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Reski Kamila
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According to Trudgill , Sociolinguistic is a part of linguistic which

Background of
is concerned with language as a social and cultural phenomenon.
the study
The basic premiss of sociolinguistic is that language is variable and
Research Question
changing. As a result, language is not homogeneous-not for the
& the objective of individual user and not within or among groups of speakers who use
the study the same language. Nowadays especially in 20’s, can be found
people used two and more language as become a trend. The person
The significances that used more than one language called as a bilingual or
of study multilingual. In thi s case, English as an international language is
the most frequently used by an Indonesian people and now mix
The scope of more than two language is become a trend in indonesia. This
research phenomenon in linguistic called as code mixing.
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Research Question
Background of
the study 1. What the forms of code mixing that found in “My
Nerd Girl” novel written by Aidah Harisah?
Research Question 2. What the factors of code mixing found In “My
& the objective of Nerd Girl” novel Written By Aidah Harisah?
the study
The objective of the study
The significances
of study 1. To find out the forms of code mixing used in my
nerd girl novel
The scope of 2. To find out the factors of code mixing used in my
research nerd girl novel
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The significances of study

Background of
the study

Research Question Theoretically Practically

& the objective of
the study • The reader • The reader

• The other researcher • The author

The significances
of study

The scope of
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The scope of research

Suwito’s and Bhatia&Richie’s Theory

Background of
the study level Factor

Research Question
& the objective of
the study 1) code usage limitation 2)
1) Word popular term 3) speaker and
2) phrase speaker 4) conversation
The significances 3) Baster partner 5) conversation modus
of study 4) repetition word 6) domicile and time 7)
5) Idiom function and aim 8) types and
6) clause language speech level 9) third
The scope of speaker 10) main topic 11)
research humor 12) prestigious
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Literature Review
review Sociolingustic Bilingualism
Sali Jendra 2012
in Faizin 2015
Previous study

Code Code mixing

Ronald Wardaugh Hudson
in Nikmah 2019 in Ikhsani 2013
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Previous study
review 1 2 3

Fitri Fuzi Astuti (2017) Rinawati,Kay,Agustina Meigasuri and Soethama (2019)

Previous study (2020)
A study on code A code mixing Indonesian-English
mixing found in analysis on EFL Code-Mixing in
Perahu Kertas student casual Novel Touché by
novel by Dewi conversations at Windy
Lestari school Puspitadewi
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Research Metodology

Research Design Data and source of data

Research Qualitative Research -data: the descriptive text in analyze of
Metodology forms and factors code mixing based on
the theory

-source: the subject which found in novel

Technique of Collectingg data

- The researcher read a novel

- The researcher find and

collecting the data from the
novel based on the theory
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