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Introduction to Artificial

Class 8
What is AI?

 Definition: Artificial Intelligence is the ability of a computer or a

robot to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence.
Learning Objectives

 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

 Brief history of AI
 Applications of AI
 Awareness on Smart City
Brief History of AI
 1950s:
 Alan Turing proposes the Turing Test.
(The Turing Test, proposed by Alan Turing in 1950, is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent
behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human.)
 1956: Term "Artificial Intelligence" coined at Dartmouth Conference.
 1960s:
 Development of early AI programs (e.g., DENDRAL, ELIZA).
 Shakey the Robot: First general-purpose mobile robot.
 1970s-1980s:
 AI Winters: Reduced funding and interest.
(AI Winters refer to periods of reduced funding, interest, and research in artificial intelligence, often
following periods of high expectations and limited progress.)
 Continued research in machine learning and neural networks.
Brief History of AI

 1990s:
 Renewed interest with increased computational power.
 1997: IBM's Deep Blue defeats world chess champion Garry Kasparov.
 2000s-2010s:
 Advances in Big Data and GPUs accelerate AI progress.
 Development of self-driving cars.
 2016: DeepMind's AlphaGo defeats world Go champion.
Brief History of AI

 2010s-Present:
 Significant advances in Natural Language Processing (e.g., GPT models).
 AI integrated into daily life (virtual assistants, recommendation systems).
 Focus on ethical implications of AI.
 Future:
 Ongoing research towards achieving General AI.
 AI's transformative impact on various sectors continues.
Examples of AI in Daily Life

 Voice Assistants: Siri, Alexa.

 Recommendation Systems: YouTube, Netflix.

 Smart Home Devices: Thermostats, Lights.

 Self-driving Cars: Overview of how they work.

 Visual: Collage of images showing AI in daily life.

How Does AI Work?

 Data: Information that the AI learns from.

 Algorithms: Step-by-step instructions for the computer.

 Learning: AI improves over time with more data (Machine Learning).

AI in Smart Cities

 Examples:
 Traffic management: Smart traffic lights.
 Waste management: AI-based waste sorting.
 Energy management: Smart grids.
 A smart grid is an electricity network that uses digital and other advanced
technologies to monitor and manage the transport of electricity from all
generation sources to meet the varying electricity demands of end users.
Understanding Smart Cities:
 What is a smart city, and how does it differ from a regular city?

 A smart city uses technology and data to improve the quality of life
for its residents. It differs from a regular city by integrating
information and communication technology (ICT) and Internet of
Things (IoT) devices to manage resources efficiently, enhance public
services, and reduce environmental impact.
What are the main benefits of using AI in
smart cities?

 The main benefits include improved efficiency of public

services, reduced energy consumption, better resource

management, enhanced public safety, and an overall

increase in the quality of life for residents.

What ethical issues should we consider
when implementing AI in smart cities?

 Ethical issues include ensuring privacy and security of

citizens' data, preventing biases in AI algorithms, and

maintaining transparency and accountability in how AI

systems make decisions.

Designing a Smart City( Group Activity):
 In your group, choose one aspect of a smart city (e.g., traffic, waste management,

energy) and design a solution using AI. What data will you need? How will AI be


 For e.g. For traffic management, we would need data from traffic cameras,

sensors, and GPS devices. AI would be applied to analyze traffic patterns, predict

congestion, and optimize traffic light timings to ensure smooth traffic flow.
Discussion Questions
 How can smart traffic lights help reduce traffic congestion?
 How can AI be used to improve public safety in a smart city?
 How can AI help reduce the environmental impact of a city?
 How can AI improve healthcare services in a smart city?
 How can AI be used to enhance education in a smart city?
 How can AI optimize public transportation systems in a smart city?
 How can AI contribute to more efficient energy use in smart buildings?
 How can AI contribute to more efficient energy use in smart buildings?
Specific Discussion
Questions and
Traffic Management:
How can smart traffic lights help reduce traffic congestion?

 Smart traffic lights can adjust their timing

based on real-time traffic conditions,
prioritizing traffic flow on busier roads and
reducing wait times at intersections. This
helps to smoothen traffic flow and reduce
Public Safety:
How can AI be used to improve public safety in a smart city?

 AI can improve public safety by analyzing

data from surveillance cameras, predicting
crime hotspots, and enabling faster
response times for emergency services. For
example, AI can identify unusual activities
or detect accidents in real-time.
Environmental Impact:
How can AI help reduce the environmental impact of a city?

 AI can monitor pollution levels and

optimize waste management processes. It
can also help in energy management by
adjusting the usage of resources like
electricity and water based on demand,
reducing overall consumption and
How can AI improve healthcare services in a smart city?

 AI can enhance healthcare by enabling

remote monitoring of patients, predicting
disease outbreaks, and optimizing hospital
operations. For example, AI can analyze
health data to provide personalized
treatment plans.
How can AI be used to enhance education in a smart city?

 AI can personalize learning experiences for

students, provide virtual tutoring, and help
teachers with administrative tasks. It can
also analyze student performance data to
identify areas where students need extra
Public Transport:
How can AI optimize public transportation systems in a smart city?

 AI can analyze passenger data and traffic

conditions to optimize routes and schedules
for buses and trains, reducing wait times
and improving service efficiency. It can also
provide real-time updates to passengers.
Energy Management:
How can AI contribute to more efficient energy use in smart buildings?

 AI can manage energy use in buildings by

adjusting heating, cooling, and lighting
based on occupancy and weather
conditions. It can also integrate renewable
energy sources more effectively.
Citizen Engagement:
How can AI help engage citizens in the decision-making process of a smart city?

 AI can facilitate citizen engagement by

analyzing feedback from various platforms
like social media and surveys, and
presenting it to city officials. This helps in
making informed decisions that reflect the
needs and preferences of residents.
Case Study Analysis:

 Research a real-world example of a smart city initiative

that uses AI. What are the key components of this

initiative? What challenges did it face, and how were they

Case Study Analysis:

 One example is Barcelona's smart city initiative, which includes smart

parking, waste management, and energy-efficient buildings. Key

components include sensors, data analytics, and AI algorithms.

Challenges included data privacy concerns and high implementation

costs, which were addressed through robust data protection measures

and phased rollouts.

Future Vision(Homework):

 Imagine what your city could look like in 20 years with the

implementation of AI in various sectors.

 Describe your vision of a fully integrated smart city.

Future Vision:

 For e.g. In 20 years, our city could have self-driving electric buses, AI-
managed energy grids, and real-time waste management systems. Public

services would be highly efficient, reducing pollution and improving the

quality of life. AI-driven platforms would engage citizens in decision-making,

making the city more responsive and inclusive.

Learning Outcome

 AI is and its applications in everyday life.

 Brief History of AI
 Theconcept of a smart city and how AI can
improve urban living.

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