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• What is the importance of kerbs cycle

• What are the main events in … : oxidation, decarboxylation, substrate

level ……
• What are the main products ….
• What inputs does ……
What is the meaning of importance?
• The more parts, more people, more events the come after depend on
a process , the important the process.
• What other process depends on Krebs cycle and how does are these
events dependent on Krebs cycle?
• Joyce ans this. Yvonne
• Is the atp produce important? Olivia
1. Phosphorylation of sugar (hydrolysis of ATP)
2. Phosphorylation by inorganic phosphate during oxidation of
glyceraldehyde phosphate to ….G1,3 bisphosphate
3. Substrate level phosphorylation is synthesis of ATP use energy from
the substrate molecule
4. Oxidative phosphorylation synthesis of ATP using energy from
oxidation of substrate. During oxidation, which is exergonic, the
chemical energy released is stored as potential energy of the
transmembrane proton gradient
5. Photophosphorylation is the synthesis of ATP using light energy
What is significance?
• The down stream effects. The intentions/purpose/effects
• Eg : a bump on the road. Slows down the traffic. Increase safety of

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