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Teacher development is a never-ending cycle of learning that begins

with initial training and continues for as long as a teacher remains

in the profession. They must be guided by the type of professional
development to engage in depending on their needs and career

However, COVID19 pandemic led to a disruption and brought

change not just on the way of life, but also on their professional
development. Currently, there is an increasing demand for
competence of teachers. The results of this research may encourage
schools to develop other plans to track career development. Policies
and plans are needed in providing interventions to challenges in
CPD implementation.
Although alternative platforms to CPD are readily available and growing in
number, the researcher’s readings on the impact of unfit, unwanted, infrequent,
poorly designed or inadequately delivered approaches to teachers’ professional
development were evident
The study would attempt to determine the Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) stages, practices, reasons,
and challenges encountered by teachers in DepEd Lucena
City for the SY 2020-2021 in the context of the New
Specifically, the study sought to achieve the following
research questions.

What are the teacher-respondents’ PPST career stages of


2. What are forms of professional development practices

engaged by DepEd Lucena City teachers?
3. What are the reasons of DepEd Lucena City teachers for continuing
professional development in terms of:

4. Is there a significant relationship between teachers’ career stages of

development and their professional development practices?
The researcher engaged in a mixed
methodology of both quantitative and
qualitative approaches in the data collection
and analysis, specifically, the sequential
explanatory approach.

For the quantitative part, the respondents

were 314 teachers lifted from the total
population of 1,699 teachers from the 58
schools in DepEd Lucena City.
5. Is there a significant relationship between teachers’
career stages and reasons for engaging in continuing
professional development?

6. What are the challenges that hinder teachers’ continuing

professional development in the New Normal?

7. In terms of monitoring, evaluation, and technical

assistance, what intervention for CPD needs can be
developed considering Training Needs Analysis, CPD
preferred modality, CPD preferred scheduling, CPD
preferred pacing, and CPD monitoring and evaluation?
Cluster sampling was employed to make sure that samples
from the entire population were randomly selected. For the
qualitative part, there 10 participants who consented to be

Furthermore, ethical considerations were also

considered. Securing approval and permit to
conduct the study was done. The researcher
incorporated agreement to Data Privacy Act on the
survey-questionnaire and prepared a disclosure and
confidentiality agreement to the participants of the
Weighted Mean, chi-square and
frequency and percentage were used
in the quantitative aspects while
Braun and Clark’s thematic analysis
was employed in qualitative part.
The concept of this study is lifted from the researher's readings on Teachers
Professional Development Framework , RA10912 or AN ACT MANDATING AND
Basic Education Act of 2013
DepEd Order No 35 s. 2016 or learning action cell as a K to 12 basic education
program school-based continuing professional development strategy for the
improvement of teaching and learnin. DepEd Order No. 42 s. 2017 or National
Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers. and DepEd Order No. 12 s. 2020 or Adoption of the Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) for School Year 2020-2021 in Light of the
COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.”
Moreover, Director Gina Gonong, of Philippine National Research Center for
Teacher Quality stated World BAnk's findings that a large portion of teachers felt
they needed more opportunities in profesional trainings and learnings.
Lastly, It is also anchored on Sulong Edukalidad's KITE reform area on Upskiling
and Reskilling of Teachers.
For Question1. The graph shows the Summary of the
PPST Career Stages of Development. It is lifted from
DepEd Order No 42. S. 2017 with 7 domains and 37
The highest wam is Personal Growth and
Professional Development with 2.44 while the lowest
wam is 2.07 in terms of Diversity of Learners. It has
an average weighted mean of 2.27, falling into
Proficient Teacher. Qualitatively, we arrive at Theme
1 : Teachers Assessment of their Career Stages with
Subtheme 1: Certainty of their career stages and
subtheme 2: Uncertainty of their career stages.
For QUestion 2: The graph shows the Summary of Forms of
CPD Activities. It is lifted from RA 10912 with 6 variables and
4 indicators each.
Teachers have a moderate extent of participation on the
different forms of CPD activities. They got the lowest wam on
Formal Learning (1.99) since most of the respondents have low
extent in participating in graduate school programs (Master’s and
Doctorate), diploma programs, and short courses. On the
contrary, they have the highest wam on Online Learning Activities
(3.12) since most of the trainings and activities are done virtually
due to pandemic and existence of IATF protocols. Qualitatively, we
arrive at Theme 2: PArticipation to Online LAC sessions as CPD
activity with subtheme 3: conduct of online LAC Session and
Subtheme 4: Impact of Online Trainings to Self and Others.
For Question 3. The graph shows the Summary
of the reasons for Continuing Professional
Development. It is from CPD Law with 4
variables and 4 indicators each. The summary has
an average weighted mean of 3.5 (Strongly Agree). Teaching
and Learning has the highest wam with 3.74 (Strongly Agree)
while Promotion has the lowest wam with 3.44.
Qualitatively, we arrived at Theme 3: Inclination to learn for
self-fulfilment with 2 subthemes. Subtheme 5: Teachers
aspiration and Subtheme 6: Desire to enhance qualification.
For Question 4. Since the p-value is less than the chosen
significance level, the null hypothesis is rejected. There is
a significant relationship between career stages and
Profesional Development practices

