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Topic : Introduction to embedded processors,

Application areas
Ms. S. Indu
What is Embedded System?
• A dedicated computer system with hardware and software designed for a
specific function.
• Unlike general-purpose computers designed for versatility, embedded
systems are focused on a particular task.
• Often integrated within a larger device.
• They are tightly coupled with the device they control, becoming an
integral part of its functionality.
• Focuses on real-time performance and resource efficiency. Embedded
systems prioritize real-time performance, ensuring timely responses to
external stimuli.
• Additionally, they operate with limited resources, requiring efficient use of
processing power and memory.
Example of Embedded System – Digital
A digital camera is a prime example of a sophisticated embedded system. At
its core, an embedded system is a specialized computer system designed to
perform specific tasks within a larger device. In a digital camera, this
embedded system manages all the essential functionalities from capturing the
image to storing it.

Hardware Components:
• Image Sensor (CCD or CMOS): This is the light-capturing element,
similar to film in traditional cameras. It converts light into electrical
• Processor (Microcontroller or CPU): The brain of the camera, it controls
all functions and processes the image data.
• Memory (RAM and Storage): RAM temporarily stores captured image
data for processing. Storage (typically a memory card) holds the final
• Other components: Lens, display screen, buttons, etc.
• Embedded software runs on the processor and controls everything. It
– Image processing algorithms for tasks like noise reduction and color
– Autofocus and exposure control.
– User interface management for menus and buttons.
– Data compression (often JPEG) to save storage space.
Example of Embedded System – Washing
Washing Machine is a great example of an embedded system. In a washing
machine, the embedded system controls the entire washing process, taking
user inputs and sensor data to automatically clean your clothes.

Hardware Components:
• Microcontroller: The brain of the machine, it executes the washing
program and controls all other components.
• Sensors: These monitor various aspects of the wash cycle, including:
– Water level sensor: Tracks how much water is in the tub.
– Temperature sensor: Measures water temperature.
– Pressure sensor: Monitors water pressure for proper filling and
– Motor speed sensor: Provides feedback on motor speed for agitation
and spin cycles.
• Actuators: These perform physical actions based on microcontroller
– Drain pump: Removes water from the tub.
– Water inlet valve: Controls water flow into the tub.
– Drum motor: Rotates the drum for agitation and spinning.
• User Interface: Buttons, dials, and a display allow users to select wash
cycles and monitor progress.

• The embedded software on the microcontroller manages the entire
wash process. It includes:
– Wash cycle programs for different types of laundry (delicates, heavy
duty, etc.)
– Control algorithms to adjust water level, temperature, motor speed,
and cycle duration based on user selections and sensor data.
– User interface management for button presses and display
Few Embedded Systems
• Disk drivers
• Cell phone
• Medical testing systems
• Electronic instruments
• Life support system
• Scanners
• Television
• Washers and Dryers
• Printers
• Battery Chargers
• Stereo systems
• Smart ovens / dishwashers
• On-board navigation
Is Desktop/Laptop an Embedded System ?


• An Embedded System is an application oriented system i.e. it is

dedicated to perform a single task or a limited number of tasks, but all
working for a single main aim.

• A desktop or computer is considered as a General Purpose System as

it can do many different tasks (playing video, working on office
suites, editing, browsing etc) that too simultaneously.
• Modify (Install/uninstall) the applications but, smartphone comes
with pre-installed Operating Systems that cannot be modified.

• Functionality of smartphone cannot be upgraded.

• As these condition are in line with embedded system definition,

smartphone can be viewed as combination of various embedded
systems i.e., Camera, Various sensors, Calling function etc. It is not
general purpose computer in true sense.
General Purpose Computer vs Embedded System
Components of Embedded Systems
There are two main types of components that make up an embedded system:
hardware and software.

Hardware Components
• Processor: The processor is the brain of the embedded system. It is
responsible for fetching, decoding, and executing instructions. There are two
main types of processors used in embedded systems: microcontrollers
(MCUs) and microprocessors (MPUs). MCUs are self-contained units that
integrate a processor, memory, and input/output (I/O) peripherals onto a
single chip. MPUs are more powerful processors that do not have built-in
memory or I/O peripherals.
• Memory: Memory is used to store data and
instructions that the processor needs to execute.
There are two main types of memory used in
embedded systems:random access memory
(RAM) and read-only memory (ROM). RAM is
volatile memory, which means that it loses its
contents when the power is turned off. ROM is
non-volatile memory, which means that it retains
its contents even when the power is turned off.

• Sensors: Sensors are used to collect data from

the environment. Sensors can be used to measure
things like temperature, pressure, light, and

• Actuators: Actuators are used to control the

physical world. Actuators can be used to turn on
or off lights, control motors, or open or close
• Communication interfaces: Communication
interfaces are used to allow the embedded system
to communicate with other devices. Common
communication interfaces include USB, SPI, and

• Power supply: The power supply provides power

to the embedded system. The power supply can be
internal or external.

Software Components

• Embedded operating system (RTOS): An RTOS

is a lightweight operating system that is designed
for embedded systems. RTOSs are typically smaller
and simpler than traditional operating systems.
• Device drivers: Device drivers are software
programs that allow the embedded system to
communicate with hardware devices.

• Application code: The application code is the

code that defines the specific function of the
embedded system.
Characteristics of Embedded Systems
• Task-Specific : Embedded systems are designed to perform a specific task
or set of tasks. This makes them more efficient and reliable than general-
purpose computers. For example, the microcontroller in a washing machine
is designed to control the spin cycle, water temperature, and other functions.

• Real-time operation: Embedded systems often need to respond to external

events within a specific time frame. This is called real-time operation. For
example, the anti-lock braking system in a car needs to respond to changes
in wheel speed very quickly in order to prevent the wheels from locking up.

• Low power consumption: Embedded systems are often battery-powered or

have limited power budgets. This means that they need to be designed to
consume as little power as possible. For example, the microcontroller in a
smartwatch needs to be able to run for days on a single charge.
• Small size and weight: Embedded systems are often small and
lightweight. This is because they are often used in devices that are also
small and lightweight. For example, the microcontroller in a fitness tracker
needs to be small enough to fit on a wrist.

• Limited user interface: Many embedded systems do not have a complex

user interface. They are often designed to operate autonomously or with
minimal user intervention. For example, the thermostat in your home does
not have a keyboard or mouse. You simply adjust the temperature setting
with a knob or buttons.

• High reliability: Embedded systems are often used in applications where

failure can be costly or even dangerous. This means that they need to be
designed to be highly reliable. For example, the flight control system in an
airplane needs to be able to operate safely and reliably under all conditions.
Advantages :
o Cost-effective
o Efficient
o Reliable
o Compact size and weight
o Real-time
o Power consumption

Disadvantages :
o Limited flexibility
o Limited user interface
o Limited memory and storage
o Development complexity
o Debugging challenges
o Security concerns

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