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A Blockchain Based

Authentication System for

Document Digitization in Flood
Affected Areas
• In flood-affected regions, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of essential documents like identification papers, land deeds, and medical
records becomes a critical challenge. Traditional paper-based systems are vulnerable to damage or loss during floods, leading to difficulties in
accessing vital information for recovery and relief efforts.

• In response, this paper proposes a blockchain-based authentication system tailored for document digitization in flood-prone areas. By leveraging
blockchain technology, which offers decentralized, immutable, and tamper-resistant storage of data, the proposed system aims to provide a
secure and reliable method for digitizing and storing important documents.

• Through the use of cryptographic techniques and smart contracts, the system ensures the authenticity and integrity of digitized documents,
allowing individuals and authorities to verify their legitimacy easily.

• Moreover, the decentralized nature of blockchain facilitates access to documents even in the absence of centralized infrastructure, enhancing
disaster resilience and aiding in post-flood recovery efforts.

• This paper presents the design and implementation of the blockchain-based authentication system, highlighting its potential to mitigate the
challenges associated with document management in flood-affected areas and improve overall disaster preparedness and response capabilities.
• The rapid advancement of information sharing and exchanging is driving more and more companies and individual users towards the use of

digitized documents.

• Moreover, the cumbersome and time-consuming use and validation process of traditional physical documents contribute to motivating people

to use modern ways of issuing and validating important documents.

• Though digital documents are undoubtedly convenient to use, proving the authenticity is often a matter of concern.

• Due to the technological revolution and ease of access to cheap and advanced equipment, the forgery of important documents has become quite

easy and made document authentication quite a tedious task. The implication arising from fake documents causes serious impacts and needs

urgent consideration.

• Therefore, a system to validate the authenticity of important documents would be greatly beneficial to users for maintaining their digital


• Current document verification process includes human interpretations and third-party observations. As already known, it is a very lengthy

process and also there is always a chance of mistakes and dishonesty. So, the current method of verification doesn’t seem reliable and efficient.

• An open-source, immutable, and consensus model called blockchain can be used to solve this problem.
• Floods are one of the most devastating natural disasters, causing widespread damage to infrastructure and affecting millions of people worldwide.

In flood-affected areas, vital documents such as identification papers, land titles, and medical records are often lost or damagedleading to

significant challenges in accessing essential services and resources.

• Traditional paper-based document systems are vulnerable to destruction and loss during floods highlighting the need for secure and resilient digital


• Blockchain technology offers a decentralized and tamper-resistant solution for storing and authenticating digital documents making it ideal for use

in flood-prone regions.

• This project proposes a Blockchain-based authentication system designed specifically for document digitization in flood-affected areas. This

project aiming to ensure the integrity, accessibility, and security of critical documents during and after flood events.
Literature survey

S.No Title & author Method Advantages disadvantages

1 Blockchain in Additive This research combines inductive in- Transperncy Loss of Access
Manufacturing and its Impact on depth interviews with the Delphi
Supply Chains method to explore what potentials
Chandru et al 2019 blockchain technology in AM
creates, which adoption barriers
firms need to overcome, and how
supply chains will be affected by the
integration of these two potentially
disruptive technologies.
2 Blockchain Based Reliability and The aggregated streamflow records Decentralization Legal Recognition
Availability Improvement for are stored on a streamflow ledger, a
Integrated Rivers’ Streamflow Hyperledger fabric-based ledger for
Data rivers’ streamflow data. In contrast,
Bajwa et al 2020 InterPlanery File System (IPFS)
distributed file storage system is
helpful for policy documents and
distribution scheme storage
Literature survey

S.No Title & author Method Advantages disadvantages

3 Theory-Based Authentication To overcome this problem, this Security Irreversible Transactions

Framework to Secure Internet of paper proposes a revolutionary
Vehicles with Blockchain blockchain-enabled game theory-
Ashwa et al 2020 based authentication mechanism for
securing IoVs.
4 Blockchain Enabled Cyber- Blockchains and their inherent Data security Scalability
Physical Systems combination of consensus
Kumar et al 2017 algorithms, distributed data storage,
and secure protocols can be utilized
to build robustness and reliability in
these systems
Literature survey

S.No Title & author Method Advantages disadvantages

5 Smart Flood Detection with AI and In this study, we propose a secure Global Accessibility Complexity
Blockchain Integration in Saudi method of flood detection in Saudi
Arabia Using Drones Arabia using a Flood Detection
Sanjay et al 2019 Secure System (FDSS) based on
deep active learning (DeepAL) based
classification model in federated
learning to minimize communication
costs and maximize global learning
Problem Statement
• The current document verification considers human interpretation and third-party observations.

• Once an area is affected by flood, the affected person should write a petition letter to corresponding government officials.

• Then the officials would verify the situation and the truthfulness behind the petition, either directly or through a third-party.

• Finally, the document is processed and given to the user in-person.

• It’s a long process which takes approximately a month for processing and handing-over to the user.

• There is always a chance of mistakes in documents and corruption in every step of processing, since the government officials can be easily

convinced for malpractices by powerful candidates.

• The main objective of this paper is to make the document application and verification process to

be time saving and corruption free transparent system.

• To streamline and expedite the process of document verification, reducing the time and effort

required for authentication, especially during disaster recovery, insurance claims, and legal

Existing System
• Flash flooding is considered one of the most dynamic natural disasters for which measures need to be taken to minimize economic
damages, adverse effects, and consequences by mapping flood susceptibility. Identifying areas prone to flash flooding is a crucial step
in flash flood hazard management.