For Question 5.Since the p-value is less

than the chosen significance level the null
hypothesis is rejected as well. There is a
significant relationship between career
stages and reasons for engaging in
Professional Development activities .
For Question 6. The graph shows the Summary of
Challenges that Hinder CPD practice in the New Normal.
The items were lifted from the readings on the study of
Gomba and Kedibone (2019) with 6 variables with 4
indicators each.
It has average weighted mean of 2.55 (Agree). Existing
Pandemic Condition has the highest wam with 3.04 (Agree)
while Employer and Family Support has the least with 2.11
wam (Agree). Qualitatively, we have Theme 4: Experiences
were challenges are met. There are three sub-themes:
Subtheme 7: Inability to focus due to Urgency of Task over
Time, Subtheme 8: Inability to Attend CPD due to poor line
of communication, Subtheme 9: Prioritization of Task as
Solutions to Challenges
For Question 7. The graph shows teachers' prefered Training
Needs. The items were lifted the readings on OECD-TALIS Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) Teaching and Learning International
Survey . The listed possible trainings have an average weighted
mean of 3.03 or Moderate Level of Need. Teaching students with
Special Needs has the highest wam with 3.11 (Moderate Level of
Need) while the lowest wam was Classroom Management with
2.87(Moderate Level of Need). Qualitatively, we have Theme 5:
PReference of Activities on Teaching and Learning. It has
Subtheme 10: Teaching and LEarning Topics suited to the New
The graph shows the Preferred Modality/
Delivery of CPD Activities . Interactive Distance
Learning and Computer-based/ Virtual Training have
the highest wam with 3.15 (Moderate Level of
Preference) while Face-to-face Instructor-Lead has
the least with 2.81. Qualitatively, we
have Subtheme 11: Resorting to Online
Activities for Safety Purposes
The graph shows the Preferred Pacing for
Professional Development
Activities. Combination of self-paced and
time/scheduled is mostly preferred with
70.20%. Qualitatively, we have
Subtheme 12: Comparing Self-paced
and timed/scheduled activities.​

The next graph shows the Preferred Monitoring and
Evaluation for TA. This reveals that teachers wanted a quarterly-
based monitoring and evaluation of their CPD activities with
43.60%. Qualitatively, we have Theme 6. Monitoring,
Evaluation and Technical Assistance from SDO
Lucena City with Subtheme 13: SDO Lucena City's
assistance through information dissemination and
Subtheme 13: Tracing the Impact of CPD to
teachers. ​
For the synthesis

The qualitative part also revealed the solutions on how teachers

continue upskilling and reskilling despite of the challenges they
Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions were drawn.
1. The respondents are in the Proficient stage in terms of their Career Stage of Development
since most of them are in the early part of their teaching career and a large percentage of
the respondents are Teacher I.
2. It can be inferred that they have the lowest extent of participation in Formal Learning or
the enrolment to Graduate Schooling (Master’s and Doctorate), Diploma Programs and Short
Courses (see appendix for more details) since these are the most expensive form of CPD
activity while Online Learning has the highest extent to the onset of pandemic.
3.There is a significant relationship between teachers’ career stages of development and
forms of continuing professional development they engage since CPD can be related to
teacher’s performance as defined on their career stages.
4.There is a significant relationship between teachers’ career stages of development and
their reasons for continuing professional development since those teachers who join CPD are
those who wanted to improve their way of teaching.
• Conclusions
5. Teachers regard teaching and learning as the foremost reason why they
engage in continuing professional development. For them to deliver quality
teaching, they must not stop learning.

6. Teachers’ greatest challenges in continuing professional development are

financial constraints (quantitative), existing condition (quantitative), time
constraints (quantitative and qualitative), and line of communication
(qualitative responses) because these are factors that are beyond the control of

7. It can also be concluded that teachers preferred CPD activities that they can
apply to the nature of their work, especially in this pandemic. They preferred
their activities to be monitored on a quarterly basis. Modality and pacing of the
activities were also suggested based on their preference.
Based on the findings and conclusions of this study, the following
recommendations were drawn.

