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Living in the

Information Technology

President Ramon Magsaysay State University Computer Engineering Department

Lesson 4
The Netiquette and The Computer Ethics
What is Netiquette?
Simple stated, it's network etiquette - that is the When you use e-mail, instant messenger, video calls, or
etiquette of cyberspace and "etiquette" means the forms discussion boards to communicate with others online,
of required by good breeding or prescribed by authority please be sure to follow the rules of professional online
to be required in social or official life. In other words, communications known as netiquette. These rules will
netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. help you communicate with instructors, classmates, and
potential employers more effectively and will help
Netiquette, or network etiquette, is concerned with the
prevent misunderstandings.
"proper" way to communicate in an online environment.
Consider the following "rules," adapted from Virginia
Shea's the Core Rules of Netiquette, whenever you
communicate in the virtual world.

GEE 4 Living in the IT Era By: Engr. Froilan G. Cantillo

The Golden Rule
Remember the Golden Rule
Even though you may be interacting with a computer AVOID SLANG, ACRONYMS, AND TEXT TALK
screen, you are communicating with a real person who
Communicating effectively in college and business
will react to your message. Make a good impression -
environments requires the use of correct terminology,
treat others with the same respect that you would like to
spelling, and grammar that can easily be understood. For
receive and avoid confrontational or offensive language.
example, use "your" instead of "ur"."
To help convey meaning when creating messages, it is
sometimes acceptable to include appropriate emoticon
symbols, such as a smiley face :) However, for AVOID "SCREAMING" IN TYPED MESSAGES
professional communications these would be Typing an entire message using all capital letters is
inappropriate. known as "screaming". It is distracting and generally
frowned upon in professional environments. It is better
to draw emphasis to selected words or phrases by: using
italic or bold text; using a different color for text or
background color; or denoting emphasis using special
characters (Example: **Important**).

GEE 4 Living in the IT Era By: Engr. Froilan G. Cantillo 4

The Golden Rule
Remember the Golden Rule
Proofreading your messages s before you send them is a
best practice for effective and efficient communication.
Strive to make your communications concise and free of
• Spelling and grammar errors
• Confusing terms or phrases that could be
• Errors of omission, such as missing content or
• Errors in accuracy of information

GEE 4 Living in the IT Era By: Engr. Froilan G. Cantillo 5

The Golden Rule
Remember the Golden Rule
EXERCISE GOOD JUDGMENT WHEN SHARING • Social plans, such as vacations
E-mail and chat messages that you send or receive are • Usernames, passwords, or hints
considered private and should not be forwarded or • Anything personal that you would not want
copied to others without gaining the consent of all shared by others over the Internet
involved participants. In general, messages posted to
discussion boards and social media sites can be read by • If the material you share with others online came
the public. You may never know who might read or share from another source, make every effort to gain
what you post. It is a good practice to always ask a post's permission from the original author or copyright
author for permission before sharing a post with other holder. Copying someone else's work and passing it
parties. off as your own is plagiarism. It damages your
reputation and could subject you to serious academic
• To protect your privacy and safety, do not share and legal consequences.
online any sensitive personal information such as:
• Your home address or phone number
• Personal conversations

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The Golden Rule
Remember the Golden Rule
Be constructive and respectful when sharing opinions,
beliefs, and criticisms, or responding to those of others
in the conversation.
• When sharing a viewpoint that differs from someone
else's, it is a best practice to first acknowledge the
other person by briefly restating what he or she said,
but in your own words. This lets the person know that
you are listening and trying to understand them.
• When presenting an opinion or criticism, it is helpful
to use phrases that identify to whose point of view
you are referring. If the opinion is yours, you can
begin with the phrase "In my experience

GEE 4 Living in the IT Era By: Engr. Froilan G. Cantillo 7

The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
Commandment 1: Thou shalt not use a computer to Commandment 2: Thou shalt not interfere with other
harm other people. people's computer work.
Simply put: Do not use the computer in ways that may Simply put: Do not use computer technology to cause
harm other people. interference in other users' work.
This commandment says that it is unethical to use a Computer software can be used in ways that disturb
computer to harm another user. It is not limited to other users or disrupt their work. Viruses, for example,
physical injury. It includes harming or corrupting other are programs meant to harm useful computer programs
users' data or files. The commandment states that it is or interfere with the normal functioning of a computer.
wrong to use a computer to steal someone's personal Malicious software can disrupt the functioning of
information. Manipulating or destroying files of other computers in more ways than one. It may overload
users is ethically wrong. It is unethical to write programs, computer memory through excessive consumption of
which on execution lead to stealing, copying or gaining computer resources, thus slowing its functioning. It may
unauthorized access to other users' data. Being involved cause a computer to function wrongly or even stop
in practices like hacking, spamming, phishing or cyber working. Using malicious software to attack a computer
bullying does not conform to computer ethics. is unethical.

