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TEFL Trends in 21 Century

The future starts today,
not tomorrow.
Ideas to think about…
1. The use of technology in various fields has been so
successful and beneficial for teachers to reach some
particular goals especially in education and for those
who are learning a foreign language.

2. Students learn faster and easier than before because

of the use of technology in educational institutions.
Ideas to think about…
3. English has become easier to learn more than ever before with
the availability of many sources to help people learn very easily
and enjoyable.

4. It is widely accepted that advances in information technology

and new developments in learning science provide
opportunities to create well-designed, learner-centered,
interactive, affordable, efficient, flexible e-learning
environments (Khan, 2005)
What to jump up…
1. Going through internet is an alternative way to study English.

2. Web based technologies and powerful internet connections

provide various new possibilities and latest trends for teachers
and learners.
Web-based Learning
1. In recent years the terminology has been changed for web based

2. it was called as technology based or distance learning, online

education, in the end it is now called e-learning and web based
Web-based Learning
Students generally feel positive about web-based learning tools,
when they are:
• well-designed, easy to learn, easy to use
• when the tool is good as support, not as replacement of lectures
• when the use of diverse tool features, i.e. chat, bulletin board, is relevant
and tied into the specific course structure and content (Storey et al., 2002)
Web-based Learning
• Elearning [Myklass, GC, etc]
• online quizzes and tests,
• (iPod, cell phones, iPhone) blogs,
• e-mails,
• instant messenger,
• and internet telephone
• Skype.
6 English Language Teaching Trends for
1. New Technology, Video Platforms and Social Media
2. Mindfulness and Social-emotional Teaching
3. Task-based Learning
4. Translanguaging
5. DIY Learning
1. New Technology, Video Platforms and
Social Media
New Technology to Watch: Augmented Reality
Video Platform to Watch: Netflix
Social Media Platform to Watch: TikTok
Social Media Platform to Watch: Instagram
2. Mindfulness and Social-emotional
• The big shifts in ESL are about turning inward to the classroom
• The role of the teacher is shifting to one of “creator.”
• They’re tasked with crafting the perfectly balanced social and emotional
environment that promotes learning and allows their students to feel
comfortable in their space.
3. Task-based Learning

• Task-based learning is based on a simple premise: that students learn

when they collaborate on meaningful and communication-based tasks.
• The nature of these skillbased activities and the way they’re composed
could see a massive change in the coming decade as teachers of ESL
will be required to construct more helpful and purpose-driven activities.
3. Task-based Learning

• Task-based learning is based on a simple premise: that students learn

when they collaborate on meaningful and communication-based tasks.
• The nature of these skillbased activities and the way they’re composed
could see a massive change in the coming decade as teachers of ESL
will be required to construct more helpful and purpose-driven activities.
4. Translanguaging
• It’s the use of various languages in an educational context.
Translanguaging incorporates a number of different theoretical
• Previously, it was thought that the best approach in an English
classroom was to keep a policy of separation between the native
language and English.
• However, over the years, this line of thinking has been challenged quite
5. DIY Learning
• Do-it-yourself learning is set to become a major trend as we move to a
more independent and interest-based learning style.
• Students should be encouraged to follow particular areas of interest to
promote engagement and enjoyment in the classroom and home.
• Teaching Proficiency Through Reading and Storytelling [TPRS] stems
from the concept of comprehensible input.
• The idea is that context and meaning play an important role in the
acquisition of new language and native phrases.
• While it was developed in the late 1980s by linguist Blain Ray, the
concept is consistently being updated and modernized to promote high-
input environments that lead to better understanding
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