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Lesson 2 : pigments and

(a)describe photosynthetic pigments;
(b)explain the absorption spectrum and action spectrum of photosynthetic
pigments. ;
(c) explain the absorption spectrum of photosynthetic pigments
(d) explain the action spectrum of photosynthetic pigments green plants/
photosynthesising cell
Within the visible portion of the spectrum,
violet light has the shortest wavelength and th
photons, and red light has the longest wavelen
the least energetic photons.
Campbell. 192
The model of light as waves explains many of light’s
properties, but in certain respects light behaves as though it
consists of discrete particles, called photons. Photons are
not tangible objects, but they act like objects in that each of
them has a fixed quantity of energy. The amount of energy is
inversely related to the wavelength of the light: The shorter
the wavelength, the greater the energy of each photon of
that light. Thus, a photon of violet light packs nearly twice as
much energy as a photon of red light (see Figure 10.7).
Although the sun radiates the full spectrum of electromagnetic
energy, the atmosphere acts like a selective window,
allowing visible light to pass through while screening out a
substantial fraction of other radiation. The part of the spectrum
we can see—visible light—is also the radiation that
drives photosynthesis.
l plants, algae, and cyanobacteria use chlorophyll a as their primary pigments.
Chlorophyll molecules consist
of a porphyrin head and a hydrocarbon tail
that anchors the pigment molecule
to hydrophobic regions of proteins
embedded within the membranes of
thylakoids. The only difference
between the two chlorophyll
molecules is the substitution of a
—CHO (aldehyde) group
in chlorophyll b for
Chlorophyll a —CH3 (methyl) group in chlorophyll a.
This is terribly misleading colour scheme.
ts are carotenoids. They are yellow to orange colour

oids consist of carbon rings linked to chains

rnating single and double bonds. They can absorb
with a wide range of energies, although they are
ys highly efficient in transferring this energy.
ids assist in photosynthesis by capturing energy
ht of wavelengths that are not efficiently absorbed
ophylls (figure 10.8; see figure 10.5).
carotenoid is β-carotene, whose two carbon
connected by a chain of 18 carbon atoms with alternating
d double bonds. Splitting a molecule of
ne into equal halves produces two molecules of vitamin
The absorption spectrum of chlorophyll. The peaks represent wavel
sunlight that the two common forms of photosynthetic pigment, chloro
line) and chlorophyll b (dashed line), strongly absorb. These pigments
predominately violet-blue and red light in two narrow bands of the spe
reflect the green light in the middle of the spectrum. Carotenoids (not
absorb mostly blue and green light and reflect orange and yellow light

Chlorophyll is a mixture
Chlorophyll a is a molecule
Chlorophyll b is another molecule in the mixture
Carotene is …...
Complex. The antenna complex captures
sunlight (figure 10.10). In chloroplasts, the
lex is a web of chlorophyll molecules linked
held tightly on the thylakoid membrane by a
eins. Varying amounts of carotenoid accessory
y also be present. The protein matrix
rt of scaffold, holding individual pigment molecules
s that are optimal for energy transfer.(by resonance)
n energy resulting from the absorption of a
from one pigment molecule to an adjacent
ts way to the reaction center.
sfer, the excited electron in each molecule returns to the
vel it had before the photon was absorbed.
, it is energy, not the excited electrons themselves,
om one pigment molecule to the next.
omplex funnels the energy from many electrons
n center.
nter. The reaction center is a transmembrane
omplex. In the reaction center
nthetic bacteria, which is simpler than
t better understood, a pair of chlorophyll
as a trap for photon energy, passing an excited
eptor precisely positioned as its
at here the excited electron itself is transferred,
y as we saw in pigment-pigment
ows the photon excitation to move away
hylls and is the key conversion of light to

ws the transfer of energy from the reaction

ary electron acceptor. By energizing
reaction center chlorophyll, light creates
donor where none existed before. The
ers the energized electron to the primary
ule of quinone, reducing the quinone and
strong electron donor. A weak electron
es a low-energy electron to the chlorophyll,
original condition. In plant chloroplasts,
e electron donor.
• The number of atp molecules produce in aerobic respiration is 38 where as in
anaerobic is 2 (poor and zero value answer)
Aspect that is compare is : the number of ATP produce
• The net number of ATP molecules produce from the oxidation of one molecule of
glucose in liver cells in aerobic respiration is 38 where as in anaerobic
fermentation in cells one glucose molecule only yield a net number of 2 ATP
(precise, complete, technical, informative, STPM level answer, relevant, no error in
the sentence)
Aspect that is compare is : locations in cell
In the cytoplasm and in the mitochondrion
…q….. In the cytoplasm followed by link reaction, …r.. and …t.. In the mitochondrion
• The number of atp molecules produce in aerobic respiration is 38 where as in
anaerobic is 2 (poor and zero value answer)
Aspect that is compare is : the number of ATP produce
• The net number of ATP molecules produce from the oxidation of one molecule of
glucose in liver cells in aerobic respiration is 38 where as in anaerobic
fermentation in cells one glucose molecule only yield a net number of 2 ATP
(precise, complete, technical, informative, STPM level answer, relevant, no error in
the sentence)
Aspect that is compare is : locations in cell
In the cytoplasm and in the mitochondrion
…q….. In the cytoplasm followed by link reaction, …r.. and …t.. In the mitochondrion

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