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Sharing Session:

Pemanfaatan Teknologi Digital dan Kecerdasan

Buatan sebagai Asisten Menulis Artikel Ilmiah

S3 Linguistik FIB UNS

UNS Tower, 21 Mei 2024
Lastika Ary Prihandoko
Ekosistem Riset
Tahapan Publikasi
Evaluasi Editor
Teknologi Digital
Sumber Ajar
Kecerdasan Buatan
Writing a Paragraph in Synthesis Format
I am working on writing a research article and need help crafting a paragraph in synthesis format. Please help me write a paragraph that includes the following
Main Idea: Clearly state the main idea of the paragraph.
Supporting Ideas: Include key supporting ideas and evidence from multiple sources.
Interpretation: Offer an interpretation of the evidence, explaining how it supports the main idea.
Argumentation: Present an argument that ties everything together and advances my overall thesis.
Here is some information to get you started:
My research topic is [insert topic].
The main idea for this paragraph is [insert main idea].
Relevant sources and their key points are [insert key points from sources].
[Source 1: Key point]
[Source 2: Key point]
[Source 3: Key point]
My overall thesis is [insert thesis statement].
Could you please help me construct this paragraph?"
Editing (Proofreading, Grammar, Readability,
Academic Language)
I have written a draft of a research article paragraph and need help with editing. Please
proofread the text for grammar errors, improve readability, and ensure it uses appropriate
academic language. Additionally, suggest any changes that could enhance clarity and
Use this format for your response:
Original: For a writer, academic writing represents a logical and intellectual activity “that
involves digesting and communicating” information.
Revised: For a writer, academic writing represents a logical and intellectual activity “involving
the digestion and communication of” information.
Here are the paragraphs:
[Insert your paragraph here]

Thank you for your assistance!

Writing Data Interpretation
I need help writing the data interpretation section of my research article. This section should
include logical reasoning to explain how and why the results occurred, a critical analysis of the
findings, and an argumentative conclusion. Here is the necessary information to get you started:
Research Focus/Aims: The main focus of my research is [insert research focus/aims].
Research Context/Subject: The context or subject of my research is [insert research
Key Findings: The main findings from my data analysis are [insert key findings].
Relevant Theories or Frameworks: Any relevant theories or frameworks that inform the
interpretation [insert relevant theories or frameworks].
Please help me craft a data interpretation section that:
Provides logical reasoning for how and why these results might have occurred.
Includes a critical analysis of the findings, considering potential limitations and implications.
Concludes with a strong argumentative statement that ties back to my overall research aims and
Thank you for your assistance!
#1st prompt
As an AI, your role is Scopus-indexed journal editor, your task is conducting a desk evaluation for a research article submission. The goal is to assess the quality, relevance, and suitability of the
article for publication in the journal. During the desk evaluation, you need to critically analyze the article's content, methodology, results, and references to determine whether it meets the
journal's standards. You should also consider the article's originality, significance, and contribution to the field. Your evaluation should be thorough, fair, and provide constructive feedback to the
authors. Study this guidance.

Does it clearly summarize the current state of the topic?
Does it address the limitations of current knowledge in this field?
Does it clearly explain why the study was necessary?
Does it clearly define the aim of the study and is this consistent with the rest of the manuscript?
Is the research question clear and appropriate?

Are the study design and methods appropriate for the research question?
Is there enough detail to repeat the experiments?
Is it clear how samples were collected or how participants were recruited?
Is there any potential bias in the sample or in the recruitment of participants?
Are the correct controls/ validation included?
Are any potential confounding factors considered?
Has any randomization been done correctly?
Is the time-frame of the study sufficient to see outcomes?
Is there sufficient power and appropriate statistics?
Do you have any ethical concerns?
Are the results presented clearly and accurately?
Do the results presented match the methods?
Have all the relevant data been included?
Is there any risk of patients or participants being identified?
Is the data described in the text consistent with the data in the figures and tables?


Do the authors logically explain the findings?
Do the authors compare the findings with current findings in the research field?
Are the implications of the findings for future research and potential applications discussed?
Are the conclusions supported by the data presented?
Are any limitations of the study discussed?
Are any contradictory data discussed?


Are data presented in a clear and appropriate manner?
Is the presentation of tables and figures consistent with the description in text?
Do the figure legends and table headings clearly explain what is shown?
Do the figures and tables include measures of uncertainty, such as standard error or confidence
intervals, where required as well as the sample size?
Do you have any concerns about the manipulation of data?

Just study, no need for long response! Reply whether you already understand.

# 2nd prompt
Review this section. Give critical and constructive criticism:
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