• In the existing study, the Kalvan watershed in Markazi Province, Iran, was chosen to evaluate the flash flood susceptibility modeling.
Thus, to detect flash flood-prone zones in this study area, five machine learning (ML) algorithms were tested. These included boosted
regression tree (BRT), random forest (RF), parallel random forest (PRF), regularized random forest (RRF), and extremely
randomized trees (ERT).

• Fifteen climatic and geo-environmental variables were used as inputs of the flash flood susceptibility models. The results showed that
ERT was the most optimal model with an area under curve (AUC) value of 0.82. The rest of the models’ AUC values, i.e., RRF, PRF,
RF, and BRT, were 0.80, 0.79, 0.78, and 0.75, respectively.

• In the ERT model, the areal coverage for very high to moderate flash flood susceptible area was 582.56 km2 (28.33%), and the rest of
the portion was associated with very low to low susceptibility zones.

• Data Availability and Quality: The accuracy and reliability of flood susceptibility modeling heavily depend
on the quality and availability of input data.

• Model Complexity and Interpretability: Hybrid and ensemble tree-based machine learning algorithms,
while offering improved predictive performance, may also introduce complexities in model interpretation.

• Uncertainty and Risk Assessment: While susceptibility models provide valuable insights into areas prone to
flash floods, they inherently involve uncertainties.
Proposed System
• The proposed system of document verification allows the user to submit the digital documents to the authority for

flood affected areas.

• The submitted documents are recorded into the cloud server over block by block; each user request is created as a

block and maintained into the server with unique identity.

• The Blockchain process usually follows two important things while processing, which are called as: Miner

Requisition and Verification as well as Genisis Block management.

• The Miner Requisition process is handled by the Volunteers, each and every person who want to associate

themselves with this application can enter their details with proper identity and submit those details to the

• The respective authority will check the details and provide the permission to the person to act as a

volunteer to this process.

• The authority will check the document novelty based on the given volunteer no-objection certificate.

• If the number of volunteers specified in the threshold level crosses the approval, that particular claim

request will be released immediately without any delay.

• The authorities have a permission to enhance or diminish the threshold level of the volunteers for the

particular document checking process.


• Utilizes blockchain technology to create a secure and immutable record of digitized documents.

• Provides cryptographic authentication, making it extremely difficult for unauthorized access or tampering.

• Streamlines document authentication processes by eliminating the need for manual verification.

• Reduces administrative overheads associated with document handling and storage.

Architecture diagram
Online Portal
Public Upload Document
User for Claim
Verification Pending Admin

Volunteer Volunteer
Registration Verification Accept/Reject

Verified Volunteer Accepted Request

Start Verification

Prev. Hash + Content Prev. Hash + Content
Genesis Block
Block Hash Block Hash

Requirement Analysis
• React JS:
• React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

• Node JS:
• Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript
code outside of a browser.
• Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side scripting—
running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user's
web browser.
• MySQL Database:
• MySQL is an open-source, widely used relational database management system (RDBMS).
• It is free and open-source and is ideal for both small and large applications.
Proposed Design
• Model: Blockchain

• Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that function as a decentralized and highly

secure database.

• Input:

• Documents for claim Request

• Output:

• Accepted or Rejected Request

Proposed Design…
• Software Requirements:

• Operating System: Windows

• Front-end: React JS, Node JS

• Backend: MySQL

• Hardware Requirements:

• Minimum Ram: 4 GB

• Disk: 4 GB

• Processor: Intel and Ryzen

Proposed Methodology
Upload • Upload the document for claim to
Document cloud database

• Register for volunteering and

Volunteer Accept/Reject the claim

• Accept/Reject volunteer
Admin registration and new claims

• Decentralized document
Block storage in blocks with unique
Chain hash
• In the proposed model, corruption, document forgery and misuse will highly be reduced.

• There remains no central server to own the data rather all the information regarding any
transactions is distributed to the whole network.

• Strongly based on security as any manipulation in the documents is quite impossible.

• Verification result is always accurate and efficient and achieves both security enhancement and
time optimization.
Design Phase


User Volunteer
Project Design
Admin Module
• The admin check cautiously any documents submitted to them before closing a deal otherwise they will

never be sure about the document’s authenticity.

• After each upload, the hash of the file is attached with the public key and the date of adding the document

which is used to further verify the authenticity of the document.

• The admin will also receive an IPFS hash, which only they can see and share with a particular user for

further downloading the document.

• If the same file is added multiple times only the first user who added it, will be shown as result.
Volunteer Module

• The volunteers are responsible for accepting or rejecting the documents.

• A volunteer should first register into the online portal.

• This registration request will be verified by the admin.

• Once the admin verified the identity of the volunteer, then they can view the document

verification requests and process it further.

User Module
• For any individual user, any document can be easily verified and be sure about the document’s

authenticity and also be able to download the original file always for further checking to find any

fake document.

• So, there is no chance of any unexpected error.

• Any user with less knowledge about blockchain, Ethereum will never face any problem using this

UML Diagram
Raise Petition


Receive IPFS



Documents Volunteer


Registration screen Registration Volunteer Screen

Login Regular Screen
Volunteer Screen
Admin Screen
• Building a decentralized web application to avoid unnecessary loss of time to perform traditional
verification process in a more fast and secure way irrespective of time and place with just a single
click using the underlying concept of Ethereum blockchain technology.

• Using Smart contracts at the back-end linking with the blockchain and stored the encrypted has
value of individual documents which will be cross-checked against the given document. So, any
change in the actual document will change the corresponding hash also.

• If somebody tries to manipulate a document that document will never pass the verification test.
Thus, getting rid of the problem of fake documents.
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