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About QCI
QCI was set up in 1997 an an autonomous body by the Government of India jointly with the Indian industry
to estlibsh and operate the National Accreditation in QCI by three premieri ndustry associations ASSOCHAM,
CII and FICCI, QCI is also assigned the task of monitoring and administering the National Quality campaign
and to oversee effective functioning of the national information and enquiry services.

To realize the objective of improving quality competitiveness of indian products and services, QCI provides
startigic direction to the quality movement in the country by establishing recognition of India conformity
assessment system at the international level
About NABH
National Accreditation Board for Hospital & Healthcare provides (NABH)is a constituent board of
quality council of india, set up to establish and operate accrieditation programme for healthcare
organizations. The board is structured to cater to the much desired needs of the consumers and to set
benchmarks for progress of health industry.

“To continuously improve our quality system and processes through involving all our employees with
focus on improving patient safety”


To be the apex national healthcare accreditation and quality improvement body, functioning at par
with global benchmarks.
• To operate accreditation and allied programs in collaboration with stakeholders focusing
on patient safety and quality of healthcare based upon national/ international standards,
through process of self and external evaluation.

• Values

Credibility : rovides credible and value addition services.

Responsiveness: willingness to listen and continuously improving services
Transparency: openness in communication and freedom of information to its stakeholders
Innovation: incorporating change, creativity, continuous learning and new ideas to improve
the services being provided.
Introduction to the Program

National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers

To impart understanding to the participants of:

-the background and structure of NABH
-the evolution of the NABH standards for hospitals
-the NABH standards

Programme Objectives…
Programme Objectives…

• To enhance the ability of the participants to:

-plan and develop methodology for the assessment of these standards

-perform assessements as per laid down guidelines
-preper various assessment reports

To enhance the soft skill development and personal attributes

conducive to one’s conduct as an assessor.
Standards in a Nutshell
• 10 Chapters
• 100 Standards
• 651 Objective Elements

Standards and Objective Elements

A standard is a statement that defines the structures and processes that must be substantially in place in an organisation to enhance the quality of care.
Objective element is a measurable component of a standard.
Acceptable compliance with objective elements determines the overall compliance with a standard.
Chapters in NABH
Patient Centric Chapters

• Access assessment and continuity of care (ACC)

• Care of patients (COP)
• Management of medication (MOM)
• Patient rights and education (PRE)
• Hospital infection control(HIC)
Organisation-Centric Chapters
• Patient safety and quality improvement (PSQ)
• Responsibilities of management (ROM)
• Facility Management and Safety (FMS)
• Human resource management (HRM)
• Information management system (IMS)

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