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Get ready to have the worst nightmare

Robert the doll
Robert the doll was owned by a
painter and an author Robert
Eugene Otto.The
doll is believed to have been
possessed by many evil spirits.
Robert the doll is currently in
East Museum. The author
received the doll in 1906 by
someone who practices black
Eugene’s parents noticed him talking to the doll and
the doll seemed to have been talking back. but they
thought that it was Eugene changing his voice and
talking. They later believed that the doll was talking.
The family would catch glimpse of running in and out
of the rooms. On several nights Eugene would scream.
When his parents ran into the room they found
furniture everywhere and Eugene in his bed saying
“Robert did it!”. The guests also told that the doll
changed faces right in front of them. When Eugene
died in 1974. the doll was left in the attic until a new
family came in. 10 year old girl became the new
After she found the doll, the girl would scream at
night telling that Robert was moving around the house
and even tried to attack her. More than 30 years later
she told the interviewers that the doll is alive and
wants to kill her. For people who visit Robert in the
museum, according to legend, you must ask the doll
politely if you can take picture of him. If he does not
agree, he tips his head to one side. If you take the
picture anyways, the doll will curse you and your
Let’s go and meet
to the next DOLL
Mandy The Doll
Mandy was an antique doll that was
made in Germany between the years
1910 and 1920. She was donated to
Quesnel Museum in 1991. Her owner
gave her to the museum after strange
incidents. The owner would hear the
sound of a crying baby in the
basement. When she went to look
around she found no baby, and an
open window. After Mandy was given
To the museum, the crying stopped. But some things
did start to happen to the museum staff members.
Mandy did not have a permanent place at the museum,
she sat in the entrance of the museum so that everyone
could see her. But soon she was seen sitting in a case.
It is said that she couldn’t be around any doll because
she hurts them, but she did not want to be like herself.
Mandy had a little lamb toy with her. But once her
lamb was seen outside the cage, but no one took it
because the museum was close. People have heard
Mandy tapping on the glass when people go check her
they see her
hand up against the glass. If its late at night she will
mess up with the electrical stuff, so the staff would
take her to the office make her sit on the lap and
continue their work. Even the people there told that
they could hear some footsteps like . Even the staff
felt uneasy around her. Paranormal investigators say
that she is a happy spirit. No one knows how Mandy
got possessed but here is one legend: A little girl got
trapped in the basement with the doll and died so the
girl’s spirit got trapped inside the doll. It was said
that the doll was crying blood.
Let’s go and meet
the next
Okiku the doll
A doll said to be possessed by a
child has spread curiosity
throughout Japan. The doll
Okiku named after the girl who
played with it, is a doll with
beady black eyes and hair that
grows. The doll was bought by a
17 year old boy named Eikichi
Suzuki in 1918. He went to
Tanuki-Koji, a famous shopping
And, bought the doll for Okiku his 2 year old sister.
She loved the doll and played with it everyday. But a
year later, she died of a cold. The doll was placed at
the household alter and the family preyed to it
everyday in the memory of Okiku. A while later the
family noticed its hair starting to grow. That was when
they started to think that Okiku was inside the doll.
The family had the hair tested in the lab. The lab
people said that it was a human hair. In 1938 the
Suzuki family moved to a different town and they
placed the doll at the Mannenji Temple, where it has
remained ever since. The hair continues to
Grow. Every year, the people of Japan hold ceremony
there, in memory of Okiku. They trim her hair.
Nobody has never been able to explain how the hair
grew. But at the lab, they were able to find out that the
hair belongs to a young child.
I hope that these dolls come in your

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