GEE 4 Living in the IT Era By: Engr. Froilan G. Cantillo 8

The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
Commandment 3: Thou shalt not snoop around in other Commandment 4: Thou shalt not use a computer to
people's computer files. steal.
Simply put: Do not spy on another person's computer Simply put: Do not use computer technology to steal
data. information.
We know it is wrong to read someone's personal letters. Stealing sensitive information or leaking confidential
On the same lines, it is wrong to read someone else's information is as good as robbery. It is wrong to acquire
email messages or files. Obtaining data from another personal information of employees from an employee
person's private files is nothing less than breaking into database or patient history from a hospital database or
someone's room. Snooping around in another person's other such information that is meant to be confidential.
files or reading someone else's personal messages is the Similarly, breaking into a bank account to collect
invasion of his privacy. There are exceptions to this. For information about the account or account holder is
example, spying is necessary and cannot be called wrong. Illegal electronic transfer of funds is a type of
unethical when it is done against illegitimate use of fraud. With the use of technology, stealing of
computers. For example, intelligence agencies working information is much easier. Computers can be used to
on cybercrime cases need to spy on the internet activity store stolen information.
of suspects.

GEE 4 Living in the IT Era By: Engr. Froilan G. Cantillo 9

The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
Commandment 5: Thou shalt not use a computer to Commandment 6: Thou shalt not copy or use
bear false witness. proprietary software for which you have not paid
Simply put: Do not contribute to the spread of (without permission).
misinformation using computer technology. Simply put: Refrain from copying software or buying
Explanation: Spread of information has become viral pirated copies. Pay for software unless it is free.
today, because of the Internet. This also means that false Explanation: Like any other artistic or literary work,
news or rumors can spread speedily through social software is copyrighted. A piece of code is the original
networking sites or emails. Being involved in the work of the individual who created it. It is copyrighted in
circulation of incorrect information is unethical. Mails his/her name. In case of a developer writing software for
and pop-ups are commonly used to spread the wrong the organization she works for, the organization holds
information or give false alerts with the only intent of the copyright for it. Copyright holds true unless its
selling products. Mails from untrusted sources creators announce it is not. Obtaining illegal copies of
advertising certain products or spreading some hard-to- copyrighted software is unethical and also encourages
believe information, are not uncommon. Direct or others to make copies illegally.
indirect involvement in the circulation of false
information is ethically wrong. Giving wrong information
can hurt other parties or organizations that are affected
by that particular theme.
GEE 4 Living in the IT Era By: Engr. Froilan G. Cantillo 10
The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
Commandment 7: Thou shalt not use other people's Commandment 8: Thou shalt not appropriate other
computer resources without authorization or proper people's intellectual output.
Simply put: It is wrong to claim ownership on a work
Simply put: Do not use someone else's computer which is the output of someone else's intellect.
resources unless authorized to.
Programs developed by a software developer are her
Multi-user systems have user specific passwords. property. If he is working with an organization, they are
Breaking into some other user's password, thus intruding the organization's property. Copying them and
his/her private space is unethical. It is not ethical to hack propagating them in one's own name is unethical. This
passwords for gaining unauthorized access to a applies to any creative work, program or design.
password-protected computer system. Accessing data Establishing ownership on a work which is not yours is
that you are not authorized to access or gaining access to ethically wrong.
another user's computer without her permission is not

GEE 4 Living in the IT Era By: Engr. Froilan G. Cantillo 11

The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
Commandment 9: Thou shalt think about the social Commandment 10: Thou shalt always use a computer
consequences of the program you are writing or the in ways that ensure consideration and respect for other
system you are designing. humans.
Simply put: Before developing a software, think about Simply put: In using computers for communication, be
the social impact it can have. respectful and courteous with the fellow members.
Looking at the social consequences that a program can The communication etiquette we follow in the real world
have, describes a broader perspective of looking at applies to communication over computers as well. While
technology. A computer software on release, reaches communicating over the Internet, one should treat
millions. Software like video games and animations or others with respect. One should not intrude others'
educational software can have a social impact on their private space, use abusive language, make false
users. When working on animation films or designing statements or pass irresponsible remarks about others.
video games. For example, a computer game for kids One should be courteous while communicating over the
should not have content that can influence them web and should respect others' time and resources. Also,
negatively. Similarly, writing malicious software is one should be considerate with a novice computer user.
ethically wrong. A software developer/development firm
should consider the influence their code can have on the
society at large.

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End of Lesson 4
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