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 ROVER stands for Remotely Operated Video
Enhanced Receiver .

 A small, mobile robot that scientist’s send to

moons and planets to land on their surfaces and
explore. Rovers can take picture and collect
information about the planet.

 We have designed and implemented ROVER, a

system that video enable services, as well as the
tradition user-aware and device-aware.
 Arduino Uno R3


 HC05Bluetooth module

 L298N Motor Driver Module

 MH1213 Battery (12 V)

 Servo Motor

 100 RPM (12 V) DC Motors

 Wheels ,pipes ,connecting wires etc..,.

 The arduino uno is an open-source microcontroller by
ardunboard based on the microchip a tmega328p
microcontroller and developed by

 Microcontroller board is equipped with sets of digital and

analog input or output pins that maybe interfaced to various
expansion boards.

 The board has 14 digital input or outputs pins.

 It can be powered by a usb cable or a barrel connector that

accepts voltage between 7 and 20 volts.
 Each of the 14 digital pins and 6 analog pins on the uno can be used as an input
or output ,under software control .

 These can be operate at 5v each pin can provide or receive recommended

operating condition and has a internal pull up resistor.

 A maximum of 40ma must be not exceeded on any input or output pin to avoid
permanent damage to the microcontroller.

 The uno 6 analog inputs, labeled a through 5.

 Each pin provides10 bits of resolution, by default they measure from ground to
5v ,through it is possible.

 There is an built in led driven by digital pin 13.

 The input voltage to the arduino board when it is using an external power source.
 The smallest 80211b/g/n wi-Fi BT SoC module.

 Low power 32bit CPU can also serve the

MH1213 application
Battery (12 V) MH1213 Battery (12 V)
MH1213 Battery (12 V)
processor . MH1213 Battery (12 V)
MH1213 Battery (12 V)
 Upto 160mhz clock speed, summary computing
MH1213 power
Battery (12 V)
upto 600DMIPS.

 Built in 520kb RAM external 4mps RAM .

 Supports UART/SPI/12C/PWM/ADC/DAC.

 Support ov2640 and ov7670 cameras, built in flash lamp .

 Support image Wi-Fi upload.

 Support TF card.

 Supports multiple sleep modes.

 It is a PCB a board which integrated bluetooth functions.
Bluetooth module can be used in short-distance wireless
communication, which can be divided into the bluetooth
module and bluetooth voice module according to its

 And it is a wireless technology that uses a radio frequency

to share data over a short distance, eliminating the need for
wires. You can use bluetooth on your mobile device to
share documents or to connect with other bluetooth-enable
 This L298N motor driver module is a high power motor driver module for driving
DC and stepper motors.

 This module consists of L298 motor driver IC and a78M05 5v regulators.

 L298N module can control up to 4 DC motors or two DC motors with directional

and speed control.

 Motor supply voltage (maximum): 46v.

 Mptor supply current (maximum): 2amps.

 Driver voltage-5v to 35v, current-2amps and max power-25.

 As our technology advances, the use of robots and other
autonomous applications in our daily lives increases.

 More advance robotics require the use of servo motors.

 Servo motors is a self-contained electrical device that

moves parts of a machine with high efficiency and great

 This angle, position and velocity that a regular motor

cannot do.
WHEELS… MH 1 2 1 3 B AT T E RY ( 1 2 V )

PIPES….. 1 0 0 RP M( 1 2 V ) D C MO TO R . . C O N N E C T I N G W I R E S
 This project is a simplest model of all other space rovers. Many of the countries and
their teams launch so many model of rovers. The ADIT ROVER is basic sample of
that rovers. This ROVERS can move in any solid surface area i.e.. Rocky surface ,
ice surface or plan surfaces ect…

 The main principle of this ROVER to move its shape and large wheels. The wheels
having a diameter of 8-9cm are used. This is a mobile controlled rover which have a
attached camera. The camera can turn 180 degrees continously and cover the front
area. The camera sends images as well as can provide live video streaming.
 T h e R O V E R h av e a b lu e to o th c o n tr o l m o d u le ( H C 0 5 ) it is u s e d
to c o n n ec t w ith o u r m o b ile to c o n tr o l th e R O V E R . O n c e th e
b lu e to o th is co n n ec te d w e h a v e a n a p p lic a tio n th a t is “ Blu e
To o th RC Co n tr o ller ” .
 T h e r o v er r eq u ir es 1 2 v p o w e r s u p p ly a n d th a t c a n b e p r o d u c e d
b y a b a tte r y. I t is co n n e c te d to m o to r d r iv e r a n d th r o u g h th a t
d r iv e r 1 2 v g iv en to D C m o to r s a n d f r o m th is d r iv e r 5 v s u p p ly
is a ls o a v aliab le an d th e r e m a in in g a ll th e c o m p o n e n ts c a n r u n
u s in g 5 v D C.
 T h e 5 v s u p p ly g iv en to b lu e to o th , c a m e r a , s e r v o a n d a r d u in o .
 O n c e th e cam e r a is O N th e n it g iv e s a n I P a d d r e s s f o r v id e o
o u tp u t. T h e c am er a c o n n e c te d v ia h o ts p o t in o u r m o b ile .
 B y th e Blu e to o th co n n e c tio n w e c a n c o n tr o l th e R O V E R a n d
c a n m o v e o u r RO V E R in d e s ir e d d ir e c tio n .
 Mobile Controlled .

 Blue tooth connectivity.

 Visual output with 2mp camera. Can capture video upto

20m from a stable point.

 Camera can connect upto 30 feet to 50 feet.(9 to 13m).

 Can control upto 33 feet or 10m.

 Inbuilt video quality adjustment.

 Can work on any solid surface.

 0.75m long

 O.5m height.

 10 cm diameter wheels.

 3 kg weight.

 Have slow motion to observe.

This ROVER can helps to know the conditions, creatures, envirornment
and any other things captured by the camera. ROVER’s mainly used to observe
the environmental conditions of other planets, moon..etc….

This ROVER can send a visualized output and this can be updated and
include so many other features.

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