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oral Care

is the practice of keeping your the

mouth clean and disease free. It
involves brushing and flossing the

importance of oral cavity care

prevention of dental issues, promotion of

fresh breath, preservation of teeth and
gums, enhancement of appearance and
confidence, support of overall quality of life,
contribution to overall health

Statistics on prevalence of dental problems

Dental carries(tooth decay), gum

disease(periodontal disease),
tooth loss, oral cancer, orthodontic


1. Prepare tooth brush and toothpaste
2. Position the toothbrush
3. Brushing technique
4. Focus on each section
5. Brush the tongue and the roof of the mouth
6. Post brushing care
7. Frequently and timing
8. Replace the toothbrush

1. To keep the mucosa clean, soft and moist
2. To keep the lips clean, soft and moist
3. Enhance oral intake with appetite
4. alleviate pain and discomfort
5. Prevent oral infections
6. Remove food debris
7. Prevent halitosis
Practical tips for oral care
• Brushing technique
• Flossing daily
• Use mouth wash
• Healthy diet
• Stay hydrated
• Protect teeth during activities
• Monitor oral health changes
• Maintain good habits

1.Brushing and flossing

2. use fluoride toothpaste
3. Healthy diet
4. water intake
5. Avoid teeth grinding
Good oral health represents not only the
ability to eat, speak and smile but also the
freedom from pain that can interfere with
normal functioning including sleep, work
and learning
Bed bath
bathing a patient who is confined to
bed and can not have the physical and
mental capability of self bathing
Help to maintain skin integrity and remove
dirt and microbes present on the skin’s
surface, decreasing the risk of infection and
increasing patient comfort
• Clean the skin and help the skin free from
infection. It helps to relax the person being
bathed and help him feel better
• Personal hygiene
• Stimulates circulation and relaxes the
• Bed ridden patients
• coma patients
• Mentally ill patients
• certain infections
• Disposal gloves
• water basin(bowl) to hold the water for the bed bath
• soft, lightweight cotton or flannel blanket
• bath towel and wash cloth
• soap,powder,lotion, deodorant, comb, hairbrush and mouth
care supplies such as toothbrush and toothpaste
• clothing, such as underwear and clean bed clothes or robe
• Explain what you are about to do even if the patient is
• clear area of any obstacles so that you can move around freely
• ensure the ward is warm
• have all the equipment to hand so that you do not have to leave
the patient during the procedure
• the use of toiletries such as deodorants, cosmetics and perfume
should be determined by the patient
• Assess the patient preference for bathing
• assess room temperature and privacy
• wash hands
• gather supplies, prepare the environment
• identify the client
• explain the procedure
• Remove the head of the board to easily access the hair
• Don the clean gloves
• If using a bath blanket, place it over the top sheet and remove
the top sheet
• remove the patients gown

• Fill the bath basin two thirds full( allow the patient to check the temperature
if able)
• make a bath mitten with a washcloth and wash the clients face or without
soap per patients preference
• use separate corner of washcloth each eye, from inner to outer canthus

• wash neck and ears, rinse and pat dry. Shave male patient at this time, if
• wash the arms, forearms and hands using long firm strokes from distal to
proximal.Rinse and pat dry
• Wash the axilla and rinse pat dry. Apply deodorant, if desired.

• if applicable, soak hands for 3-5 minutes in basin of water,

then wash hands, rinse and pat dry
• fold the blanket down and wash chest and abdomen using
long firm strokes(for female, wash under breast) rinse and
pat dry
• cover chest or abdominal are between washing, rinsing
and drying to prevent patient from chilling
• wash legs and feet by exposing one leg at a time, protecting the
bottom sheet with towel under the leg
• place one foot at a time in the basin and soak the foot while
washing the leg with long firm strokes from distal to
proximal.Rinse and pat dry.
• Repeat procedure with the other leg
• position the patient prone or with the side lying away from you
and wash the back and buttocks with long firm strokes. Rinse
and pat dry
• Place the patient in supine position and wash perineal area.
Rinse and pat dry, apply clean gown
• change water if soap film develops or if soiled
• wash hands after the procedure
• continually evaluate the patient comfort during procedure
• chart or document the type of bath given, skin assessment
and patients responses in the clients medical record.
Cleaning and massaging back, paying special
attention to pressure points. Especially back
massage provides comfort and relaxes the
client, thereby it facilitates the physical
stimulation to the skin and the emotional
• To offer comfort to your patient
• to help promote blood circulation
• to help the patient take good care rest and have a nice
• to avooid pressure sores
• to evaluate the skin condition
• to relax and ease tension in muscles and tissues
• to energize the patient and alleviate fatigue
equipments needed
• A basin that contains warm water
• 2 sponge cloths
• towel and soap
• back rub lotion or surgical spirit and powder
• mackintosh and towel
• paper bag and kidney tray
• Before engaging in the steps of back care in nursing procedure, wash hands
thoroughly before starting the procedure
• It must be explain to the patient

