/m²

H= height of stack in m
ΔT= temperature difference in deg C
Air movement past skin surface accelerates heat dissipation in 2 ways:
1. Increases convective heat loss
2. Accelerates evaporation.

 Bioclimatic chart and ET nomogram shows

cooling effect of air movement.
• 30º C DBT and 25ºC WBT gives ET of
27 ºC with still air
• And 22º C with 7.5 m/s air velocity.

 Low humidity(below 30%):

Cooling effect is low due to unrestricted

 High humidity(above 85%):

Cooling effect is restricted by high vapor
pressure preventing evaporation, but greater
Velocities will have some effect.

 Moderate humidity(35 to 60%):

Cooling by air movement is most needed when
Cooling effect is significant. there is no other forms of heat dissipation
• Sometimes thermal forces cannot create much air movement.
• In such cases we will have to rely on dynamic effect of wind.

As designers, we have to analyze 2 aspects:

1. Air flow through a buildings

2. Air flow around a buildings.

Air flow around a building:

3. Air flow through buildings is a result of pressure difference between two sides.
4. As air moves, it has a momentum (mass x velocity).Its direction and magnitude can
be changed only by another force.
5. When moving air strikes a building, air flow slows down, but exerts a pressure on the
Pw= .612xv²
Pw= wind pressure
v=wind velocity
Pressure is proportionate to wind velocity

4. Slowing down process creates a wedge shaped mass of air on the windward side of the
building, which diverts air flow upwards.
5. A separation layer is created: stagnant air and building on one hand and laminar air
flow on one hand.
6. Since area available for air flow is slowed down, laminar air flow will be accelerated.
7. Due to friction at the separation layer, upper surface of the stagnant air moves upward,
creating a vortex.

8. Due to the moment of laminar air flow, it tends to maintain a straight path, and it takes
time to return to the ground surface after the obstacle.
9. Thus a stagnant mass of air or vortex is created in the leeward side also, at reduced
pressure. Air movement is light and variable.This is referred to as wind shadow.

10. On windward side vortex is at high pressure and in the leeward side at low pressure.
11.Thus provide an opening facing a high pressure zone and one at the low pressure zone
will generate air flow through buildings.

Factors effecting indoor air flow are:

a) Orientation
b) External features
c) Cross ventilation
d) Position of openings
e) Size of Openings
f) Control of openings

 The greatest pressure on windward side of a building is generated when elevation is

at right angles to wind direction.
 Hence greatest indoor air velocity is achieved at this orientation.

Findings by Givoni:
 A wind incidence at 45º will increase average indoor air velocity and provide better
distribution of indoor air movement.
 When at 45º, greater velocity is created along the windward faces, therefore wind
shadow will be broader.
 The negative pressure is increased resulting in increased indoor air flow.
External features:

 Wind shadows created by obstructions must be avoided in a building site.

 Wind velocity is made steeper by uneven surfaces. Thus a low building can never
obtain velocities similar to taller one.
 External features can influence pressure buildup.
 Projecting wing of an L shaped building can double positive pressure .
 Upward projecting eaves can create funneling effect.
Cross ventillation:

 Cross ventilation is obtained by having windows in both sides of the room, causing
airflow across the space
 Lack of cross ventilation:

 In the absence of an outlet opening , there can be no effective air movement through
a building even in strong winds.
 With a windward opening and no outlet, a pressure will be built indoors,creating
 Sometimes, oscillating pressure called buffeting occurs.
 Same effect is produced when there is opening only on the leeward side, with no
 Right angle bends caused due to furniture/internal walla can stop a low velocity air
Position of Openings:

 Air movement must be through the space most used by occupants-living zone-upto
2m high.
 In fig a, when opening at inlet side is at a high level, air flow is near the ceiling,not in
the living zone.

 Pressure buildup in front of solid areas of elevation will govern the direction of
indoor air stream.
 In fig b. a large solid surface creates a large pressure build up, pushing air stream in
opposite direction.
 Thus in a 2 storey building air flow in ground floor will be satisfactory, but not in
upper floor. One remedy is an increased parapet wall.
Size of Openings:

 Largest air velocity is obtained through a small inlet opening with a large outlet.
 Reason: partly due to total force acting on a small area, forcing air through the
opening at high pressure and partly due to venture effect.
 Above arrangement is useful when airflow is to be directed to a given part of the

 When inlet opening is large , air velocity is less, but volume of air will be more.
 Such arrangement is useful when wind direction is not constant or when air flow
through whole space is required.

 Best arrangement is full wall openings on both sides, with sashes to channel air flow.
Control of Openings:

 Sashes, canopies, louvers and other elements are means of controlling indoor air

 Sashes divert air flow upwards.

 Reversible pivot sash will channel it downwards.

 Canopies' eliminate effect of pressure build up above windows.Thus pressure below

window will direct airflow upwards.
 A gap left in between building face and the canopy will ensure downward pressure,
directing flow into the living zone.
Control of Openings:
Louvers and shading device also channels air flow.
Position of blade 20º upward can still channel flow into the living zone.
While Designing a cluster of buildings/settlements ,provision of air movement must be
an important concern in deciding the layout of buildings.(especially in warm-humid


Air stream separates on the
face of the tall block:
 part of it moves up & over the
part of it down to form large
vortex leading to high pressure

Thus an increased velocity is

found at ground level at the
sides of the tall block.

If the tall block is permeable

to wind(not fully closed) these
effects will be reduced.

If a low building is located

on the wind shadow of a tall
the increase in height of the
block will increase the air
flow through the low
building in a direction
opposite to that of the wind

The lower return wing of a

large vortex would pass
through the building.

In an open country, if single storey buildings are placed in rows( grid-iron
pattern), stagnant air zones in the leeward side from the first row will overlap
with the second row.

 A spacing of six times the building height is necessary for adequate air movement for
the second row.

 If buildings are staggered in a checker-board pattern, the flow field is more uniform,
stagnant air zones are almost eliminated.
In hot-dry climate, when there is no means of dehumidification by mechanical means,
air movement can give some relief.

Air must be:

Humidified associated with evaporative cooling
Sand and dust must be filtered
Air supply should be controlled.

All these functions are served by a device called WIND SCOOP.

Intake opening captures air movement
above roof
Water seeping through the porous pot
jars evaporates, some drips down onto
the charcoal placed on grating, through
which air is filtered.
The Cooled air assists the downwards
movement –a reversed stack effect.

. scoops are used for ventilation, but cannot create air movement strong enough
for physiological cooling

 Ducts are used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) to deliver and
remove air. These needed airflows include, for example, supply air, return air,
and exhaust air.Ducts also deliver, most commonly as part of the supply air,
ventilation air. As such, air ducts are one method of ensuring acceptable
indoor air quality as well as thermal comfort.
 A duct system is often called ductwork. Planning ('laying out'), sizing, optimizing,
detailing, and finding the pressure losses through a duct system is called duct
Ducts can be made out of the following materials:
Galvanized mild steel is the standard and most common material used in fabricating
ductwork. For insulation purposes, metal ducts are typically lined with faced fiber glass
blanket (duct liner) or wrapped externally with fiber glass blankets (duct wrap)

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