1. In terms of the PPST career stages, teachers must engage themselves on

Quality Assured activities that could further enhance their knowledge and
skills on Domain 6: Diversity of Learners since it has the lowest wam.

2. In terms of the different forms of Continuing Professional Development,

teachers should pay attention to their least participated CPD activity, Formal
Learning, such as enrollment to graduate school, diploma courses, and/ or
short programs.

3. Since there is a significant relationship between teachers’ Career Stages

and forms of Continuing Professional Development practices, to advance to
the next career stage, teachers must increase the extent of their
participation to various CPD activities in line with their field of
4. Since there is a significant relationship between teachers’ Career Stages
and reasons for Continuing Professional Development, to advance to the
next career stage, teachers must also have career pathing on aspects that
they want to focus.

5. Based on the findings and conclusions, SDO Lucena City may also
consider the suggested training needs, CPD preferred modalities and pacing,
as well as monitoring, evaluation, and provision of technical assistance to
school in terms of Continuing Professional Development.

6. SDO Lucena City shall strengthen the assistance to schools in applying

and providing NEAP/CPD accredited professional development activities for

7. A call for the next study on the attendance to Continuing Professional

Development activities and its impact on teacher’s performance is
As one of the Education Program Specialist of the Monitoring and
Evaluation Unit of SDO Lucena City, I came up with a META PLAN on the
CPD attendance of teachers. Here are some of my realization that were
spelled out in this framework.
Teachers must asked themselves if there is really a need to attend to all
professional developemnt activities. They may use Needs Analysis first before
deciding what type of activity to engage in sicnce there are lots of CPD activities
during the Normal.
When attending to activities, teachers may quality assure trainings if
these are suited for them. They may scrutinize the Activity Design and
objectives if they can address their needs. They may also asked if those
activities such as webinars, online course and others are worth the time,
money, effort and resources of those who might attend. (For example:
They must be aware and not fall on the trap of unacredited graduate
schools, bogus online online course offerings, predatory conferences,
vanity award-giving bodies, etc.).
Attendees and faciliators may also consider the modality and pacing by
conducting survey so the problems on conflict of scheule and availability of may
be solved right away.
Teachers may also review on the status of the training,
They may asked if the training providers are accredited by
DepEd/ NEAP or other accrediting body. Consider the
guidelines on the required training hours and engagement for
CPD unit grants. If not accredited, the Division Office may
suggest or provide assistance on how training providers (such
as schools doing LAC sessions) may apply for accrediattion.

In the context of the Division, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit

can conduct virtual/ onsite monitoring for input and possible
Technical Assistance.
Using the proposed Division QATAME Form of the researcher,
there are parts or elements of the training that are checked,
problems met by facilitators and attendees, and possible
solutions to such problems.
In the provision of TA in coordination with the human resource
development of SDO Lucena City (information dissemination of available
CPD activities, scholarships, and other training programs are
communicated. For example: making sure that all schools and every teacher
will have an equal opportunity to the CPD activities offered.

META Plan also seek to follow-up on the teachers' who attended

CPD activities and see if there are significant impact or utilization
of their learning acquired from the trainings. Then they may also verify
if there are Return of Investment (example: Increase numeracy
and literacy rate of students after the teacher participated on
Numeracy and Literacy training.

If no change or improvement has been done, this may call for revisiting
of the framework on the part of the training providers. and If there is
an ROI, then strengthening of the activities may also be suggested.
The study has been subjected to reviews for refinement during the Basic Education
Research Fund and Regional Research Oclock presentation.

Currently, the META Plan and the tool (the output of the findings of this study) was
subjected for review and validation in the division level for refinement before it will
be finally released to the field throught the Monitoring and Evaluation and Unit in
coordination with the Human Resource Development Unit.

For the dissemination of the findings of the research, The full paper was also
presented in BERF Commencement Activity, division colloquiums, Regional
Research Oclock and soon on international on international platform.

Suggestions of vaidators and panelists were considered and incorporated on the final
copy of the manuscript for printed and e-journal publication.

Then by the end of September, the META Plan and the Tool will be pilot tested to
some schools and will formally used in the Division considering the suggestions of
the top management. If the META Plan and the Tool could be efective, then we come
up with a localized policy that could guide teachers on their Professional

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