Underwater Image Enhancement Using Discrete Cosine Transform (2)

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Discrete Cosine

Transform Enhancement
of Underwater Images

• It is proposed that a strategy be used to improve the visibility of both underwater and low-light
• This research project provides an explanation of how these various image types are created. Then, in
order to simultaneously separate incident light and reflectance as well as suppress intense noise, an
objective function is developed and evaluated with a variety of novel concepts.
• Then, post-processing algorithms are used to improve the contrast of the reflectance and correct the
incident light's color distortion.
• Ultimately, merging the processed reflectance and incoming light will result in an improved image with
clear clarity and a natural appearance.
• UNDERWATER imaging plays a significant role in marine scientific expeditions,
underwater robotics, and underwater object recognition.
• Underwater image is an essential information carrier for perceiving and
understanding underwater environments.
• More specifically, the selective absorption of light tends to cause color deviations
of underwater images. Meanwhile, light scattering easily causes blurry details
and low contrast.
• To solve these challenging issues, many underwater image enhancement (UIE)
methods have been developed.
• In the early stage, specialized hardware-based methods employed multiple
images or polarization imaging to improve the visibility of underwater images.
• However, these complex devices are difficult to capture image sequences. In
addition, restoration-based methods are difficult to accurately estimate the
parameters of underwater imaging models.
• Enhancement-based methods have remarkable performance for enhancing the
contrast and brightness of underwater images.
• However, they tend to introduce over-enhancement and over-saturation. In
terms of learning-based methods high-quality training images are still scarce.
Topic Journal/Year Method Advantages Disadvantages
Underwater image IEEE Trans. Image Adaptive Retinal Improves the accuracy Don’t support
enhancement using Process., vol. 28, Mechanisms inspired of transmission map interpretation of
adaptive retinal no. 11, pp. 5580- by the morphology estimation and local hyperspectral
mechanisms 5595, Nov. 2019 and function of the feature point matching. remotely sensed
S.-B. Gao, M. Zhang teleost fish retina. imagery.
Low illumination Future Gener. Spectral Solve the problem of Not effective under a
underwater light field Comput. Syst., vol. characteristic-based de-scattering from light wide range of
images reconstruction 82, pp. 142-148, color correction field images. weather conditions
using deep convolutional May 2018 method, deep including haze, mist,
neural networks convolutional neural fog.
H. Lu, Y. Li networks.
Literature Survey…
Topic Journal/Year Method Advantages Disadvantages
LIME: Low-light image IEEE Trans. Image Retinex-based category, To enhance a low- Overall performance
enhancement via Process., vol. 26, Augmented Lagrangian light image and to of underwater
illumination map no. 2, pp. 982-993, Multiplier algorithm. solve refinement imaging system is
estimation Feb. 2017 problem. low.
X. Guo, Y. Li
Color balance and fusion IEEE Trans. Image Blending of two images Reasonably Suffer from a
for underwater image Process., vol. 27, that are directly derived independent of the number of issues that
enhancement no. 1, pp. 379-393, from a color camera settings reduce their practical
C. O. Ancuti, C. Ancuti Jan. 2018 compensated and white- applicability
balanced version of the
original degraded image
Literature Survey…
Topic Journal/Year Method Advantages Disadvantages
Underwater image IEEE Access, vol. Descattering and Remove heavy Use of local patches
super-resolution by 5, pp. 670-679, denoising algorithms. haze perfectly. cause additional
descattering and fusion 2017 noise in the de-
H. Lu, Y. Li, scattered result.
Structure-revealing low- IEEE Trans. Image Robust Retinex model Improve the Gamma correction,
light image enhancement Process., vol. 27, and augmented Lagrange performance of histogram
via robust retinex model no. 6, pp. 2828- multiplier. enhancing low- equalization appear
M. D. Li, J. Y. Liu 2840, Jun. 2018 light images. to be strongly
Literature Survey…
Topic Journal/Year Method Advantages Disadvantages
Low-light image IEEE Trans. Image Spatially variant Avoids losing of Inability to observe
enhancement via a deep Process., vol. 28, recurrent neural network content stream in fluid motion.
hybrid network no. 9, pp. 4364- (RNN) structure detail.
W. Ren, S. Liu 4375, Sep. 2019
Control of underwater IEEE J. Ocean. A general formulation of It guarantees It is inability to
vehicles in full unsteady Eng., vol. 34, no. 4, the problem of control of vehicle stability. observe fluid motion.
flow pp. 656–668, Oct. autonomous underwater
B. A. Levedahl and L. 2009 vehicles in full unsteady
Silverberg flow.
Literature Survey…
Topic Journal/Year Method Advantages Disadvantages
Underwater image EURASIP Journal Review some of the most This techniques are Overall performance
processing: state of the on Advances in recent methods that have capable of of underwater
art of restoration and Signal Processing. been specifically extending the range imaging system is
image enhancement 2010 developed for the of underwater low.
methods underwater environment. imaging.
R. Schettini and S. Corchs
A focus on recent Marine Technol. Utilizes a video camera High quality Modeling and
developments and trends Soc. J., vol. 42, no. that records footage at cameras support a simulation programs
in underwater imaging 1, pp. 52–67, 2008 scheduled intervals or suite of fast, are not accurately
M. D. Kocak, F. R. when bioluminescent inexpensive predicted.
Dalgleish, M. F. Caimi light is detected by a specialized image
photomultiplier tube processing
(PMT) software and
hardware add-ons
• Underwater images suffer from poor contrast, color distortion, and blurring due to the
scattering of light in water.

