Abusive parents

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Abusive Parents

N A M E - Z E B A M U N A O WA R A
When a parent or caregiver fails to act or causes emotional
damage,injury or death through their actions,they can be identified
as an abusive parent.

There are many different forms of child mistreatment which


• Neglect
• Physical Abuse
• Sexual Abuse
• Exploitation
• Emotional Abuse
Child neglect is when a parent or caregiver does not give affection,supervision
and support needed for a child’s health and well being.

Child neglect includes:

• Physical neglect
• Emotional neglect
• Educational neglect
• Medical neglect

Signs of neglect from a parent would include showing no

signs of affection towards the child,hygiene problems and
untreated medical issues.
Physical abuse is when a parent or caregiver causes any
non accidental physical injury to a child.

The signs of a child experiencing physical abuse are noticeable.They include:

• Bruising
• Cuts and scrapes
• Broken bones
• Emotional or psychological
• Internal injuries or brain
• Death

Physical abuse from a parent displays signs of aggression and

anger towards a child.
Emotional abuse is when a parent or caregiver harms a child’s mental
or social development or constantly causes emotional harm.

Emotional abuse towards a child can include

ignoring or rejecting the child,telling that they are
not good enough.
Using harmful curse words and constantly yelling at
the child making them feel worthless resulting in
poor anger management or emotional self
Emotional abuse in a child include delays in
development,health problems,speech
disorders,extreme emotions and anxiety disorder.
Why is child abuse a problem?

 When a child experiences abuse from parents,they are

deprived from the love and affection whereas parents are
expected to protect and provide for their child and their
 The child being abused by parents is the most affected one
and it can also lead a child to become suicidal.
 When you feel a child is being abused in any way,it is always
best to stand up and speak against it rather than being
 Child abuse usually occurs behind the walls of the abuser’s
own home which makes it a struggle to realise when a child
is getting abused.
More than 3 million children are subjects of at least
one child abuse case each year.
Nearly 700,000 children are abused in the U.S
About one in 10 children will be sexually abused
before their 18th birthday.
About 90% of children who are victims of abuse know
their abuser.
Approximately 30% of children who are sexually
abused are abused by family members.
Standing up against abusive parents
• The key is to recognize the warning signs and then try
not to let such circumstances occur under which the
abuse happens, this may seem like a lot of work, but once
you get a hold of it, things become easier and smoother.
• Confiding in a trusted individual or seeking professional
• Try to become financially independent so that you can
move out of your parent’s home.
• Try spending more time with people who affect you

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