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Sorting Materials: Solids, Liquids,

and Gases
Understanding Their Observable
What Are Materials?
• Materials are things that make up everything
around us. They can be objects we use daily,
like books, pencils, and rocks.
Types of Materials
• Materials can be grouped into three types:
solids, liquids, and gases.
Properties of Solids
• - Solids have a fixed shape.
• - Solids have a fixed volume.
• - Solids do not flow.
• Examples: Rock, book, pencil.
Properties of Liquids
• - Liquids do not have a fixed shape.
• - Liquids take the shape of their container.
• - Liquids have a fixed volume.
• Examples: Water, milk, juice.
Properties of Gases
• - Gases do not have a fixed shape.
• - Gases do not have a fixed volume.
• - Gases fill up all the space available.
• Examples: Air, helium, steam.
Let's Sort!
• Let's sort some materials into solids, liquids,
and gases.
• Activity: Show pictures of different materials
and ask the student to categorize them.
What We Learned
• We learned about materials and how they can
be solids, liquids, or gases.
• We talked about the properties of each type.
Quiz Time!
• 1. Is ice cream a solid, liquid, or gas?
• 2. What do we call the state of water?
• 3. Does air have a fixed shape?
Thank You!
• Great job learning about materials!
Characteristics of Solids
• Solids come in various shapes, such as cubes,
spheres, or rectangles.
• They also have different colors, like a red ball
or a blue cube.
• Sizes can vary widely among solids. For
example, compare a large rock to a small
Compare and Classify Solids
• Compare solids based on their sizes and
• Activity: Show pictures or real objects of
cubes, spheres, and rectangles. Ask students
to describe their colors and compare their

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