• One approach to enhance these images is to use the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), which
is a widely used method in image processing.

• The transformed image is represented by a set of coefficients that correspond to different

frequencies. The low-frequency coefficients represent the image's overall brightness, while the
high-frequency coefficients represent the image's texture and edges.
• Underwater imaging poses unique challenges due to factors such as light attenuation, color distortion,
and scattering caused by water particles and impurities. These challenges result in reduced contrast,
color fidelity, and overall image quality, making it difficult to obtain clear and detailed underwater

• The primary goal of this project is to address these challenges by leveraging the DCT, a widely used
technique in image processing and compression. The DCT transforms the spatial domain representation
of an image into the frequency domain, allowing for efficient analysis and manipulation of image data.
By decomposing underwater images into frequency components, the DCT facilitates the identification
and enhancement of relevant image features while suppressing noise and artifacts.
• Based on a form of statistical distribution prior, a straightforward but efficient contrast
enhancement algorithm is given that improves the contrast and brightness of underwater
• The Existing method can yield two versions of enhanced output. One version with relatively
genuine color and natural appearance is suitable for display.
• The other version with high contrast and brightness can be used for extracting more valuable
information and unveiling more details.
• To determine the effectiveness of the suggested approach, simulation experiments, qualitative
and quantitative comparisons, as well as colour accuracy and application tests, are carried
• Expensive and may require significant processing power and time, especially for
large or high-resolution images.
• This can limit the scalability of the method
• Method may not be able to fully restore the color and contrast of the original
• An underwater image is initially transformed into a detailed image (DI), an
attenuated image (AM), and three redefined colour channels in the locally
adaptive color correction (LACC).
• Our initial color compensation strategy is based on the minimal colour loss
premise. The three redefined color channels' resulting color-compensated image is
referred to as the color transfer image.
• Then, the detail image, attenuation image, and color transfer image are adaptively
blended based on a maximum attenuation map-guided fusion strategy.
• The integral and squared integral maps are effectively used in the locally
adaptive contrast enhancement (LACE) to compute the local mean and variance
for adaptively changing the local contrast of the color-corrected image.
• The variation between channel a and channel b in the CIELAB color space are
then balanced using a color balance technique. Our strategy thus results in an
improved underwater image. What follows explains how we went about it.
• Effectively remove noise and artifacts from the image while preserving the
important details and features.
• It can improve the contrast and visibility of underwater images, making it easier
to distinguish objects and features in the image.
• This can be especially useful in applications such as underwater surveillance,
scientific research, and marine exploration.
• Tool Used - Jupyter Notebook:

• The Jupyter Notebook is an original web application for creating and sharing computational documents.

• Jupyter Notebook is used for providing an environment wherein you can run your code, look at the
outcome, visualize the data, and can analyze the result without leaving the environment.

• Language Used - Python Programming:

• Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language.

• Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation.

• It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured, object-oriented and functional


RGB Total Histogram

Input Image RGB 2 LAB RGB 2 LAB
Separation Threshold

Depth Edge Color

Output LAB 2 RGB
Prior Thresholding
• The integral and squared integral maps are successfully used in the locally adaptive contrast
enhancement (LACE) to compute the local mean and variance for adaptively changing the
local contrast of the color-corrected image.
• Meanwhile, a color balance strategy is used to balance the differences between channel a and
channel b in the CIELAB color space.
• The color and contrast of captured underwater images are highly susceptible to degradation.
• Color transfer is a pioneering method for underwater image color correction.
• Most color transfer methods rely on land images as the reference images for underwater
image color correction.
• As a result, there are significant obstacles in the way of colour transfer
technologies' resilience and adaptability. In addition, combined methods that
include linear transformation and compensation are increasingly common for
addressing colour discrepancies in underwater photos.
• Although these methods have good color correction, their performance needs to
be further improved for seriously degraded underwater images.
• Traditional color transfer methods rely on a referenceable land image to
implement color correction, which is not widely applicable for underwater
images of multiple degradation types.
• We initially offer a locally adaptive colour restoration technique to create a
natural-looking image from a damaged underwater image, which was inspired
by the conventional colour transfer method..
• Preprocessing

• DCT transformation

• Enhancement

• Inverse DCT transformation

Module Explanation
• Preprocessing:
• Remove the noise from the image using filters like median filter or bilateral filter.

• DCT transformation:
• Apply DCT on the preprocessed image.

• The coefficients of the DCT are computed and represent the image in the frequency
Module Explanation
• Enhancement:
• Modify the coefficients to improve the image quality.

• This can be done by amplifying the high-frequency coefficients and attenuating the low-
frequency coefficients.

• Inverse DCT transformation:

• Convert the modified coefficients back to the spatial domain by applying the inverse DCT.

• The resulting image will have improved contrast, color and sharpness.
• A convolutional neural network (CNN or convnet) is a subset of machine
learning. It is one of the various types of artificial neural networks which are
used for different applications and data types.
• A CNN is a kind of network architecture for deep learning algorithms and is
specifically used for image recognition and tasks that involve the processing of
pixel data.
Convolutional layer:
The majority of computations happen in the convolutional layer, which is
the core building block of a CNN. A second convolutional layer can follow the
initial convolutional layer. The process of convolution involves a kernel or filter
inside this layer moving across the receptive fields of the image, checking if a
feature is present in the image.
Pooling layer.
Like the convolutional layer, the pooling layer also sweeps a kernel or
filter across the input image. But unlike the convolutional layer, the pooling layer
reduces the number of parameters in the input and also results in some
information loss. On the positive side, this layer reduces complexity and
improves the efficiency of the CNN.
Fully connected layer:
The FC layer is where image classification happens in the CNN based on
the features extracted in the previous layers. Here, fully connected means that all the
inputs or nodes from one layer are connected to every activation unit or node of
the next layer.

All the layers in the CNN are not fully connected because it would result
in an unnecessarily dense network. It also would increase losses and affect the
output quality, and it would be computationally expensive.
Software Requirements
• Tool Used - Jupyter Notebook:
• The Jupyter Notebook is an original web application for creating and sharing computational documents.

• Jupyter Notebook is used for providing an environment wherein you can run your code, look at the outcome,
visualize the data, and can analyze the result without leaving the environment.

• Language Used - Python Programming:

• Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language.

• Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation.

• It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured, object-oriented and functional programming.

a b
Saturation Image
Histogram for Original and Enhanced Image
Before and after enhancement
• We have introduced an efficient and robust underwater image enhancement method.
• Our method fully considers the minimum color loss principle and the maximum
attenuation map-guided fusion principle in the color correction.
• We introduce the integral and squared integral maps to efficiently compute the mean
and variance of local image blocks and employ them to adaptively adjust the contrast
of the input image.
• Extensive experiments on various benchmarks have demonstrated the effectiveness
and robustness of our method
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7) M. Li, J. Liu, W. Yang, X. Sun and Z. Guo, "Structure-Revealing Low-Light Image Enhancement Via Robust
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