• help the patient to turn on his or her side or his or her abdomen with the
back towards you and the body near the boarder of the bed so that the
patient is as close to you as possible. If you utilize supine position and the
patient is female, a pillow under her abdomen will help get rid of the
pressure from her breasts and support relaxation
• need to lift the patients gown. You must turn the back top bedding and only
expose the necessary part. Spread the towel near the back of the patient to
shiled the bed linen. Wash the back completely. Use soap in an identical

• Massage with both hands working with a strong stroke; in

ascending and then descending motions. You must pay special
attention to their pressure areas whilst rubbing spirit(25-50%). It
is generally utilized for its revitalizing effect, however having
lotion might also be utilized, as stated before
• You must powder the area again at the end of the back care
massage steps in nursing process, which should take you nearly
3 to 5 minutes. You then need to remove the towel and turn your
patient on his or her back and wear the gown
after care
• fix things and ensure that the patient is comfortable
• get rid of the equipment and the screen
• clean the items using water and soap and keep them ready
for subsequent use
• wash your hands thoroughly
• record the time and date of the treatment and observation
done on your record
• Nursing is often implemented in line with the care plan
and so continually of care during hospitalization and
discharge preparation has to be ensured. Both the
nursing care effectiveness and the status of the patient
should be constantly evaluated,and the care plan must
be personalized as required
eye care

proper eye care is essential for

maintaining healthy vision and preventing
eye problems. This is to avoid most eye
infections and keep the eyes healthy.
is to maintain the normal functioning of the eyes
and preserving their health
• prevent infections that will reduce the risk of eye infections
such as conjunctiva(pink eye) and keratitis, especially in the
patients who are immunocompromised or recovering from
• comfort well being that contribute to patient comfort and
overall well being
• preventing complications
• promoting healling is to maintain hygiene supports the healing
process and reduces the chances of post operative
steps for eye care
• maintain healthy lifestyle through balanced diet rich in
fruits and vegetables
• eye safety to protect eyes from physical, chemical and
radiation injuries by wearing protective eye gear when
• limit technology time
• eye skin care routine that includes gentle cleansing,
hydration with eye cream
• understand that taking care of your eyes can benefit
the overall health. Eyes exams can sometimes detect
underlying health conditions like diabetes and high
blood pressure, emphasizing the importance of check
hair washing

one of general care provided a client who can not

clean the hair by himself or herself. Cleaning the
hair with shampoo or soap to remove dirt oil and
odor on scalp and hair, for helpless patient in bed
is called as hair washing in hospital setting
Purpose of hair washing
• hair care improves the morale of the patient
• it stimulates the circulation of the scalp
• it removes bacteria, microorganisms, oils, and dirt that
cling to the hair
• perform hand hygiene
• gather all equipments
• check the condition of the client
• explain the purpose and procedure to the client
• bring and set up all equipments to the bed side
• help the client move his or her head towards edge of the bed
and remove the pillow from head
• put another pillow or cushion under the bending knee. Make
him or her comfortable position
• setting mackintosh covered a big towel under the upwards from the
client head to the shoulders of the client
• have a big towel around his or her neck
• roll another mackintosh to make the shape of a funnel, by using the
way to hold from both sides in a slanting way. The narrow end
should be folded and put under the clients neck and the free end
should be put into the bucket to drain for the waste of water
• put the folding mackintosh under the clients neck
• washing;then brush the hair
• insert the cotton balls into the ears
• mix hot and cold water or wet the hair and wash it
• apply soap or shampoo and massage the scalp well while
washing the hair using finger nails
• rinse the hair
• apply the conditioner if requested or if the scalp appears dry
• wrapping the hair; remove the cotton balls from the ears into
the paper bag and mackintosh with the towel from the clients
• wrap the hairs in the big towel
• drying the hair; wipe the face and neck if needed
• dry the hair as quick as possible
• massage the scalp with oil as required
• comb the hair and arrange the hair according to the
clients preference
• make the client tidy and provide comfortable
• clean the equipments and replace them to proper
place. Discard dirty
• perform hand hygine
care for finger nails

