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FSSC 22000 VERSION 6 Course Introduction

We TVE CERT is very glad to introduce this 5 days Lead Auditor Training course. TVE CERT is one of
the leading & fast growing Certification & Training bodies in India. TVE CERT operates as a
Certification and Training body, organized according to international standard ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015
in India and across the globe.

All our course presenters are highly qualified and experienced in Food Safety Safety Design and
implementation, and have good experiences of Food Safety Certification Assessment and
Trainings. All sessions are made interesting and interactive by encouraging the delegate participation.
Delivery will include Presentations by lectures, Practical workshops, Role plays, Mock Audits etc.,
leaded by highly experienced and Qualified Tutors.

The course containing each day is divided into four sessions with a lunch break. The morning session
is again divided into two sessions with one tea break. Then following the lunch break the afternoon
session is again divided into two sessions with one tea break.

FSSC Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course 1

FSSC 22000 VERSION 6 Course Introduction

Learning Objectives
On completion, successful students will have the following knowledge and skills.

The delegate will develop the knowledge to describe the purpose of a food safety management system,
of Food Safety Management Systems standards and the business of the improved performance of the
Food Safety Management System.

The delegate will develop the skills to plan, conduct, report and follow up an Food Safety Management
System to establish conformity (or otherwise) with FSSC 22000 version 6 and in accordance with
ISO 19011 guidelines.

Course Assessment
The outputs of the exercises are a part of the formal continuous assessment and will therefore be
marked. In order to pass the course a delegate must pass the continual assessment and the
written examination as well

FSSC Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course 2

FSSC 22000 VERSION 6 Course Introduction
Continual Assessment
Delegates will be assessed throughout the course. The outputs of the exercises are a
part of the formal continual assessment and will therefore be marked. Although the
exercises are group exercises individual score to the delegate will be based on their overall
participation, involvement in the relevant chapter presentation and in the exercise.

Delegates who are late at unavoidable circumstances may at the tutor's decision receive
additional one to one instruction. However this should be considered during the breaks and
after this time. Poor timekeeping, irrespective of cause, will be reflected in the appropriate
full days session & care should be taken that this may not disturb the routine class
timings. Still repetitive poor timekeeping will result in failure.

The overall pass mark for the continual assessment is 60% and should score minimum 50%
in individual exercises also. Delegates who fail in the individual exercises are required to
resubmit the exercises.

FSSC Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course 3

FSSC 22000 VERSION 6 Course Introduction

Final Examination

Delegates will have to write the Closed book written examination on Day 5 of the
course. A total of 2 hours will be available for the Examination.
An examination of 2 hours (written) or 1 hour 45 mins (online) (on line examinations
not available as of now)

There are 4 sections to the exam:

Section 1 (10 marks)
Section 2 (20 marks)
Section 3 (30 marks)
Section 4 (30 marks)

The pass mark is 70% and delegates are expected to achieve at least 50% in each

FSSC Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course 4

FSSC 22000 VERSION 6 Course Introduction

Auditor Registration as per CQI / IRCA Scheme

The Food Safety Management Systems professional programme supports the third-
party certification of food industry quality management systems. CQI/IRCA certify
the different categories of auditors – those employed by certification body/registrars,
consultants and internal auditors as well as developing and promoting good auditor
training and auditing best practice.

Important notes
• For Part 1 of this scheme, all of the IRCA auditor grades are available (see table 1)
• For Part 1 of this scheme, the generic auditor criteria apply
• For Part 2 of this scheme, only one grade is available – ISO 22003: Auditor
• For Part 2 of this scheme, all the generic criteria for auditor grade apply

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FSSC 22000 VERSION 6 Course Introduction

Complaints and Appeals

All delegates have the right to make a complaint or an appeal. The delegates will be
provided with the process for the same upon request.

Food Safety Standards

The delegates will be provided with the copies of FSSC 22000 VERSION 6 for reference
during the course.

Delegates Introduction
The course introduction is next followed by Delegate introduction .The delegates are
expected to introduce themselves about their Academic Background, Technical
Knowledge / Career experiences.

FSSC Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course 6

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