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Lesson 2

Week 2
Contents of the
Final examination
are related to
the following
What is our
speaking topic
for today?
Aim of the By the end of the lesson you will be able
use vocabulary to talk about relationships
and answer simple questions related to this

agree and disagree with different statements

Part 1 – Exam In part 1 you are asked about personal
overview information (about yourself, your
interests, your studies, career, etc.
In part 1 you are also asked to express
your opinion.
First, let’s consider some vocabulary to
talk about relationships.
Match the verbs with either Picture 1 or 2.
– TO COLLABORATE=to team up with someone, to get together
– TO DISCUSS=to talk about something
– TO MANIPULATE=to influence someone to do something
– TO MAKE UP=to get back together with someone
– TO BREAK UP=end, finish
– TO HAVE ENOUGH=when you are tired or angry about a situation
– TO SUPPORT EACH OTHER=kind and helpful to someone
– TO BE AGGRESIVE=showing anger
– TO BE CONSIDERATE=kind, caring, respectful
– TO BE PASSIVE=laid-back, quiet
Now, let’s practice…

– Work in small groups. Answer this ADVICE:

question. Use vocabulary from the don’t answer with just 1 or 2 words -give longer
previous slide.
– 1. What words from the previous use contractions (won’t, I’d like to, haven’t,
slide are positive?
– 2. What problems there might be in give reasons for your answer (say why);

these relationships? note the difference between: I will and I’d like to!
– Brothers and sisters
– Boyfriends and girlfriends
– Roommates
– Parents and teenagers
Let’s consider some phrasal verbs to talk about
Let’s speak…
Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
– 1. Who are you close to in your family?
– 2. Who do you have a lot in common with?
– 3. Do you still keep in touch with your friends from primary
– 4. Who do you look up to?
– 5. When was the last time you felt sorry for someone? Why?
– 6. Have you ever made things difficult for someone?
Let’s practice more…
– In groups, you will write 3 questions about relationships.
– After you have finished, you will choose a group and a student
and ask them your question. If their answer is long enough and
grammatically correct, that group will get 2 points. If their
answer has a lot of grammatical mistakes, then they will receive
only 1 point.

– Examples:
– 1. What do you like to do when you’re on a date?
– 2. Do you get along well with your family?
– 3. Are you still in touch with your friends from school?
Speaking skill: Agreeing and disagreeing

First, let’s watch a video…

– In this video, Emir and Paul discuss a design

for a client. Listen to the language they use
for agreeing and disagreeing.

– Write phrases for agreeing and disagreeing

from the video.
Place these sentences into the correct column.

I think so, too

I’m afraid I have to disagree...
I couldn’t agree more.
I totally agree.
That’s my opinion also. AGREE DISAGREE
I see your point but…
But what about…
You’re right about that.
I see what you mean but…
I have to disagree…
I completely agree…
I’m not so sure about that…
Agree & disagree: overview

Agree Disagree
I think so, too. I’m afraid I have to disagree...
I totally agree. But what about…
That’s my opinion also. I’m not so sure about that…
You’re right about that. I have to disagree…
I completely agree. I see your point but…
I couldn’t agree more. I see what you mean but…
To be honest, I’m not that keen
Complete the sentences with information that is
true for you.
My favourite kind of music is…
I've always wanted to…
I'm interested in learning how to…
I want to ........ in the future.
I like to ..............when I'm on holiday.
In pairs, practice agreeing and disagreeing to your partner's statements
Agreeing / Disagreeing card game
– First, each student will write 3 topics on 3 pieces of paper.
– After that, you will stand up and talk to different students and
ask them for their opinion. The other student has to use
phrases for agreeing and disagreeing. If their answer is
good enough, you will keep the card. If they don’t explain
their answer, you will give your card to the other student. At
the end, the student who has 0 cards wins.
– For example:
– Student A: Do you think that students should wear a uniform
at school?
– Student B: I have to disagree. I think it should be up to
students to decide what they want to wear.

– Children should participate in

– Smoking should be banned in public making family decisions.
places. – Having a big family is much better
– If you see somebody cheating during a than having a small one.
test, you should tell a teacher. – Social media is a waste of time.
– Children and teenagers should not be – English is a very easy language to
allowed on the streets after 9 pm. learn
– All students should have to wear a – Travelling can help you to become
uniform at school. more confident.
– Doctors and nurses should be payed – Drinking tea every morning is the
more than footballers. best way to stay healthy.
– Public transport should be provided – Celebrities and other rich people are
for free. the happiest people.
1. Children and teenagers should not be
Choose 2 sentences, one allowed on the streets after 9 pm.
that you agree with and 2. Children should participate in making
one that you disagree with. family decisions.
In groups, explain why do 3. Having a big family is much better than
you agree or disagree with having a small one.
the sentences you have 4. Couples need to share similar interests to
chosen. Express your have a successful relationship.
opinions in at least 3-5 5. Jealousy is healthy in a relationship.
sentences. 6. A good friend should always agree with your
7. The more friends I have the better.
Lesson 2 – Review

– 1. What words can we use to talk about relationships?

– 2. What phrasal verbs did we talk about today?
– 3. Name phrases for disagreeing.
– 4. Name phrases for agreeing.

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