care of the nails includes trimming the

nail short periodically and keeping the
nails clean through frequent washing
• to make the nail clean and harmless
• to prevent from infecion and injury to the body
• to prevent accumulation of dirt and microorganisms underneath
the nails
• enhance the patients general appearance
• to detect or examine the abnormalities
• to maintain the skin integrity around the nail
• the everage growth of nails per week is 1 mm
• nails should be cut off close to the skin
• clean nails in clean hands give the patient a sense of cleanliness
• dirt under the finger nails provides an excellent place for all kinds
of bacteria to grow
• fingernails can transmit bacteria to the person through the food and
• soaking nails in warm water helps to soften the nails and thus
prevents the nails flying off
• a clean container:
Small towel:1
Nail cutter with file:1
cotton swabs
kidney tray:1
water in bowl
gauge piece:some amount
• Assess the condition of the surfaces of fingers, toes and
• pay particular attention to areas of dryness, inflammation
and cracking
• also inspect areas between fingers, toes, heels and soles
of feet
• explain the purpose and procedure to the patient and
• wash hands with soap and water
• prepare all the required articles and bring the article to the
patient’s bedsides
• maintain privacy
• assist the ambulatory patient to sit on a bed side chair or
maintain fowler position in bed. Help the bed ridden patient to
the supine position
• spread a maackintosh on the bed and place a bowl with warm
• instruct the patient to place his fingers in the bowl in a
comfortable position for 3-5 minutes or necessary time period
• dry the hands with towel
• start to trim the finger nails and cut free end of a finger nails
• avoiding trimming or digging into nails at the lateral corners
• at that time, always give attention that the nails should be
covered with gauge piece and put the nail or kidney tray
• clean under the surface of the nail with a blunt instrument or
the longer end of the tooth pick taking care not to injure the
nail bed
• make cut edge of the nail smooth by brushing them with

• wipe all fingernails from thumb to 5th nail side by side by

wet cotton ball. one cotton ball is used for one nail finger
• cut the opposite hand nails in the same manner
• place the nail in a kidney tray and cut the opposite feet
nails in the same manner
• remove the makintosh
• keep the patient in comfortable position
• give health educatioon regarding nail care to the patient
• wash hands
• record the date, time, condition of the nails, abnormalities
of the nails and nail bed
• report any abnormalities if ever
care for toenails

refers to the practices and procedures involved

in maintaining the health, cleanliness, and
appearance of toenails. This includes trimming,
cleaning, moisturizing, and protecting the
toenails to prevent common issues like ingrown
toenails, infections, and fungal conditions.
• Prevention of Infections: Regular cleaning and trimming
can prevent bacterial and fungal infections.
• .Avoidance of Pain and Discomfort: Proper care helps
avoid issues like ingrown toenails, which can be painful.
• .Health Maintenance: Healthy toenails are less likely to
develop conditions that could impact overall foot health.
• .Aesthetic Appeal: Well-maintained toenails improve the
appearance of feet.
• .Nail Clippers: For trimming nails.
• .Nail File: For smoothing rough edges.
• .Cuticle Pusher: For pushing back cuticles.
• .Moisturizer: To keep the nails and surrounding skin hydrated.
• .Antifungal Cream: For preventing or treating fungal infections.
• .Foot Bath/Basin: For soaking feet.
• .Clean Towels: For drying feet.

• . Gather all necessary equipment.

