MSFT Presenter Resource (1)

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Steps to present for

Individual Sessions
On24 • We will have an individual On24 support event monitor on each of
the sessions within each track

Support • The trainer will be able to lean on the On24 monitor for additional

Alias • Session Walkthrough: Sync Marylee-20220818_124108-Meeting Recording.mp4

• Offline Q&A Chat walkthrough:
Connecting to presenter URL as a presenter
• Blue outlines what needs to be filled in and selected
• You will be able to select the presenter URL from the calendar invite
that was added to your calendar for your specific sessions.

Connecting to
Once logged in as a presenter, you will then be greeted with the
connection option Webcam
• Blue outlines what needs to be selected

Connecting to
Once connected to the webcam, you will then be able to select the
share screen option (circled in blue below)
• Trainers will be presenting presentations through Screenshare

• Trainers Team Chat
• Is an internal Team chat for presenters only (attendees won’t be able
to see it)
• Used to communicate during the event with On24 monitor as well as
other trainers or moderators

Where to
access internal
Team Chat
• Q&A widget
• Attendees will be able to ask questions throughout the presentation and they will appear in
the below Q&A widget
• Trainer can answer the question via text or read the question verbally and answer
• There will be two ways to answer questions via the Q&A widgets once you select the
question you want to reply to.
• Option 1 – “SEND” will only send the question to the attendee that asked the
• Option 2- “SEND TO ALL” will send the question and answer to all attendees and will
be visible in the Q&A widget on the attendee console.

Q&A Widget
• Attendees List
• Trainers will be able to see via the attendee’s list who is attending
the session live
• To see the updated list during the live event you will have to hit the
refresh button circled below

Attendees List
Steps for Offline Q&A
Offline Q&A • You will be receiving a direct URL via a calendar invite for the 2.5
hours Offline Q&A chat to join session as presenter

Direct URL
• A resource widget on the left of the session console will hold the resource

Screenshot of
resources will
be displayed
Skillable Lab for
• Once in the Virtual Conference environment, there will be two ways to get to
skill-able labs
• One is selecting the tracks section along the top banner, shown below
• Another is selecting the Attend Tracks button as well.

First Step to
Skillable labs
• In the below screenshot, you will then be able to select the
specific track you have registered for

Second Step to
Skillable labs
• A pop-up will then appear, and participants will then be able to
select the specific time zone under the specific track.

Third Step to
Skillable labs
• Once you select the specific time zone, it will then pull up all the sessions
and labs associated with that specific track
• You will be able to filter to find the lab specifically as well shown by
the screenshot below

Fourth Step to
Skillable labs

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