• .Wash your hands thoroughly before starting.
• 2.Soak Feet:
• .Soak your feet in warm, soapy water for 10-15 minutes to soften the
• .Dry your feet thoroughly with a clean towel.
• 3.Trimming Toenails:
• 1.Use clean, sharp nail clippers to trim the toenails straight across.
• 2.Avoid cutting them too short to prevent ingrown toenail
• 4.Filing:
• .Use a nail file to smooth any rough or sharp edges.
• .File in one direction to avoid splitting the nail.

• 5.Cuticle Care:
• .Gently push back cuticles using a cuticle pusher.
• .Do not cut the cuticles as they protect the nail bed from
• 6.Moisturizing:

• .Apply a moisturizer to the feet and nails, avoiding the area between the toes.

• .Massage the moisturizer into the nails and surrounding skin.

• 7.Inspect for Problems:

• .Check for any signs of infection, discoloration, or abnormalities.

• .If any issues are found, consider consulting a healthcare professional.

• 8. Apply Anti fungal Cream (if needed):

• .If you are prone to fungal infections, apply an anti fungal cream as a preventive measure.

• 9.Final Steps:

• .Ensure your feet are completely dry before putting on socks and shoes.

• .Choose breathable socks and well-fitting shoes to maintain toenail health.

perineal care

Perineal care refers to caring for the genital and rectal

areas of the body. Specifically, perineal care covers
the area known as the perineum. It encompasses the
area between the anus and genitals. In women, this is
the area between the anus and vulva (the exterior
genitals). In men, it is the area between the anus and
the scrotum.
• Peri-care—also known as perineal care—involves cleaning the
private areas of a patient. Because this area is prone to
infection, it must be cleaned at least daily, and more if your
loved one suffers from incontinence. Typical times to perform
peri-care include as part of daily bathing, after the use of the
bedpan, and following episodes of incontinence

• Regular peri-care can not only minimize odors, it can also can
help prevent urinary tract, bladder and kidney infections.
• To prevent or eliminate infection, odor and promote healing
• • Remove secretion, and provide comfort

• Patients who need frequent Perineal Care:

• • Who are unable to do self care
• • Patients with genito-urinarytract infections
• • With fecal and urinary contin
• Who are recovering from rectal or genital surgery or
• • Patients with excessive vaginal drainage
• • Patients with injury and ulcers
• • Uncircumcised males
• • Morbid obesity
• Performing Perineal Care

• If you are preparing to clean your loved one’s perineum, here are the
items you will need:

• • 1-2 clean washcloths (the number varies depending on need)

• • Washbasin filled with warm, not hot, water

• • A bath towel or cloth cover to protect the bed linen from getting wet

• • Skin cleanser (optional; be sure to choose one that is recommended by

medical professionals and is alcohol-free)
• • Clean gloves
• Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly and rinse them
before putting on gloves and beginning the care process.
• Tell your patient that you will be washing their private area. Be
sure that they are aware of what you will be doing in the
process, and make it as comfortable as possible for them.
• 1. Position your patient carefully so that you can clean their
private area without restriction. Place a bath towel or some
other large cloth underneath your patient so as to not wet the
linen of the bed during cleaning.
• 2. Wet the washcloth using the basin of warm water, then wring it
out, and making a mitt of it.
• 3. If you are using a cleaning product, apply it to the washcloth.
Then, start by cleaning the upper thighs first. Rinse and dry the
• 4a. For women, wash the external genitals first. Carefully wash
them, including within the skin folds of the external genitals. Wipe
from the perineum to the rectum (front to back) with short,
downward strokes. Repeat on the opposite side with another part of
the washcloth. Rinse and dry the area properly.
• 4b. Once done, carefully separate the labia (the external genitals)
and wash downward from the pubic region to the rectum in a
smooth stroke. Use a separate part of the washcloth with each
stroke. Cleanse the area thoroughly, then rinse and dry the area
from front to back.

• 5a. For men, gently hold the penis and retract the foreskin, if your
patient is uncircumcised. Carefully wash the penis from the tip
using a circular motion. Be sure to use separate sections of the
washcloth as you clean. When done, rinse and dry thoroughly, and
return the foreskin to its natural position.
• 5b. Clean the shaft of the penis and the scrotum as
well. Be sure to wash the underlying skin folds of the
scrotum. Cleanse the area thoroughly, then rinse and
dry the area from front to back.

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